CliqueClack TV

30 Rock – Liz ruins her high school reunion; Jack helps

(Season 3, Episode – “Reunion”)

Finally, it’s what we’ve been waiting for: an episode of 30 Rock with no big name, sure-to-disappoint guest stars. Boy howdy did it pay off. I was laughing through this whole installment. Before I go any farther, I have to ask the question, is this not the funniest line of the whole television season: “Still think I’m gayer than the volleyball scene in Top Gun?” Instant classic!

Did anyone else get the feeling like this episode was supposed to air earlier in the season, but they held it back in favor of some of the big guest stars? I wonder because we haven’t seen Kathy Geiss for a few episodes now and there has been no mention of Jack’s job status. All of a sudden in this episode, Don comes out of his coma and everything is wrapped up. Oh well, it’s really not important.

High School reunions are a comic go-to, and with good reason: they are inherently funny. This episode was no exception, as we watched Liz attend her 20-year reunion. Of course Liz didn’t want to go, but with a little coaxing from Jack (Alec Baldwin was even more brilliant than usual this episode) she was on her way to her hometown. This episode was worth the flashbacks alone. You have to give Tina Fey tons of credit for wearing a wig that bad. Of course, I think all the actresses who played Liz’s old schoolmates deserve some credit too; their bad ’80s fashion and hair was priceless. I love that Liz didn’t realize that she was actually a bully in high school. As someone who has accidentally made another person cry with sarcasm, I could definitely relate to this.

I thought the B plot this week was outstanding as well. Tracy and Jenna got jealous of Kenneth because he was getting lots of laughs and attention in the NBC elevator. I thought it highlighted the crazy, self-obsessed nature of both Tracy and Jenna. Between Jenna suggesting that they join forces and throw a tantrum to her breaking out in song in the elevator, I thought it was very funny.

Finally, a quick aside: wasn’t it great to see Grizz and Dot Com? I love Tracy’s posse and I hope we get to see more of them soon.

Now some quotable fun:

“I wish I had a Stanford reunion right now. I’d wipe that smug smile off Michelle Obama’s face.” – Jack

“I want to go to there.” – Liz, on a private jet with popcorn… and later on the Outback Steakhouse

“Cat anus! Cat anus!! Cat anus!!!” – Jack

“We’re actors! If we weren’t here, how would people know who to vote for?” – Jenna

“Why does anyone go to Miami? Ass… and the burgeoning art scene.” – Jack

“Lemon, would you buy my mulch?” – Jack

“Why is she so mean?” – Jack

“Lemon out!” – Liz

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “30 Rock – Liz ruins her high school reunion; Jack helps”

December 5, 2008 at 2:44 AM

Your forgot the best quote of the night, “We all have our ways of coping… I use sex and awesomeness”

December 5, 2008 at 5:13 AM

Question: does anyone remember what “TGS” means on 30 Rock? I mean watching this episode I really really tried to remember what all this was about. When did we see the guys in the writing room the last time? Has this all become the Tina Fey/Alec Baldwin show? God dammit it I want Judah Friedlander hats and I want them NOW!


’twas fun to see the former SVU ADA getting some acting gigs.

December 5, 2008 at 8:30 AM

TGS stands for “The Girly Show,” which was the original name of the sketch program before Tracy Jordan joined and it became “TGS with Tracy Jordan.”

December 5, 2008 at 6:56 AM

I miss the “behind-the-scenes” episodes :-(
The writing staff, putting the show together… Again, there was no Cerie (always a bummer for me) and now even Frank and Pete are missing. And I love both of their characters… I really wish that they stop moving “30 Rock” out of Rockefeller Plaza. But appearently that’s just me.
I guess the inside business parody what was gave “30 Rock” its weak ratings. Now they are trying to appeal to a wider audience. Same with the guest-stars (which I really don’t care for). Although I was happy to see Janel Moloney today, but she doesn’t really count as a guest star.

December 5, 2008 at 2:45 PM

The TOP GUN line would have been funnier had “American Dad” not made a similar joke last Sunday.

“I want to go to there” is as funny as Jenna’s werewolf lawyer.

January 30, 2009 at 6:53 AM

There were 2 people at the reunion that I recognized and it is driving me crazy!! The girl with the beauty mark, and the girl who said “larry this is your son”. Anyone know their names or where they are from?

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