CliqueClack TV

30 Rock – Liz runs from zombies; Jack romances Salma Hayek

30 Rock(Season 3, Episode 8 – “Flu Shot”)

I may have thought that last week’s episode was slightly disappointing, but I thought “Flu Shot” was a great return to form. The long line of guest stars took another rest; I’m not counting Salma Hayek, as she’s sticking around for a multi-episode arc. Tonight also saw an episode that stayed inside of 30 Rockefeller Plaza, dealing with the comforting confines of TGS for the most part. That was refreshing for a change.

This episode featured two main plots. The first saw Liz trying to get through the work week without catching the flu that was going around the office so that she could enjoy her vacation on St. Bartleby’s. There was some great stuff going on here, not the least of which was the return of Dr. Spaceman, played by Chris Parnell. He was just as crazy as ever, and very funny. I also loved when they went all zombie-movie, with Liz running panicked through the halls, avoiding the ashen-faced infected. It doesn’t get better than Liz bashing Pete in the head with a picture frame.

The second plot featured Jack showing his new nurse girlfriend, Elisa, how to live it up as a part of the New York City “elite.” Because she was supposed to be taking care of a vegetative old man, they brought him along with them to get around the problem. This led to a hysterical montage of the date, along with an original song by Michael Buble.

Jenna and Tracy have been spending a lot of time together this season and I think it has been working for the most part. Their different, yet equal brands of crazy only serve to amplify each other when combined. I’ve really enjoyed their antics this season. Their efforts to cheer up the sick crew “Patch Adams style” was pretty good, but nowhere near as funny as when Jenna tried to be a black man and Tracy tried to be a white woman. They may have trouble topping that one.

Other observations and quotes:

  • “It’s called a tankort, Cerie. You may have seen it in Us Weekly, being worn by Dame Judi Dench…’s mother.” – Liz, on her special vacation bathing suit.
  • There was a great running gag with Jack thinking “Puerto Rican” was not an appropriate term for him to use.
  • “Why am I telling you you look like Tootsie today?” – Tracy to Liz after he believed he was given a truth serum.
  • “It would be an honor to die at my post and be given the traditional burial of a Parcell man: wrapped in a confederate flag, fried, and fed to dogs.” – Kenneth
  • “I’m so happy the number four you.” – Cerie, speaking in text message
  • Liz interrupting the montage of Jenna and Tracy’s shopping trip
  • The great flashback of Elisa working the night shift at Dunkin’ Donuts dealing with the “sad” customers, like Liz asking when they start throwing away donuts.
  • I think every beach should have sandwich turtles.
  • “What do we elites do when we screw up? We pretend it didn’t happen and give ourselves a giant bonus” – Jack

What did you think of this week’s episode? Are you enjoying Salma Hayek… I mean besides her dresses?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “30 Rock – Liz runs from zombies; Jack romances Salma Hayek”

January 16, 2009 at 1:04 PM

’30 rock’ was good, not great. but at least jane krakowski did not sing. that was beginning to get annoying. yes! we know! you have a nice voice….

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