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Fred Dryer has a new series! Oh … wait….


I was flipping through the channels the other day when I saw what I assumed was a promo for a new show that had somehow slipped under my television radar. Right there on the big screen was TV’s Hunter himself, Mr. Fred Dryer. He was asking all kinds of questions to a cute girl. It was all very strange, but in the good way. It looked like Fred had landed himself some sort of a cable series. After all, if we’ve learned one thing from cable, characters are welcome. The web address flashed at the end of the episode and I made for the internet, only to have my hopes crushed.

Before we get too far, have a look at the commercial in question.

I’d totally watch that show! If the lure of a new Fred Dryer series hasn’t already sent you running to, I’ll go ahead and spoil the surprise. is “the world’s largest independent provider of directory assistance and enhanced information services.” In a nutshell, through the web or your mobile, you ask kgb a question, and it kicks back the answer. It’s not a bad idea necessarily, although my first thought was, “But I have the Google in my pocket.” On top of that, there’s the disappointment of it not being a new Fred Dryer series. Dammit.

We’ll have to settle for these commercials. Number two introduces the kgb team, featuring Sean Gunn, best known as Kirk from the Gilmore Girls.

They are solid ads, because the name sticks, and it did get me to go to the website and try it out. I tried to ask it when Fred Dryer left the Giants, because there is a great NFL films piece that coincides with his move to Los Angeles. Unfortunately, that query was met with some sort of Rails error. That’s ok though; Google knew. And the internet coughed up some video.

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2 Responses to “Fred Dryer has a new series! Oh … wait….”

January 15, 2009 at 4:18 PM

I loved the Hunter seasons when he wore jeans. That man had one of the best asses in form fitting jeans I have ever seen. I even liked that show he did from Cabo. Yes, he would be a welcome addition to the small screen.

January 15, 2009 at 4:24 PM

“Hunter” was one of the shows that really kicked the first privately run TV stations off here in germany. I would give my left arm to get another show with Fred Dryer to be honest and think about it every once in a while.

To be honest I never even thought about googling him and I didn’t know that he was an NFL player. Thanks for this post Brett :-)