CliqueClack TV

Private Practice – Cooper helps Charlotte, Violet has (more) sex


(Season 2, Episode 12 – “Homeward Bound” Private Practice - Private Practice, Season 2 - Homeward Bound)

This episode of Private Practice was all about the tough choices. Usually, there’s at least one funny storyline, but there wasn’t much of that in this episode. Maybe just one funny scene when Addison was examining Violet for honeymoon cystitis (too much sex), and Naomi was there, and they started talking about their relationships while Violet was still in the stirrups. But mostly, it was one heartbreaking storyline after another, which was kind of a downer.

Cooper proved he still loved Charlotte by following her to her parents’ house in the south. With her dad dying of lung cancer and her mom in her room with the “vapors” (“She’s a drug addict,” says Charlotte), she’s the only one there to make decisions. And she has to make the hard one – unplugging her dad’s life support machine.

But she doesn’t have to do it alone, and Cooper is there to actually push that button. You pretty much knew where this story was headed when she kissed her dad goodbye. Cooper said, “It’s ok to cry,” and she said, “No, it’s not.” Yes, Charlotte ended up having a complete breakdown on the plane home, and curling up in Cooper’s lap like a child as he comforted her. I’m glad these two are back together – well, sort of. We’ll see where it leads.

Another tough choice involved Addison and Pete’s patient – a young girl with a highly contagious disease. Her dad is heartbroken because he can’t be with her (or he’ll get the disease, too), but he’s a single dad with a 2-year-old son to take care of, too. I was surprised that he gave his son to Addison and went into the room to be with his daughter, thus confirming his death sentence and leaving the little boy with no parents. I know it’s a tough choice, but at least he could SEE the girl through the window. Who’s going to take care of the son now? I ask you, who?!

Violet and Sam’s story involves a 70-year-old woman with health issues whose son wants her to come live with him in Florida. Her tough decision was telling him that she’s gay and has been her whole life, even during her marriage to his dad. I like to think I’d be a little more understanding than her son, who left and almost didn’t come back. I mean, she’s still his mom, the same person she’s been along. He just never knew the real her. Ok, I guess maybe it would be a bit of a shock. Anyway, I was glad when he said, “It’s your turn to be happy.”

Violet’s hot-sex thing comes to a head (did I really just write that?) when she, Pete and Sheldon (with whom she’s now having sex) all end up in the same room and it comes out (yes, I wrote that, too) that she’s having sex with both of them. I still think she and Pete belong together. I’m just not feeling anything between her and Sheldon.

And Addison? Apparently, she and Kevin have lost any ounce of magic they ever had, and she ends up going to Wyatt’s office and kissing him. This was after he’d asked her to dinner and she turned him down. It’s like one big revolving door of sex and relationships.

Sam is getting on well with Sonya, and Maya likes her and tells Naomi that she’d like her too, if she got to know her. “You need to get a life,” says Maya. So true. But Naomi and Sonya end up talking and being grown up about it, and they seem like they could actually be friends.

Anything in particular grab you about this episode? Based on the previews, next week looks like a good one.

Photo Credit: ABC

4 Responses to “Private Practice – Cooper helps Charlotte, Violet has (more) sex”

January 16, 2009 at 9:07 PM

Hated hated hated hated hated hated that father and children storyline. Yes, the decision is difficult, but one child will, unfortunately, die. The other has an entire lifetime ahead. I hated it. It was almost unbearable.

January 18, 2009 at 4:58 PM

I like Sheldon, but then I like Brian Benben. I’d prefer the doctors at Oceanside to NOT be involved with each other — workplace romances help explain why certain actors leave because it’s horribly impossible to be professional with a co-worker once you’ve crossed the line, become intimate, and then break off the intimate aspect of the relationship. Look at Sam and Naomi, and that seems to have been a fairly benign divorce.

January 18, 2009 at 7:53 PM

Charlotte and Cooper are about the only thing I still love about this show. There still some decent stuff, but that’s the only overreaching arc that I tune in for.

January 22, 2009 at 7:46 PM

The kids have CF (so does the dad). As someone who has CF in their family its a horrible disease. Do any of you have kids ? COuld you watch them die painfully and not go to them? As much as they would want to be there for the other child you could watch one die through a glass window? Also life exp. is 38 yrs old so at some point the little buy WOULD be on his own. I honestly dont know what I would do and hope I never have to make such a decision.

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