CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Moonlight virgin: OK, I might be cheating just a little

Mick St. John(Season One, Episodes 1 & 2)

So compared to the grand scheme of our Virgin Diaries series, I feel I should be completely honest. I actually started watching Moonlight when it premiered. I was intrigued by the comparisons to one of my favorite shows, Angel, and, well, it looked pretty cool. However, as I watched, I don’t think I was able to stop comparing it (Noir-ish L.A. based vampire private detective. Nope, no similarities whatsoever). So I gave it up, even when I heard the show got a lot better as it went along. Well, I gave it up until now.

Truthfully, it was tough not to watch at first. Not because of any loyalty to Jason Dohring (As I’m a fan from the Veronica Mars days), but because I had a little bird in my ear telling me what I was missing. And by telling me what I was missing, I mean bugging me at every turn. I had always suspected her appreciation and dedication had a lot more to do with Alex O’Loughlin than the actual quality of the show. I hope to be proven wrong as I go through these sixteen episodes that constitute the first and only season. (And no, I’m not talking about my mother. I promise.)

“No Such Thing as a Vampire”

As we enter a new fantasy world with vampires, we have to be taught all of the rules. Vampires can be in sunlight, it just makes them sick (more so the longer they are exposed). Super-speed, check. Super-strength, check. Fire and beheadings are bad, but the standard tropes of crucifixes and garlic are laughable annoyances (and sources of bad breath, says our hero Mick).  Our hero is a private eye by trade, and has been one for a while.  We’re also introduced to Beth, an investigative reporter for a internet-based news program. Obviously, they’ll have tons of time to meet over cases, and, you know, compare “notes.”

The case of the week involves a string of vampire-like murders, and a rather creepy college professor. The case is secondary, though, to the introduction of the characters and the world, and is rather straightforward (though it tried to be a little twisty at the end, but not so much). More important was the glimpse we got of Beth’s back story — kidnapped as a child by a vampire (our hero’s Ex, apparently), and saved by Mick. So, if he saved her as a child, and is being setup as a possible love interest. I have to be honest and say that it feels kind of creepy. Oh, and Josef is totally Logan Echolls as a vampire, which isn’t a bad thing.

“Out of the Past”

This episode’s plot was a bit more interesting, and to me marks where this is will be a different kind of show. Not every story has to be based in the world of vampires (though, this one still kind of is, but kind of isn’t). Mick is involved in a case where a convicted murderer is being released after spending years in prison. The catch is that Mick tried to kill him before he was caught (for murdering his client), and the convict, Lee Jay, has pretty much sussed out what Mick really is.

I liked this storyline because, while it was about Mick being a vampire, it was the second time the show was about a human crime and a human murderer. It feels, weirdly, more real than immediately drilling into the vampire subculture in a major way this early on. What I don’t like is Beth’s boyfriend. First off, the character is vanilla, and we’re talking fat-free, completely boring vanilla. It seems he’s just there to be another barrier to the Mick/Beth relationship. As if the whole creepiness factor wasn’t enough. I hope they get rid of him soon. As much as I don’t like Mick and Beth as a couple (at least yet), the boyfriend needs to go regardless.

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11 Responses to “Diary of a Moonlight virgin: OK, I might be cheating just a little”

June 1, 2009 at 3:12 PM

When it was actually airing, I didn’t watch Moonlight for the first five episodes. Then my sister DEMANDED that I hold a Moonlightathon and watch then all to catch up. It gets quite good.

The boyfriend has a relatively steady, if limited, presence in the series. That’s all I’ll say about that to keep from spoiling you.

By the last third of the series, it really hits it stride, and the last episode was a fabulous setup for the next year. Much like Terminator, in my opinion (no, the shows were not equal caliber, but both have very good SEASON finales, and not series).

Look forward to seeing more about your viewing experience!

June 1, 2009 at 7:41 PM

That’s how we caught up too, and it really does get hugely good in the middle. I’ll elaborate a little more on the boyfriend, and say that his storyline ends up pretty cool and pretty significant.

June 1, 2009 at 4:24 PM

I promise you if you keep watching Moonlight, you will understand why we are all so crazy about this show and these characters, and why we are mostly still devastated it was taken from us. We know it wasn’t perfect–you’ve never seen a nit-pickier bunch of fans–but overall, it was just the best show around. I, for one, was never into vampire shows, but this one turned me around (no pun intended). I will enjoy seeing what you think of each episode. I belong to a group who have been watching the reruns on SCIFI (even though we all have the DVD!) and chatting online, and we can quote dialog by heart and comment just like we’re watching again for the first time, and for many of us, it’s probably more like the 50th time. Sit back and enjoy the magic of MickBeth — you won’t be disappointed!

June 1, 2009 at 9:05 PM

I hope so. I mean, Moonlight fans are a bit, to use your word, crazy for their show (Again, I’m related to one, so I know the deal). That being said, I truly hope to see the lightening in the bottle! Stick around for the journey though… I might need more help ;)

June 1, 2009 at 5:05 PM

Please keep on watching the next episodes. I promise you will love this wonderful show. I miss Moonlight too much…

June 1, 2009 at 6:43 PM

This is an awesome show! I was not totally in love with the show at the beginning, but it happened soon enough. I think that you will understand soon what so many of us are talking about. The show is very special and so is its main star Alex O’Loughlin. Additionally, Jason Dohring makes the coolest 400 year old vampire ever. The interaction between Jason and Alex is unique and refreshing. Their frienship and admiration for each other is evident. Some of the best lines involve conversations between these too and one laugh and cry in their interactions.

June 1, 2009 at 10:35 PM

Better late than never! You will truly enjoy Moonlight, I promise! Agreed, the first couple of eppys were not so good, but a good looking man like Alex O’Loughlin kept me coming around and liking vamps helped too. The storyline was fantastic, the characters & their relationships were wonderful, the humor was great & unexpected….and the romance of MickBeth is what we all dream of. Alex and Jason had as great a chemistry as Alex and Sophia. It still hurts my heart to think of what we lost when Moonlight was not renewed. But, it did introduce me to Alex O’Loughlin……and THAT is a wonderful thing!

June 2, 2009 at 12:02 AM

I have been a fan of vampire stories in books and on film all of my life – and NOTHING compares to Moonlight. I remember the first time I saw Alex O’Loughlin’s picture in the full page ad for ML in the TV Guide before it premiered – I still have it, and I still watch Moonlight on the DVD that I feel very lucky to have, and on Sci-Fi. It was a crime that this marvelous show was not renewed. Of course Alex is my favorite part of the show – he was Mick, and the story revolved around Mick; but in those 16 episodes I also fell in love with all of the other marvelous and quirky characters, especially Jason Dohring as Josef. Every time I watch now, I feel SO sad that we won’t see these characters brought to life again. Moonlight actually spoiled me for any other vampire stories on film – I still read the books, as I can imagine Alex and Jason as the lead vamps. I have also collected all of Alex’s work on DVD – TV and movies – and it is all outstanding. I fall in love with each one of Alex’s characters. I look forward to Three Rivers this fall and to his upcoming movies, WhiteOut and The Back-Up Plan. If you watch all 16 episodes of Moonlight, I guarantee you will be wishing that there was another season coming up. If CBS had made the right choice, we would just now be finishing up season 2 – sigh…

June 2, 2009 at 11:29 AM

Enjoyed reading your take on the episodes.. keep watching, but keep in the back of your mind that its only one season short.. so there is a let down.. if only there was a second season!!!

June 2, 2009 at 10:49 PM

I love Alex O’Loughlin. He’s smart, he’s funny. I love his deep, sexy American accent as well has his Australian accent. He is absolutely brilliant as an actor and a beautiful person. You can catch up with Alex on his MySpace AlexOloughlin blog.

June 3, 2009 at 9:30 PM

Thanks a lot for sharing this! I got into the show straight away, and loved it from the start, but I had never watched Angel no any other vampire show. I’m sure if I had to watch another now, I would be unable to stop comparing, so, I see what you mean. I find what you say about creepiness particularly interesting because, well, Mick feels the same way, so… At the same time their really unusual past, once one gets past the creepy factor, is what makes their relationship so special, gives it depth and even a form of purity, because he’s loved her in a non-romantic and totally selfless way for so long before he finds himself falling in for her despite himself; and from her standpoint he has been such an important, almost mystical figure in her life. But, I don’t want to give spoilers so… I’ll stop there.
Again, thank you so much for sharing. It is always such a treat to watch others discover this beloved show.

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