CliqueClack TV

Whoopi diagnosed by Romo Lampkin: serial contrarian

Romo Lampkin
Long-time commenter bsgfan2003 (or Rosie, if you prefer) is back guest clacking for us today….

Much of my spare time is spent in mystic contemplation in the bathtub, very similar to a Battlestar Galactica hybrid in a goo tank. I ponder many mysteries like: Why do men shave their legs? (No good epiphanies yet), what is better than a young Clint Eastwood? (That’s easy, an older Clint Eastwood.) Tonight, I was thinking about Romo Lamkin’s (BSG) assertion that Apollo is a serial contrarian because he always takes up for the other side, much to the aggravation of everyone else.

I, myself, suffer the agonies of a serial contrarian. For example, I used to visit Perez Hilton’s site until he wore a Halloween costume mocking Jesus. After I saw that, I never went back to his site. Then, when he was recently punched in the face, and it became cool to hate him, and enjoy his misery, I felt really sorry for him. I found myself hoping that Carrie Prejean would reach out to him, to show him that it is biblically correct to show love, mercy and compassion.

Then, there was David Letterman, and his offensive remark about one of Sarah Palin’s children. I took Sarah Palin’s side. I’m a mother, too, and if someone attempted to wrong one of my children, I would be offended as well. (Just ask the woman who raised her fist to my son at a football game.) I resolved never to watch David Letterman’s show again. When the mob came calling for his job, the serial contrarian bloomed in me again. It did not seem just that the mob wanted to see his ear nailed to the public pillory, so everyone could spit on him.

Now, we have Whoopi, who is taking some heat for indulging the hoax conspiracy about the moon landing. I totally disagree with her, but I don’t think she’s nuts either. Whoopi is a serial contrarian too. I recall Whoopi taking up for Sean Hannity when she did not have to. She related a story about her infamous “Bush” joke. She said when all the Democrats deserted her, Sean Hannity stood up for her free speech. Whoopi always seems to be viewing things differently. Turning things over, looking at the other side.

Sine Qua Non (Without Which Not), is another fine quote from Battlestar Galactica. Perhaps it is a conceit of mine, but I believe we can’t live without the serial contrarians, those willing to look at the other side. So can we give Whoopi a pass? Please. Besides, her smile makes me happy.

Photo Credit: Syfy

10 Responses to “Whoopi diagnosed by Romo Lampkin: serial contrarian”

July 26, 2009 at 12:32 AM

Your idea of a serial contrarian is to shun people who make fun of your imaginary god, takes the side of sarah palin and respects sean hannity?

That’s not a serial contrarian… that’s called being a bible thumper. Sympathizing with the ridiculous notion that the moon landing was a hoax doesn’t mean you’re a contrarian either, it’s just continuing the line of poor judgment you already established.

July 27, 2009 at 7:05 PM

“if it weren’t for God there would be no Atheists”

July 26, 2009 at 7:34 AM

Dude, a little more reading comprehension, please.

You’re describing bsgfan2003’s initial reaction and ignoring the part where she goes on to describe how her sympathy shifts back and forth with the underdog of the moment.

And you can no more prove God imaginary than she can prove it real, so why bring it up at all?

July 26, 2009 at 12:14 PM

Thanks “Capital” Ryan.

Obviously individual interpretations of a serial contrarian may vary ;)

July 27, 2009 at 8:39 AM

I liked my Clicque Clack before when it didn’t have crazy right-wing neo-con ideals posted on a daily basis. What’s next, an article with the pretense of Big Bang Theory where we talk about how Newt Gingrich should run for president?

July 27, 2009 at 9:24 AM

Apparently the author’s four posts in two months constitute a “daily basis.”

And as the site runner has stated repeatedly, there is no defined editorial position. The Clackers write their own views–left, right or center. If you dislike this one author, don’t give her pageviews by clicking on her posts. If you are sick of the Right, there are posts here whenever President Obama makes television news for your enjoyment.

I am impressed by your spoon-fed buzzwords, though you omitted “Dubya-supporting.” I am less impressed by your command of language, as I’m unsure whether you intended to type “ideals” or “ideas” and haven’t the foggiest notion what you meant by “pretense.”

But at least learn the name of the frickin’ site. CliqueClack.

July 27, 2009 at 1:05 PM

Yeah… all that, but with a few winky faces! ;-)

Don’t forget, Rosie’s a Guest-clacker, and if you’ve got something to say, Right, Left, Up, Down, inside-out — whatever! — you are more than welcome to submit a guest-clack as well.

July 27, 2009 at 2:15 PM

I don’t think political opinion (or moral opinion as in this case) belongs on a blog about TV.

July 28, 2009 at 2:26 AM

We all make judgements about the television we view based on personal morality or social mores, so I believe I’m on solid ground here.

I believe ricky, we might have had common ground in the past on certain things and I hope we have it again.

And since you made light of what my next possible post might be, I’ll make this suggestion to cheer you…… “Flash Forward and V: ricky and bsgfan go to Perpetual Adoration together.” :)

July 28, 2009 at 4:35 PM

Gosh, and to think I used to play this game. I’m ashamed of myself.

I think I should add that I haven’t seen this kind of inflammatory reaction to the posts by Julia in which she proclaims her political opinion, though they have been infrequent. She and I may not sit on the same side of the aisle politically, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to start a flame war here. That, as it took me waaaaay too long to fathom, is useless and counterproductive to the building of a sense of community.

I’ve said many times before that I would prefer to come to a site about TV and not have to read someone’s opinion about politics or religion. I’ve said I’d rather this place not become TVSquad 2.0, but a couple of the commenters are taking it there at this moment. Please, some civility here. I left that other site and changed my nick because I was just tired of all that. This is a friendly place, let’s keep it that way. Okay?

And to the credit of the McDuffees they are holding to their word of welcoming all Clackers, no matter where they’re coming from!

P.S. – I, personally, think that both Julia and Rosie, while perhaps having opposing opinions about a number of subjects, are open-minded enough to at least listen to what the other has to say without resorting to name-calling. Two thumbs up to both ladies and both McDuffees from this former mudslinger!

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