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30 Rock – Jack Donaghy marries your mom

- Season 4, Episode 2

30 Rock

The second episode of this season of 30 Rock belonged to one man, and one man alone: Jack Donaghy. Sure, the rest of the cast was featured and were up to their normal level of quality, but this installment was really all about Jack. It helped that his arch nemesis Devon Banks returned to the show, always awesomely played by Will Arnett. I only wish the show had used him more. It felt a little bit like his appearance was wasted. Don’t get me wrong, he was great; I just wanted more.

I’ve known for quite some time that Jack was a rock star, but this episode cemented it for me, as he worked his magic as only he could do, in an attempt to avoid taking federal bailout money for GE. I loved that he slaved over a redesign of the microwave oven only to accidently reinvent the Pontiac Aztec, slowly but surely. First the one door was replaced by four small ones, wheel were added, and then the oven itself was replaced with an AM/FM radio. There just aren’t cleverer writers working on TV today.

Jack was even more killer than usual tonight, as he was able to save the company while dealing with the crazy problems around the set of TGS. Heck, the man even found Liz’s retainer in Washington, DC. What can’t he do?

Hopefully we will get to see more of Jack and Devon as the issue surrounding the bailout money for GE moves ahead. There is so much more to look forward to as well. I’m curious to find out if we’re going to see more of Jenna’s werewolf movie (ill-fatedly being shot in night-less Iceland), Liz’s book of deal breakers, or any more of Tracy’s porno based on Liz’s life (and written by Liz herself).

Here are some of my favorite quotes of the night:

“Lemon numbers among my employees.” – Jack’s blurb on Liz’s book

“A book hasn’t caused me this much trouble since “Where’s Waldo” went to that barber pole factory!” – Tracy

“I’ll make this company profitable so fast, the only headline will be ‘Donaghy saves GE comma marries your mom.'” – Jack to Devin

“This isn’t the auto industry, Pete. The auto industry was run by a bunch of out-of-touch white guys selling consumers a product they didn’t want. We’re GE damn it, and we’re going to make a giant, flimsy microwave!” – Jack

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

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