CliqueClack TV

White Collar – Peter and Elizabeth have a great relationship

- Season 1, Episode 10 - "Vital Signs"

If you’d have told me beforehand that it was going to happen, I never would have believed you. And yet here I am, having come (almost) full-circle on White Collar’s Elizabeth. Last week it was her and Mozzie, and this week she and Peter actually gave me something to smile about.

I was still creeped out by their romantic moment at the end of the episode, but up until then they were really showing me something impressive. It was sweet how Elizabeth laughed at the notion of Peter flirting, or even helped him along on the phone when he tried to swing a tour of the clinic. It sounds counterintuitive, but it’s a genuine place to be for two people so secure in their relationship that a wife can hear about how her husband had to flirt with another woman for work and only say, “And that line worked?” And I loved Peter asking Elizabeth “This is a test, isn’t it?” Because you never know.

I was pleased to see June back last night. I would honestly like to delve further into her past, but for now just an appearance by Diahann Carroll was enough. Although in light of last week, it’s interesting that she was the source for last night’s case. I would imagine that the FBI’s white collar division, particularly its New York office, would be plenty busy, without having to resort to walk-ins. But it is what it is.

And what it also was was another great showcase for Mozzie. He was funny sitting in for Neal as June’s financial advisor — he really isn’t a people person — practically shouting at Melissa as they conducted their business. And that the scene was juxtaposed with Neal working the cops, as seen via surveillance camera, was fantastic. That is exactly why Caffrey was successful as a conman — he knows just which angle to play every time.

But Mozzie didn’t stop there. He also injected the dye into Dr. Powell’s cranberry juice (“I’m looking for The Central Park”), and played Bruce Willis at the clinic’s intake desk. Not well, mind you, but that’s part of what was funny about it. I love expanded-role Mozzie.

I wasn’t quite as crazy about the plan to get Powell to incriminate himself by using his medical condition as a pressure point. He’s not a good guy, and he doesn’t deserve better, but it’s a horrible thing to make someone believe that they’re about to die. I’m surprised Neal was able to do it without blinking.

The week off from the Kate mystery definitely served the show well. Not that it wouldn’t have been a good episode with Kate, but the episode did not suffer for focusing on the one-and-done. There was all the fun I mentioned above, the quotes I’m going to mention below, and this: Neal’s cereal box sheriff badge. How I wish we see him flashing it every week.

“A New Yorker who does not take the subway is not a New Yorker you can trust.” – Mozzie to Neal (he speaks the truth, friends)

“It’s like talking to a wall.” – Peter, upset that Neal had ignored his advice
“I hadn’t heard your story yet.” – Neal, in his own defense

“Poor posture doesn’t discriminate.” – Neal, explaining why an urgent care medical organization would employ a chiropractor

Photo Credit: USA Network

2 Responses to “White Collar – Peter and Elizabeth have a great relationship”

February 4, 2010 at 1:41 PM

I actually thought it was one of the funniest episodes ever. Loved Elizabeth’s lack of freakout at Peter flirting, loved a stoned Neal, loved how they could fake a guy’s medical condition (even if it was kinda skeezy).

February 4, 2010 at 4:26 PM

Peter and Elizabeth are SO adorable together.. Their scenes this past episode were hilarious (“magic hands” haha).She doesn’t get enough credit for being an amazing character IMO, she and neal have great chemistry too and i especially love the scenes with Elizabeth, Neal and Peter.. So glad Tiffani Thiessen is back!

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