CliqueClack TV

American Idol – Like watching paint dry

There’s no doubt that American Idol has been a bit of a chore this season. Even I am having difficulty keeping a cheery attitude. Snort.

But, because I’m all about being helpful, I hereby present the following for your dining and dancing pleasure. You can thank me later.

25 Things You Can Do That Will Help You Get Through The Idol Auditions:

* Wait patiently for your chance to comment on How Reaper Would Have Ended, Straight Form The Creators on CliqueClack.

* Head to the Home Depot website and determine which grit sandpaper Kara DioGuardi’s voice is comparable to.

* Go for that third bowl of Rocky Road ice cream. What the hell. You deserve it.

* Pull out your ancient “Winky Dink” screen, attach it on your television and draw humorous images on Randy and Simon’s shirts.

* Download an emotionless image of yourself. Photoshop severe looking hairdos on the image based on Posh Spice’s designs.

* Do a shot of your favorite adult beverage each time Randy Jackson spews: “What is up, man?”

* Take stock in the fact you will never get those 60 minutes back you wasted on that last episode of American Idol.

* Make a list of Simon Cowell replacements for next year, prepare explanations for your choices, mail them to FOX, wait patiently.

* With your television on mute, mimic the best sound effects and theme music you can muster each and every time the American Idol logo appears after a commercial break.

* Dream of Paula’s sudden return, clap like a seal spontaneously.

* Toss pillows, rubber bricks or your daughter’s Barbie collection at the screen each time Kara DioGuardi makes a stupid comment. (Have a large supply of things to toss if you plan on doing this.)

* With your television on mute, pretend you are the voice of Simon, critiquing a contestant.

* As quickly as you can, count the people in the stands waiting to audition for Idol.

* Open all your doors and windows and yell as loudly as you can, “I could do better than that!” after each audition. Your neighbors will adore you.

* Call 911. Tell them a crime is being committed on American Idol right this very moment and someone better get over there post haste.

* Picture yourself in that outfit … yes, that one … the one that contestant is wearing, the one with the stripes.

* Determine whether or not Sanjaya Malakar could’ve sung that last song better.

* Tune in to Idol all giddy and stuff realizing Ellen DeGeneres is finally going to appear … kick yourself when you realize that won’t happen ’til next week.

* Call into Idol and vote after each audition. Just to practice.

* Imagine how much better the audition rounds would go if the Lost smoke monster was on the judge’s panel.

* See how many Cheez Doodles you can stuff in your pie hole before the next commercial break.

* Watch Idol while standing on your head.

* Pretend you are the contestant … ape their moves while they are singing.

* Turn the television off … go read Entertainment Weekly.

* DVR Oprah in the afternoon … switch to her program when you are bored with American Idol … realize the worst episode of Idol is better than anything Oprah dishes out on a daily basis.

Waitaminnit. The auditions are over? The auditions are over … !!!

Hollywood Week next week!

Woo-Hoo … !!!

Photo Credit: Unknown

Categories: | American Idol | Clack | General | TV Shows |

8 Responses to “American Idol – Like watching paint dry”

February 4, 2010 at 7:31 PM

How about–
Individually plucking your leg hairs. (girls only)
Try to teach your baby to say “Kara can suk it.”
Take everything Randy says, and sing it out loud, Dean Martin style.
Think on the fact that compared to some of these people…Syesha wa’nt that bad.
And that last one is SAYIN something!
Onward to Ellen!

February 4, 2010 at 8:24 PM

Or read my blog! My random, meandering thoughts are way better than IDOL auditions. *pimp pimp*

But seriously, folks … this year is just plain dreadful.

February 4, 2010 at 8:46 PM

Don’t watch it? lol

February 4, 2010 at 10:01 PM

I’m completely up for the Randy adult beverage one!! I’ll be drunk in no time so I won’t even care about watching the paint dry!! Actually, I’m finding the latest edition of Rolling Stone Mags article about “Osama’s Prodigal Son” is becoming more and more interesting!!

February 5, 2010 at 9:06 AM

Thank GOD. Hollywood week finally!

February 5, 2010 at 2:26 PM

Fill out paperwork to get on the organ transplant waiting list to replace the liver you’ll ruin playing the Randy Jackson drinking game.

February 5, 2010 at 4:21 PM

What if we drank every time Kara said something stupid. After ten minutes of Idol, we’ll pass out and miss the rest!


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