CliqueClack TV

American Idol – The soft core porn episode

'American Idol' guy's night turns into an embarrassment for Casey James, Kara DioGuardi ... hell, it was an embarrassing night for everyone.

- Season 9, Episode 14 - "Top 12 Male Semifinalists Perform"


There’s just so much (not) to talk about in these first two opening editions of American Idol ….. that I just won’t.

I know you know I like the word “lackluster” … and that’s just what we witnessed Tuesday and Wednesday. Two gunmetal gray nights of it. In abundance. Ad nauseum. But ….. there were a few instances of drama. And I’m going to focus on one of them for a minute.

Casey James and Kara DioGuardi.

I don’t believe I’ve ever seen soft core porn the way it was displayed on guy’s night Wednesday on Idol (see video below). Not only from Casey (unintentionally, by the way) but from Kara, as translated in her looks and her actions and her thoughts and her body language regarding his performance.

Hey, Idol Powers That Be: Kara should not be allowed to comment when this dude comes on. At all.

Kara took a straightforward performance from Casey (“Heaven”) and replaced it with “bow-chicka-wow-wow” music. Thing is, she tried to cover it up every step of the way … and failed most miserably. Case in point:

“Can I say something seriously now? Can I say one thing seriously? Seriously, now … jokes aside: You are eye candy but you are ear candy ….”

Kara: If you have to go overboard to try and convince yourself — three times, no less — and you still can’t do it (“seriously”), shut the hell up.

Just. Shut. It.

That was embarrassing. It was embarrassing for Casey from the get go … it was embarrassing for the judges … it was even embarrassing for Casey’s family in the audience. You could see it in their eyes, especially in Casey’s father’s demeanor.


Ryan Seacrest — you just have to love the guy in this instance — was the only one who kept his head about him. He summed it up best when he came on stage after the judges had their say:

“Just looking ahead at the schedule: As you know … tomorrow results … and then Friday Kara’s HR (human resources) meeting …..”


Photo Credit: FOX

11 Responses to “American Idol – The soft core porn episode”

February 25, 2010 at 3:18 PM

Why is Kara even still on the show? No one liked her last season so they keep her around? Doesn’t make sense. When Simon leaves next year they should cancel the show (if these are the best singers they can find) or fire everyone and reboot it, reboots are in. Seriously none of these judges know anything about anything.

February 25, 2010 at 4:23 PM

Woah Nellie! (And Kara is Nellie, and she SHOULD woah!)

February 25, 2010 at 4:32 PM

What if it was Simon or Randy behaving that way toward a female contestant? You can be doggone sure that they would have ripped them from their judging seats asap. Kara offers NOTHING. She tears into attractive, relatively talented female singers for simply having stage presence. Ack! I loathe her even more now than I did on Tuesday.

February 25, 2010 at 4:49 PM

I wonder if Kara has fulfilled her Megan’s Law obligation and registered yet or if she’s still in the grace period?How do you think it will impact her bid to produce the soundtrack for the upcoming Mary Kay Letourneau biopic?

February 25, 2010 at 5:13 PM

I agree with MissRiss…if the tables were turned they would have ripped them up immediately….remember bikini girl…what if the guys fell into that with her???
Just shows how much class is really lacked on Kara’s part!
Although, he IS good looking ;~)

February 25, 2010 at 5:24 PM

Did you notice right after Ryan made the comment about HR on Friday she was “all too quick” to mention…her lawyer.

February 25, 2010 at 9:31 PM


Every single judge played off of Kara. Randy Jackson started the whole thing grabbing Kara’s arms and waving them to the music. The others contributed with their comments and snippery.

Kara was just “wrapping” up the whole process in response to Seacrust’s aside.

It was a vicious circle, it was …..

February 25, 2010 at 10:05 PM

From the first moment she had him take down his hair and unbutton his shirt I thought I’d puke. If he was a few years younger they could skip over PR, not stop at GO and go directly to jail.

February 26, 2010 at 2:17 PM

Idol? Soft porn? I believe you know my criteria on this matter..ya did she carry an Uzi, an M-60, an anti-aircraft gun? In all seriousness, I’m guessing y’all don’t know my true feelings on American Idol. Well, allow me to retort. It sucks. I hate it. I flip the station every time I see it on; except when we have CCD night (yeah, go figure) cuz our girls at our restaurant love it. But to me it represents everything (barring politics) that is wrong, perverse, heinous and morally bankrupt in American society.

However..yup..i have a caveat….

I would watch the shit out of it if they selected Ozzy Osbourne to replace Simon….Nuff said

February 26, 2010 at 7:58 PM

I was actually embarrassed by Kara. First I wondered what the heck she was wearing (fugly!) and then her behavior (egads!). Maybe I won’t be missing Paula so much after all.

February 26, 2010 at 9:22 PM

HA….soft core porn is right!! I was wondering how long it was goning to take her to mention she was married, but at that very moment she slipped it in between ahhhhh, yes, ohhhhh, oh I’m married by the way….Ooooooo, ahhhhhhh, *giggle*, YUM!!

I seriously was about to grab the trash can!!

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