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30 Rock – Donkey spells, EGOT, and Liz’s future husband

'30 Rock' returned from its Olympic break, picking up where it left off. In this episode, Liz started another relationship, Tracy put on a one man show, NBC's sale was addressed, and Kenneth was missing his pills.

- Season 4, Episode 14 - "Future Husband"

Have you missed 3o Rock as much as I have? It wasn’t on the long of a break, just a few weeks for the Olympics and that crappy baby episode of The Office. It may not have been very long, but it seemed like an eternity. Luckily, 30 Rock picked up right where it left off, with Jack exploring a new relationship with Avery Jessup, played by the awesome Elizabeth Banks, and Liz recovering from oral surgery. Frankly, this episode followed so many plots from the previous episode, that I think the break really hurt it. With that being said, I still thought it was a great installment.

It was a little sad that Don Geiss had to meet his end in such a non-relevant, off screen manner because of Rip Torn’s legal issues. The show didn’t even leave the door open for a return of Torn if he gets himself some help. It’s a shame, because Geiss was a great character. It did give the show an opportunity to have a completely bizarre cameo from Jack Welch. It was also a nice way for the show to work in NBC’s sale to “Kabletown.” 30 Rock has always been great at “winking” at the audience in these situations.

Meanwhile, Liz was still recovering from her root canal, meeting up with a fellow patient that she met, but didn’t remember, in recovery. Liz’s completely awkward first date with her “future husband” (as he was labelled in her cell phone) was pitch perfect. I love that it was equally horrible for the both of them. I’ve become so used to watching Liz be the complete disaster when it comes to relationships, it was refreshing to see Wesley act like just as big of a fool.

Meanwhile, the show returned to Tracy’s quest for an EGOT (that’s winning an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony). He managed to star in an inexplicably critically acclaimed one man show, that as near as I can tell, consisted of him reading the phone book on stage for five hours. Luckily he had Jenna there as an acting coach.

The final highlight was definitely Kenneth’s missing prescription for his anti-donkey spell pills. Sad for Kenneth, dangerous for his wallet, hilarious for us.

There is one negative thing I can say about this episode. I found it to be a little short on quotes, but this was my favorite:

“It was a disaster. We were so awkward that the waitress gave us separate checks without asking and a priest came over and asked us who we lost” – Liz, on her first date with Wesley

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “30 Rock – Donkey spells, EGOT, and Liz’s future husband”

March 12, 2010 at 2:51 PM

Cool Runnings Mon! Bobsled!

March 12, 2010 at 7:30 PM

Loved the episode. My favorites were Liz on the phone tricking Wesley into visiting the dentist and Kenneth’s donkey spells. I felt Kenneth calling England the dried husk that America came from a very quotable and hilarious line.

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