CliqueClack TV

30 Rock – Jack faces a difficult decision

Oh that Jack Donaghy, he's always got the ladies chasing him, and now he's got to choose between two.

- Season 4, Episode 17 - "Lee Marvin vs. Derek Jeter"

I was a little surprised (OK, I was shocked) that NBC pulled 30 Rock off the air for three weeks, not to mention disappointed. No other show on TV puts the same kind of smile on my face. Luckily, NBC graced us with two episodes this evening. Although, I can’t pass up a chance to gripe. Did they really have to throw one of the episodes on at 8:30? How many fans missed the episode? How many other bloggers had a huge conundrum because they had to cover both 30 Rock and FlashForward tonight? Alright, so there probably weren’t so many people in that second category, but I was still annoyed.

I may have had a little conflict this evening, but it was nothing compared with the problem Jack had on his hands. Always the lady’s man, Jack suddenly found himself with two lovely ladies after him: his current girlfriend, Avery (Elizabeth Banks) and his unrequited high school love coming off a divorce, Nancy (Julianne Moore). In typical Jack fashion, he deftly juggled the two ladies, but in the end was unable to choose between the two ladies. I suppose he has a little time to make his decision, but he better be quick or trouble is in store for him.

The other big plot of the episode followed Liz, the great contrast to Jack as a complete loser in love. Her adventures through the singles events at her gym provided many laughs. The biggest laugh of the night for me, though, came from the brief flashback to Liz’s competitive jazz dancing that funded her college career. Actually, I take that back. I think the biggest laugh was the great cameo by Will Ferrell as the star of NBC’s Bitch Hunter. No wonder they felt obligated to green light The Girly Show.

I will leave you with some of the choicest quotes of the night:

“Think slutty Grace Kelly.” – Avery, on her outfit

“Tomorrow is the wine and cheese tasting, or as I like to call it: singles fart suppression.” – Liz, on her singles events

“You provide a point of view that is essential in keeping the diversity … guy from bothering us.” – Liz, to Toofer

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “30 Rock – Jack faces a difficult decision”

April 23, 2010 at 8:35 AM

“Dieses Fest muss klappen, sie werden bereuen mich nicht zu mögen”

Typical weird/bad translation but nicely done by Tina Fey :-)

I’m sorry but the most hilarious thing to me was how my mind made a “Chapelle’s Show” connection when Tracy said he couldn’t understand what was said during his wedding.

Rick James, bitch!


April 23, 2010 at 10:13 AM

I loved the first episode; only the “11:30 Janitor’s slot” storyline felt lazy and unimaginative. In contrast, I hated everything about the second episode, and I watched them back-to-back. Strange.

I’ll be interested in seeing how the 8:30 showing compares to Parks & Recreation‘s usual numbers.

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