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The Middle – If Brick only cut out Frankie’s head, whose body was that?

Frankie's Mother's Day turns into a disaster when everything that can go wrong does. With thoughts of the Father's Day she gives Mike dancing in her head, Frankie seeks out the day she deserves.

- Season 1, Episode 22 - "Mother's Day"

Oh, Mother’s Day … the source of so many tales of woe. Sure it can be magical for some, but too often it leaves a legacy of resentment, hurt feelings, and wishes for a better family. And in some cases, a really poor episode of TV.

I think we can safely say that last night’s episode of The Middle hit on all four of those fronts. I’m glad this is a show that can be counted on not to ignore the day, but I would have expected a lot more creativity and originality, even if everyone was acting in character.

Breakfast in bed is always a disaster. Except in real life, when it’s just weird to sit in bed with your pillows shifting behind your head while you try and eat messy foods like eggs, messy foods like waffles or pancakes drenched in syrup, or bagels and cream cheese piled high with lox and tomatoes that squirm out the back whenever you press the sandwich together enough to get it into your mouth. You might need stain remover handy for the errant piece of food, but the tray only upends on TV. And we’ve seen it a million times before. Is that really all you’ve got?

I did enjoy Axl’s verbal card, and I think it was a really funny idea. Only, it was completely underdeveloped. Many people look back at their cards to be reminded of what someone wrote, to re-enjoy the sentiment, or just because. So where were Frankie’s requests for Axl to re-present her with his verbal card throughout the day? The inevitable evolution of the content over the course of the day, as Axl tried to recall what he said in the first place, would have been fantastic.

Frankie’s visions of Mother’s versus Father’s Days were kind of amusing, but in part it’s Frankie’s own fault. She gives Mike that kind of day because she knows she’d love it … so say something! Yes, it’s 100% wrong that she would have to — any good husband should know what kind of day their wife wants — but if you know that your spouse doesn’t have a clue … if your spouse has proven for years that they don’t have a clue … take matters into your own hands! Only voicing your frustration in private makes it unfair for you to later resent what your family is getting wrong. Not to say that an inflatable foot bath isn’t way wrong, but clearly someone has to set them straight.

It was funny that an inspirational magnet that read, “Think of the thing you cannot do, and then do it” made Sue steal said magnet for herself, but that was all just too much. Like I said above, Sue sick and beside herself is in-character for her, but do we want to see that? Not I.

Nor was I pleased with meeting Frankie’s mother. Aside from my confusion over why Frankie’s left to care for her aunts if both of her parents are alive and well, I just didn’t find her enjoyable in any way. Obviously Frankie was going to turn into her kids with her own mother. Obviously her mother was going to feel the same way she did, that she wanted the day to actually be about her. Were we supposed to like the two and Sue breaking down and crying, or Frankie and Sue having the same conversations that Frankie and her mother were having?

Everyone can have an off night now and again. That’s cool. Just get it together for next week.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | The Middle | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “The Middle – If Brick only cut out Frankie’s head, whose body was that?”

May 6, 2010 at 1:19 PM

I liked the episode, but it wasn’t one of the best. I think the main issue was not enough Brick! However Axl was looking good… ;) haha

May 6, 2010 at 4:31 PM

I agree .. not enough Brick, although we did get him whispering to himself which never gets old!

May 6, 2010 at 6:18 PM

I enjoyed the episode very much, as did a woman I work with who said the depictions of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, plus the adult reverting to child in their parents’ home was pretty accurate! LOL Plus the line about grapes and raisins was the best of the season.

And I thought the aunts were Mike’s family, not Frankie’s.

May 6, 2010 at 6:37 PM

I don’t know … my father wasn’t the cooking/cleaning type, but Mother’s Day was really a day for my mother. We acknowledged Father’s Day, bought cards for my father, but there was nothing else that stood out about it. He’d usually been to the grocery store and back before we even woke up and gave them to him. And we may not have sent my mother to the spa for the day, but she didn’t go to bed at night resenting us … or with breakfast all over the bed! :)

Definitely Frankie’s aunts.

May 7, 2010 at 9:14 AM

I thought it was a very funny episode. Of course it was exactly like what happens in my own household so maybe thats why I liked it so much!

May 7, 2010 at 11:43 AM

:) If that’s your Mother’s Day AND you could laugh at it, I tip my hat to you! :)

May 8, 2010 at 8:51 PM

This show’s really starting to wear thin for me. The point of this episode seemed to be that everybody was a shallow, unaware hypocrite – where’s the fun in watching that? One more episode that turns me off this much, and I’m probably turning The Middle off for good.

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