CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – Double standards and Sheldon’s (female) double

You see, it's all about great characters, relationships -- it's not about the island at all. Oh, wait, wrong finale. But, while an island played no part in the episode, relationships and the characters most certainly did.

- Season 3, Episode 23 - "The Lunar Excitation"

Big Bang Theory, Season 3 finale

“How do you know it (the moon) won’t blow up?” – Zack
“See, here’s the man for Penny!” – Sheldon

Perhaps a bit more humorous than emotionally touching, this season finale may or may not have left us with a cliffhanger. Last season was a definite cliffhanger, this season not so much. Or, is it?

When you think of the characters involved, of course Raj and Howard will always have each other whether a woman comes (and goes with no explanation) in Howard’s life or not. Sheldon is the anti-relationship of any kind whatsoever kind of guy — it’s a miracle he stoops to having friends or real human contact at all. Leonard had Penny; Leonard lost Penny. Well, tonight he had her again. Then lost her again because, while he “had” her, he didn’t really have her at all. Have I confused you yet?

The boys were up on the roof planning on bouncing laser beams off the moon. Buckling to pressure from his buddies, Leonard went down to get Penny in on the action. Oh my. She had some action of her own going on in the form of a mimbo named Zack. Hmmm … he’s so dumb that it might be spelled “Zak” for him to make it easier.

It turns out that, due to dating Leonard, Penny can no longer date dumb dudes. What does she do? She gets drunk and goes over to Sheldon and Leonard’s to use Leonard for sex. Apparently there was this loud raucous rodeo sex thing going on; thankfully we didn’t have to witness it. In the morning, she realized the huge mistake she made. Too late, as puppy dog Leonard wants to hump her some more. Nope!

So we end up with a really brief flash from the past — his old sex-mate and Sheldon-nemesis, Leslie Winkle, PhD. (played by his old Rosanne love, Darlene Sara Gilbert. Although she used him in the past, she’s over it now. In true Leonard form, he thinks he can try the same drunk and lonely bit Penny used on him for sex with her once again. Nope! Doesn’t work! “I think it’s a double standard!”

Meanwhile, Raj and Howard decided to enter Sheldon’s information into an online dating service which promises “scientific” matches. They strive to make their answers just as Sheldon himself would if he would ever sign up. And, no, he never would, but that’s beside the point. Lo and behold, a match is found for him.

Raj blackmailed Sheldon into meeting her by telling him he hid a dirty sock from the roof in the apartment and it would stay there forever unless he went. Since Sheldon’s world is NOT full of dirty discarded socks, he had to go. Yikes. It’s a female version of Sheldon. Perhaps not with quite the finesse and ease displayed by Jim Parson in the role, but it just could be a match.

So … cliffhanger or not? Will she be around come fall? Or, like Bernadette, will she vanish only to have a break-up mentioned in passing weeks later? Overall, while not overly season finale extravaganza dealings, this was a cute episode and a nice wrap-up for the season. Your thoughts?

Photo Credit: CBS

4 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – Double standards and Sheldon’s (female) double”

May 25, 2010 at 6:06 AM

No mention of Mayim Bialik?

I mean come on. Blossom’s Sheldon’s perfect mate? That’s got to be worth a mention :-)

I guess she’ll be back for another couple of episodes. BBT has no problem getting (former) stars on the show and they always used them to perfection.

May 25, 2010 at 12:00 PM

I hope she comes back next season. The interaction between them should provide some good chuckles.

May 27, 2010 at 10:23 AM

From Jim Parsons’s interviews, Sheldon seems to be a greatly exaggerated, socially-inept, genius version of himself, with many of the same tics and nuances. Conversely, to create a female clone of the character would necessitate that actor portraying a role not completely like herself, hence the stretching and artifice. Prolonged practice in more than one scene hopefully should make the mimicry seem more natural in later episodes.

July 1, 2010 at 10:07 AM

I hope Amy comes back, but not as a hard core gf-Sheldon needs to say single.

And Leonard and Penny need to get back together for real and for good.

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