CliqueClack TV

Mad Men – What the client wants, the client gets

It was Christmas on 'Mad Men' this week and a big client meant there was big office party at the agency.

- Season 4, Episode 2 - "Christmas Comes but Once a Year"

Mad Men continued its fourth season this week, and we got a look at just how much the fledgling agency of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce needs every one of its clients. Well, maybe not every one, but with Lucky Strike floating the entire company, it was no surprise that Roger was willing to do just about anything to keep Lee happy. He may have told Joan that she was off limits to Lee, but I think if it came down to it, he would have gladly handed her over. Though, as we saw last season, the chances of that happening were probably not so great. It was fun watching Roger get put through the ringer and even humiliated a bit as Lee forced him into the Santa outfit.

This week’s episode featured the return of a couple of familiar faces aside from Lee. I love when a series revisits old characters that you thought were gone for good. I never would have guessed that we would have seen Glen or Freddy Rumsen, but then they both popped up in the same episode. I think it speaks to the wide cast of characters that the show has created over the years. Much like real life, people tend to come and go, and return to your life when you don’t expect it.

Freddy is a likable guy and it was  fun to see him and Peggy working together again. It also served as a great reminder of how far Peggy has come professionally. Freddy tried to fall back into their normal relationship, but Peggy has advanced far beyond the secretary-turned-copy-writer that she was before Rumsen got fired from Sterling Cooper.

I love the writing on this show. Whenever people claim they don’t get the fuss over Mad Men I can only shake my head. How can you not love the way Peggy took the jab that her boyfriend took at her (“You are so old fashioned”) and threw it right back onto Freddy? It’s so true to life for someone to take a hurt and try to redirect it somewhere else. Here, Peggy even used the exact phrasing. I’m concerned for Peggy, though. She really is following in Don’s footsteps, beginning a serious relationship with a series of lies. Can’t she see where Don has ended up?

Don is getting more pathetic by the week, and people are starting to notice. I can’t say that I’m too broken up about it. I’m actually enjoying seeing him on hard times. Let’s face it, he’s not a very good man. Sure, he would like to think so, and I think he would like to actually be a good man, but his behavior through three seasons has proven that he is not. Yet women continue to throw themselves at him. Should we start a pool now? How many episodes before he’s in bed with the nurse down the hall?

It seems like Don may be headed toward a drinking problem. In this episode we saw him stumble home to his apartment drunk twice. As if that weren’t enough, Roger of all people commented on his early office drinking. Add the juxtaposition of the return of Freddy, a former drunk now clean and sober, and I’m wondering. Is Don going to have an issue with alcohol abuse?

What do you think about the fourth season of Mad Men so far?

Photo Credit: AMC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | Mad Men | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Mad Men – What the client wants, the client gets”

August 3, 2010 at 12:34 AM

Don is definitely in a downward spiral this season, but I have a feeling by the end he will bounce back somehow. Considering last time we saw Glen I got the feeling the show was going to end with him burying Betty in a rose garden (then went on to become a successful conservative personality), I’m getting the feeling whatever creepy stuff that little freak has in plan for Sally is going to be something that might force Don to get out of his stupor and do something.

August 3, 2010 at 7:45 AM

I discovered last night that Glen is played by Matthew Weiner’s son. You would think the creator and brains behind the show would find a less creeptastic role for his own son.

August 3, 2010 at 10:22 AM

Don’t you think it’s kinda like a compliment?

He’s basically playing little Don Draper…

August 3, 2010 at 1:21 AM

Glen is not going to screw up Sally more than her mother already did.

Don got rejected twice before forcing himself on his secreatary. He even called Peggy sweetheart. When did he ever give her affection? Some strange things are defenitly happening.

August 3, 2010 at 1:39 PM

I wonder which alcoholic character with a tragic backstory will reach “rock bottom” first: Don Draper or Tommy Gavin (from Rescue Me)?

Drunken Don sleeping with his secretary — and then giving her CASH the next day in an envelope (even if it was her Christmas bonus) — was just awful; it felt similar to the scene in the previous episode where he got out cash for the call girl for services rendered. But that wasn’t as awful as Tommy losing his daughter during an alcohol-fueled blackout last week.

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