CliqueClack TV

Psych – “What is this, Fight Club for butlers?”

One of the things I love most about 'Psych' is how quotable it is. Maybe I don't get the same amount of them as I do from 'Futurama', but the quality is tight.

- Season 5, Episode 4 - "Chivalry Is Not Dead...But Someone Is"

Before we watched this episode, we caught up with last week’s. And, by God, it was awesome. The best of the season, by far. Maybe it’s just that I’m pretty nerdy and appreciated all of the geek references, but there’s no denying that Freddie Prinze Jr. rocked that episode.

Since this week simply didn’t top last, I present you with my favorite quotes of the episode. Got any I missed?

“For all we know, he just slipped off the balcony and fell.” – Lassiter
“Well in that case we should all be looking for a banana peel. Or a roller skate. Perhaps a wet bar of soap, though that seems the unlikeliest of the three.” – Shawn

“What is this, Fight Club for Butlers?” – Shawn

“Define relationship.” – Shawn
“The way in which two or more concepts, objects or people are connected or the state of being connected. Webster.” – Clive Prescott
“I hardly think Emmanuel Lewis is an authority on relationships.” – Shawn

“Maybe the killing feels good. Like the soft supple flesh of a man buck.” – Lassiter
“You disturb me. And your theory on this murder disturbs me. And you disturb me.” – Juliette
“You said that twice.” – Lassiter
“Yes.” – Juliette

“Look at that, Gus. He’s literally taking her to the bank.” – Shawn
“What’s the next stop, the cleaners?” – Gus

“Have you ever dated a man who is triple-jointed?” – Shawn
“No, I can’t say that I have.” – Ms. Tucker
“That’s a shame, I was hoping to discuss it with you tonight on our date.” – Shawn

“Wow. This is a little bit awkward, only because I don’t wear earrings. I mean I used to, back in the day. Three of them. But that was just because of Tears for Fears.” – Shawn
“Shawn, those are cuff links.” – Gus

“It’s the perfect old person’s murder weapon: the moth ball!” – Gus

Photo Credit: USA Network

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One Response to “Psych – “What is this, Fight Club for butlers?””

August 10, 2010 at 11:33 PM

Wanna touch my head? Women of all ages and races have said it has…magical powers.–Gus

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