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Mad Men – Don schemes, Roger implodes, and Betty whines

Season four continued strong this week as Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce (or at least three of them) wooed Honda, Betty and Don clashed, and one liners flew.

- Season 4, Episode 5 - "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword"

With another awesome episode this week, I think I’m ready to call season four of Mad Men the best season yet. Sure, there are a lot more episodes to go, but I am enjoying the hell out of this season. Mad Men is doing what any show that has been around for four seasons should do — it’s cashing in on four years of character development and relationship building. We saw it last week with Peggy and Pete, and we saw it this week too, with Don and Betty. Both relationships had call backs to the very first season of the show, which only enriches and deepens the story.

As I was watching “The Chrysanthemum and the Sword,” I couldn’t help but wonder how Don and Betty ever survived in that marriage as long as they did. Clearly there is no love lost between them these days, which doesn’t really come as a surprise. In a show of fascinating characters, I am always intrigued with Betty’s motivations. We know so much about Don’s history, which serves to inform his character today. I would love to get a little more background on Betty. How did she end up such a damaged and supremely immature (not to mention self centered) person? Certainly Don was not responsible for all of that.

The writers have several times illustrated how much of a child Betty is. In the first season the only person that she could confide in was a boy the same age as her daughter. Now in this episode we see her connect with the child psychiatrist, agreeing to meet with her once a month to talk about her own issues. I hope we get to see some of those meetings as the season continues so that we can get even more insight into the mother of the year.

This episode was jam packed. I loved the shenanigans that Don and team pulled during the competition for the Honda account. It’s nice to see that even while his personal life is shot to hell, he can still out maneuver his opponents and claim some victories at the office. It was definitely fun, but it was hard to watch Roger self destruct when faced with the Japanese. He’s always been a wild card, but I thought he had a little more control than he displayed. It did bring a nice moment between him and Joan at the end of the episode though. They’ve shared a few moments this season and it makes me wonder if they are headed toward an another affair.

Is it just me or has there been a lot more humor this season too? This episode had a couple of great lines. There was Don, annoyed with the creative department (“I wonder what makes you work.”) And, of course, there were the Japanese reacting to Joan. (“Not very subtle, are they?” “No, they are not.”). Add in Miss Blankenship as Don’s new secretary, and Mad Men might be competing for Best Comedy next season. Alright, that’s a gross overstatement, but it does seem like there have been a lot more funny moments this season. Perhaps with Don’s decidedly not-funny personal life, it was a necessary balance. Whatever the reason, it’s really working for me.

How are you feeling about season four so far? Are you ready to declare it the best to date?

Photo Credit: AMC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | Mad Men | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Mad Men – Don schemes, Roger implodes, and Betty whines”

August 23, 2010 at 9:39 PM

The funny moments in the last 2 episodes have really stood out more than usual thats for sure. I think its a good reprieve from Don’s depression and Betty’s childish crap. I loved Don conning the rivals into bankrupting themselves. The whole thing had like an old caper comedy feel to it.

Before Betty starts flipping out over people self pleasuring themselves, she might want to think back to her fun time with the washing machine.

I really hate the Mad Men inspired ads they run.

And I’m annoyed they didn’t resolve last week’s cliffhanger. Did the old lady get the pears or not?!

August 24, 2010 at 4:08 PM

To Betty’s defense (and it’s hard to find one), she did admit that she knows kids “do it”, but not in front of other people. In Sally’s defense, she did seem to make sure her friend was sleeping before enjoying the men on TV. What’s sad is that her parents were sad together, and they are equally sad apart. We’ll need an 80s follow-up show of the Draper kids and how screwed up their little lives have become.

Roger (OMG – I want his office – so groovy!) having a problem with the Japs makes sense to me. Growing up, those who served in WWII had a hard time even talking about the war, to then work with them less than 20 years later would be difficult to take. We have problems NOW working with other countries; can you imagine how difficult it would have been just coming out of the great war?

The new marketing woman, the blonde – I love that she mentioned how much they drink in the office. If they were tossing down a few brews, I could see it. Drinking tumblers of whiskey all day? I can’t imagine it. But, I do think its cool. Yep – all the things I grew up with that are so incredibly non-pc give me the warm fuzzies.

I’m enjoying the season. One thing I’ve noticed is how little things have changed for the firm, given it’s a new firm and all. Just a few personnel changes and the rest is status quo.

August 24, 2010 at 10:01 PM

The Man from U.N.C.L.E. I just found that kind of hilarious and sad.

Betty is just despicable.

I loved Peggy riding around on the Honda in circles.

It freaks me out when Pete is right.

And I remember those dunking birds (they were still going when I was a kid so they NEVER stop working).

As for Roger’s problem – well, my Uncle fought in the Pacific theatre and he died last year at 86 and he STILL (cringingly) would say “Japs”.

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