CliqueClack TV

Can Glee’s second season match its first?

'Glee' was a juggernaut in its first season, hype-wise if not ratings-wise. Can they sustain the momentum, or are we in for a disappointing second season?

The Glee hype machine has been running solid for more than 16 months now. Starting with the sneak peak in May 2009, the FOX comedy/drama/musical/thing had an outstanding first year. The ratings were solid but not spectacular (I’m assuming the demo was strong, but as you all know, Brett is our ratings expert, I am far from). However, Glee’s first year was more than just ratings; it was a freshman phenomenon. But, going into its second year, is it ripe for a sophomore slump?

The clichés are there for a reason. Ratings-wise, creativity-wise, young television shows often experience a downturn in their second seasons (See Heroes, apparently Dexter (not that I’d know), and according to Veronica Mars, but I cry foul on that one). Sometimes it can be believing ones own publicity, other times it could be trying to transition a one year story into a multi-year arc. I think, though, as much as I like Glee, that things aren’t going to be as rosy for the kids at McKinley High School as they were last year.

The first thirteen episodes were good, but the back nine was a completely different story. The quality was, from my perspective, pretty erratic. Much effort was put into the “Power of Madonna” episode, and it came out well. Guest stars like Neil Patrick Harris, Idina Menzel, and Kristen Chenoweth helped make individual episodes pop. Unfortunately though, episodes like “Funk” helped to identify weaknesses in the show that aren’t always seen.

  • There’s not enough time to devote to the cast already on the show; adding more is not the answer. Thankfully Heather Morris as Brittany and Naya Rivera have been upgraded to regular cast members, but is there enough room? They’re adding, I think, three new Glee club members. How many Glee fans can properly identify Other Asian as Mike Chang?
  • The music selection is the definition of hit or miss. For every “Don’t Rain on My Parade” (my go to non-mainstream awesome Gleek song) there are several “A House is Not a Home” and “One Less Bell to Answer” that makes me scratch my head, and the show’s young demographic just wonder what the heck they’re listening to.
  • How much money are people are going to continue to spend on MP3 downloads before they realize how much money they’ve spent? I actually went back and done some math on my iTunes account, and, well, I’ll just say it’s embarrassing and move on. That money train is going to dry up much sooner than anyone thinks.
  • We already know half of the storylines of the second season. Ryan Murphy has done an excellent of maintaining the hype over the summer, but through leaks of guest casting (Britney Spears, Carole Burnett) including more “will they/won’t they” casting discussions than were ever necessary. And when we know who these guests are going to be, the storylines surrounding them become more and more clear.

Things aren’t all doom and gloom, though. The show has received all of the hype because it is pretty damn good. The characters, while not at all clichéd (I jest), are fun to watch. The music and choreography, while sometimes poorly chosen, are always quality, especially as they rely less and less on the digital processing (OK, so not yet, but a guy can dream right?). So, do I think there will be a slump? Yeah, I do, but certainly not one of Heroes proportions. I mean, you’ve got Britney vs. Brittany, right?

Photo Credit: FOX

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4 Responses to “Can Glee’s second season match its first?”

August 27, 2010 at 11:02 AM

I don’t know if anyone can have a sophomore slump like Heroes, that was a perfect shitstorm.

I’m glad that they’re scaling back the musical numbers a bit. I know they increased them in the back nine, but it just made the episodes too crowded. Plus, it was a blatant cash grab to get an extra two songs out every week.

Also, they need to be very selective about putting rap music in. And by selective, I mean don’t do it. It always sounds weird, and the lyrics make Mr. Schu seem really creepy.

August 27, 2010 at 11:56 AM

The second half of season was crap. Instead of having songs that fit the show they had the show fit the songs.

August 28, 2010 at 10:13 PM

Hmmmm … you’re right about the songs — they made a “theme.”

So, what worries me is that any show that thinks Britney Spears guesting is a good idea has problems. Seriously, I get on a Britney rampage every so often b/c I just can’t believe that anyone would give that woman publicity let alone money for anything. Let her career die so that young girls are not exposed to the likes of her as a role model.

September 5, 2010 at 11:21 PM

I think Oreo’s on the right track. Not all of the second half, but a lot of it was trashed when the homages got out of control. I’m afraid that Ryan Murphy is going down this road again. Not every one is gleeful at the thought of a Rocky Horror episode, and boxing the characters into one singer’s work is going to alienate just about every one who doesn’t love that particular artist.
And forget Britney, concentrate more on Brittany ( Heather). She’s seriously underused, and she’s a riot!

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