CliqueClack TV

American Idol – And then there was one … judge

With the sudden departure of Kara Dio Guardi on everyone's 'favorite' whipping post reality program, let's relive some of the fun of the past season on 'American Idol'. Who's game?


Randy Jackson. You’re it, dude.

With Kara Dio Guardi’s departure from American Idol, you’re left holding the fort, Dawg. And I’m good with that.

Why is Kara leaving? No clue. Fox issued the following statement on her behalf: “I felt like I won the lottery when I joined American Idol two years ago, but I feel like now is the best time to leave …”.

Hmmmmmmmmmm. With a reported one-year option remaining on her contract, it’s anybody’s guess why she decided to follow Simon Cowell and Ellen DeGeneres out the door. But this much we know: Fox decided not to exercise that option. (Maybe the ‘Powers That Be’ are smarter than we think.)

As I did with Ellen DeGeneres, here’s a sampling of what we said about Kara during the past season. Every once in a blue moon, I agreed with what she said. (“I hate to admit it, but I was in agreement with Kara … someone take my temperature!”). The majority of the time, however, she grated on my nerves each week … and, obviously, with a few others as well …


“Love that Idol isn’t doing the “original” anymore, either. ‘Member last year’s Kara DioGuardi song about rivers and oceans and climbing mountains? Blergh.” - Marnie


“Kara haiku: Hi, I’m Kara G / I love to hear myself talk / Don’t you miss Paula?” - Luna Tick


“Why is Kara even still on the show? No one liked her last season so they keep her around? Doesn’t make sense.” - Oreo


“I’ll shut it now a’fore you call me Kara Jr.” - MissRiss


“Did you notice right after Ryan made the comment about HR on Friday she was “all too quick” to mention … her lawyer.” - sandyeggo


“From the first moment (Kara) had (contestant Casey James) take down his hair and unbutton his shirt I thought I’d puke. If he was a few years younger they could skip over PR, not stop at GO and go directly to jail.” - Lois


“Soft porn? I believe you know my criteria on this matter … ya know … like did (Kara) carry an Uzi, an M-60, an anti-aircraft gun?” - ashton


“I wonder if Kara has fulfilled her Megan’s Law obligation and registered yet or if she’s still in the grace period? How do you think it will impact her bid to produce the soundtrack for the upcoming Mary Kay Letourneau biopic?” - Luna Tick


“… she’s like sandpaper on a sensitive body part.” - CliqueClack writer Tara Shrodes


“I was wondering how long it was (going) to take her to mention she was married.” - mufan


Even our buddy Ryan Seacrest got in on the fun. I mentioned:

“… you just have to love the guy in this instance … was the only one who kept his head about him. He summed it up best when he came on stage after the judges had their say: ‘Just looking ahead at the schedule: As you know … tomorrow results … and then Friday Kara’s HR (human resources) meeting.…’”

Lastly, even some of the contestants threw it back at her. In one memorable bit of post-performance banter between Kara and Crystal Bowersox after Crystal’s performance of Sinatra’s ‘Summer Wind’:

  • Kara: “It was out of your element.”
  • Crystal, in strong retort: “No … it wasn’t out of my element.”

Look: We’re all going to look back and realize Kara’s stint on American Idol was loads of dramatical fun for our dancing and dining pleasure. And I guarantee you we’re going to miss it in some way, shape or form, believe me. We may have inwardly cringed each time Kara spoke, but, after the fact, some little part of us is going to be lacking.

So … Randy Jackson? Let’s see what you and Nigel Lithgoe do with the incoming ‘fresh meat’ in January.

Yeah … yeah … I hear you complaining. But you’re going to tune in to American Idol anyway. I will.

And I know you will, too.

Photo Credit: Fox

Categories: | American Idol | Features | General | News | TV Shows |

17 Responses to “American Idol – And then there was one … judge”

September 6, 2010 at 1:12 PM

I can’t find a job….. I’m available…. and I promise not to flash the audience so you’all won’t need to wash your eyes with bleach.

September 10, 2010 at 8:23 PM

. . . . .

… but …

… what fun would that be … ?!?

September 6, 2010 at 2:53 PM

the proposed line up of judges for this season concerns me. Steven Tyler, the last I saw on TMZ, looked like he was knockin’ on death’s doorstep. Jenny from the block is just … blurgh. When someone tries to be ‘just the girl next door’ when what they are wearing costs more than most people’s yearly income.. blurgh.
Of course I’ll tune in because it comes on before GLEE

September 10, 2010 at 8:24 PM

. . . . .

Of course …

September 6, 2010 at 2:55 PM

…and if it isn’t on before GLEE then I’ll watch it anyway because I’m a creature of habit

September 10, 2010 at 8:24 PM

. . . . .

(see above)

September 6, 2010 at 5:23 PM

I think if Fox planned this a little better they could have had “Who wants to be an American Idol judge!?” in the fall. It would have been a huge hit!

September 10, 2010 at 8:25 PM

. . . . .

Mayhap, Oreo.

At least until the competition started …

September 6, 2010 at 6:59 PM

Wait. I had two blurbs make the cut. Doesn’t that mean I get to be the one to replace Kara? I wouldn’t look as good in a bikini, but I’d look better than Randy Jackson in one. Plus, they could use my back to white-balance the cameras. Plus, i can do a mean constipated British accent & rub my pecs (Simon who?). I’d be a full-service judge.

September 10, 2010 at 8:25 PM

. . . . .


September 7, 2010 at 12:07 AM

I am as happy as a little girl! This will save me so much money in expensive creamy creams.

September 10, 2010 at 8:28 PM

. . . . .

You know, Tara … I’m continually offering you the exclusive use of my belt sander, but you don’t take me up on it. And! I offer my professional expertise of workery for said piece of equipment. It doesn’t get much better than that.

Creamy creams are for girls.

September 7, 2010 at 5:01 PM

She was about as interesting as a bowel movement (Too gross) but damn, look at those abs! The Situation is probably jealous. So long, Kara–don’t let the door hit you in the hard ass! ;-)

September 10, 2010 at 8:29 PM

. . . . .

Maybe she could be used as one of those tables or horse stands they used to put bricks on while Mr. Kung Fu Man breaks them in two. Her stomach looks sturdy enough.

What think you, Marnie?

September 8, 2010 at 12:38 AM

I won’t watch until they all start singing Devo and Wall Of Voodoo songs. The song choices suck. I do NOT need to hear another version of I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing.

September 10, 2010 at 8:30 PM

. . . . .

Dream a little dream for me, too, Douglas …

December 9, 2010 at 9:34 AM

I’m not going to miss Kara but I’ll admit I still miss Pauler. She was the best for idol fodder.

Yes, I’ll be watching. I’m such a sucker for punishment. It’ll be interesting to say the least.

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