CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – Shamy to Zazzy and back again

We saw Shamy and we saw cats. What we didn't see was Raj's Bollywood break-dancing routine. I would have paid good money, or perhaps a cat, to see that.

- Season 4, Episode 3 - "The Zazzy Substitution"

Sheldon and his cats

Look! Look! It’s KITTIES! Now there is a perfect relationship for Sheldon if you ask me! He’s right — they don’t talk back (much) and you really don’t need to impress them with your internal theoretical knowledge database. They’re so much easier to deal with than people. Oh, wait. This is about Sheldon, not me.

You know, I’m liking the Mayim Bialik as Amy Farrah Fowler appearances. While I don’t think Sheldon is really made for any sort of dating relationship, she plays well off of him as a personality doppelganger. The only thing about her is that it’s hard to look at her on the show and think of the crazy ol’ Blossom stuff. Hopefully they’ll continue at least a recurring role with her as opposed to Howard’s girlfriend who fell over the edge of the Earth disproving theories that it’s round. Kripke can stay away; Wil Wheaton may return. Do it, CBS!

The relationship between Amy and Sheldon is rocky, but it’s not because they’re both judgmental, sanctimonious and totally obnoxious. That’s not the issue. It’s all about science. Remember, I’m a student of the language arts, not science. But in my own layperson terms, her science is concrete and based on facts and findings. Sheldon’s science is all theoretical. So it becomes a showdown.

Penny didn’t help matters by nicknaming the relationship “Shamy.” “Stop it. I don’t like that!” was Amy Farrah Fowler’s reaction. But according to Sheldon, it’s not a relationship — she’s a girl and she’s a friend, but she’s in no way a “girlfriend.”

That is until his entire world crashes and burns and he becomes the Crazy Cat Lady when they split up over their science pursuit differences. He started with one cat, Dr. Richard Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb. But Dr. Oppenheimer was lonely, so he got the whole Manhattan Project. Zazzy was the special, most lovable cat even if the doc came first.

Enter his religious zealot mother (Laurie Metcalf) to save the day! For all of his brights, Sheldon reacts to reverse psychology. Who woulda thunk it? She convinced his she doesn’t think they (Shamy) are a good couple and, voila! They decide to get back together. Cool. I’m hoping this means return engagements. No, not engagement like marriage. The thought of Sheldon married creeps me out.

The ending, as Sheldon and Amy Farrah Fowler were adopting out the cats to the neighborhood kids made me snicker. The sign read “CATS $20.” Normal transactions would dictate that it costs $20 to adopt a cat. Nope, not in Sheldon’s world. “Here’s your cat, here’s your $20.” Now, where was that deal when I adopted my cat?

Photo Credit: CBS

2 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – Shamy to Zazzy and back again”

October 8, 2010 at 11:30 AM

I love those cats! My son (who really is a rocket scientist) has similar names for his cats and dogs. I haven’t seen this show yet but will catch up this weekend. This is one of our favs!

October 8, 2010 at 12:30 PM

Nice work, Sheldon’s mom!
I’m glad Shamy is not over.

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