CliqueClack TV

Grey’s Anatomy – Playing dress-up

While Seattle Grace residents got to pretend to be full-fledged attendings for a day and do solo surgeries, some showed their mettle while others floundered.

- Season 7, Episode 5 - "Almost Grown"

Best moment of this Grey’s Anatomyepisode — which continued to explore the far-reaching impact of the shooting with slow patience — came when Derek made an impassioned plea to the Chief about why his department should be awarded a $1 million grant (money which the Chief doesn’t yet have) for Alzheimer’s research:

“Breakthroughs don’t happen because of the medicine,” he said, tears in his eyes after he confessed that he’s been looking for signs that his wife might have the same disease that her surgeon mother, Richard’s lover, had. “Real breakthroughs happen because someone is scared to death to stop trying.”

Sure, Derek didn’t get the mystery $1 million — that honor went to Owen’s powerful argument that the hospital needed the money for trauma training because with it, he contended, Charles, who died in Bailey’s arms on the day of the shooting, would’ve survived — but McDreamy certainly pulled on the heartstrings. That scene at the door of the house when Meredith asked where her keys were and Derek pointed out that they were in her hand … the pain and fear in Derek’s eyes, which he hid from Meredith, were just priceless.

Wait, isn’t this the guy who waxed all optimistic and glass half-full last week, telling Meredith not to get the Alzheimer’s genetic test, suggesting that they should just roll the dice and live their lives? Apparently that was just for show, to buoy Meredith’s spirits, which were already low. Love how all of these questions — does Meredith have Alzheimer’s, will they have a baby, how will the shooting continue to affect Derek — are being addressed organically, not with one big hammer on the viewers’ heads. The fact that Meredith’s solo brain surgery went perfectly — while Avery’s didn’t — just added to this delightfully twisty and complicated storyline.

Speaking of beautifully written story arcs … while Cristina remained in a post-traumatic stress fog, a tiny personal breakthrough occurred when her patient, whom April thought was a goner and shouldn’t receive a lung transplant, told her he really wanted to live, despite the odds against it. Cristina had been so non-responsive in front of him that he asked “Sour Puss” if she was autistic because she appeared unable to assess or display emotion.

When Cristina finally opened her mouth during the transplant panel, advocating for her patient to receive the transplant by citing his strong will to fight, it was a parallel to her own will to live, to fight. The small ember that was once her fiery professional ambition started to glow a wee bit. She was no longer just playing the role of a doctor, she was acting like one, or at least talking like one.

But all that goodness aside … what the heck writers? Why are you continuing to make Callie and Arizona look like silly girls, like having Arizona blurt out to the Chief that people thought she’d burst into tears while making her case for the $1 million grant, followed by her flicking a packet of tissues at Richard while rambling on about wanting to punch someone? Why is she being made to look like such a mess this season? Why is the stereotypical crying woman card being played?

Then there’s Callie. Strong Callie. Who’s reduced to talking about wanting to be a “better lesbian” than Arizona to the Chief, while referencing her own “long history of enjoying sex with men.” I hate what’s being done to these women. I don’t find it amusing or cute. Make it stop please.

Photo Credit: Adam Taylor/ABC

5 Responses to “Grey’s Anatomy – Playing dress-up”

October 22, 2010 at 4:45 PM

This is the same Callie who said, “That’s right, I said RUE!”
(But you should check out next week’s episode if you want more C/A not to like :( )

Owen and Derek’s arguments were by far the best, and I’d have been happy with either winning. However, I don’t think Derek will stop, as with his renown he can raise the money he needs.

What I’m curious about, though, is what Weber meant when he was alluding to where the money came from?

October 22, 2010 at 9:11 PM

I would have voted for Owen or Bailey. Because Bailey was right…if you have things you need to fix and get done, you don’t go blow money on a vacation.

October 26, 2010 at 11:56 PM

The Chief was so mysterious about the money, I suspect there will be a storyline about it during sweeps month. Possibly a donation from a grateful family.

I honestly think that Mark’s argument was the best (shock!) because he found a way of using the seed money and then sustaining it with the optional plastic surgery. A million is a drop in the bucket for Alzheimer’s, which is already massively funded and researched in facilities that know more about it than Derek does. Trauma training even for the whole hospital, although well argued by Owen, should not cost anywhere near a million dollars; I didn’t think Teddy had the research facts to back up what she wanted; and I thought Bailey was just plain wrong. When you get a windfall to do something that can restore the prestige and donation status of the hospital, you shouldn’t spend it on maintenance.

Arizona has always seemed two-faced to me, charming to those she likes and backstabbing to those she doesn’t. It makes me sad to see Callie pulled down to her level.

The best storyline for me remains Cristina’s PTSD, partly because of Sandra Oh’s acting and partly because it is written so realitically. Owen’s PTSD was well written too till they ruined it with Teddy and the triangle from hell so I hope the writers have learned from their mistakes.

October 27, 2010 at 12:13 AM


I think you and I disagree on every single point.

Like Nattyff, I’m way bored with Cristina’s PTSD storyline … Probably because I’m bored with Cristina in general (And have been for several seasons). I don’t have the Arizona hatred you do, but I will definitely pay attention to that in the future.

I think the Trauma training would be more expense than you’d think … I think Owen is suggestion more than just an 8 hour in-service kind of thing. And I actually thought Derek’s proposal had merit. You’re right about overall funding (In the 500m range from the Gov’t, bill out there to increase it to 2b), but you give the nations most renowned neurosurgeon 1m, its a good start. And Bailey’s proposal was right on. Repairs are just as, if not more important as new equipment. Maybe they dropped to 12 because they couldn’t complete the mission they already had at hand.

What fun :)

October 22, 2010 at 7:43 PM

i’m tired of christina’s story… never like her very much, and now she has become a real snore fest…

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