CliqueClack TV

Who is Yin on Psych? The poll results!

Back in March I posted a poll asking readers what their favorite theory for who Yin on 'Psych' is. It was pretty all-encompassing, and the results are quite interesting. Now you can vote again!

Someone else we’ve never seen before (23%) — This one’s pretty shocking, actually, unless the person in question is someone we’ve at least heard about on the show before but have not yet set eyes upon. However, I haven’t been alone in wondering why USA hasn’t made a bigger deal about the Yin mystery, since clearly a lot of us do care. So is it because the reveal isn’t as exciting as it being someone we’ve seen before?

Shawn’s evil twin (21%) — One of my favorite theories. Does tonight’s episode title — “Yin 3 in 2D” — hold a subtle hint in this direction? However, now that this one’s been floating around in my head, I wonder if such a reveal wouldn’t be as surprising and awesome had we not thought it might be coming. Nah! It’ll still be awesome!

Someone else we’ve seen before (20%) — This is an interesting one and, if you ask me, it’s the most likely theory at this point. If the Psych writers wanted to shock and surprise people, this would be one way to go.

The coroner (Kurt Fuller) (11%) — Another of my favorites, and one I’ve been contemplating since he showed up again in a recent episode. If you recall, he went on about having to hide his identity and voice because of some law breaking he may have done in South America (I believe). It’s easily cast-offable as a joke, but if he were revealed as Yin, a quick flashback to that episode would clear some things up a bit.

Someone new, played by Simon ‘The Mentalist’ Baker (10%) — Oh lordy, this would be the icing on the cake, though it’s so highly unlikely that I’m not really sure what more to say about it. There’s just no way CBS would allow such a crossover, but it’d make for an awesome Christmas present!

Shawn’s mother (9%) — I’m betting this option would have gotten more votes had we known she (Cybill Shepherd) was going to appear in tonight’s episode. Her appearance tonight is no secret, so don’t get on me about spoilers! I think this option is so low because nobody wants her to be the killer. Imagine the dynamic change on the show, should Shawn learn his own mother was a killer?

Shawn’s Uncle Jack (5%) — He (Steven Weber) hasn’t appeared since 2008, so I wonder how much fans would remember him. Still could make for an epic reveal and one that doesn’t affect Shawn too badly.

Gus’s father (1%) — This was thrown in just for fun, but there’s just no way Psych could continue being funny with that weight on Gus’ shoulders.

Alright, now that you’ve seen those results and have had a whole new season to stew with, let’s ask the same poll again! Poll closes before tonight’s episode, so get your votes in quickly!

Photo Credit: USA Network

Categories: | Features | General | Polls | Psych | TV Shows |

One Response to “Who is Yin on Psych? The poll results!”

March 16, 2011 at 5:05 PM

I know who Mr. Yin is. He is Mr. Yang’s father and he is reponsible for all of Mr. Yang’s murders. When he appears in season 5 for “Mr. Yang 3 in 2D”, he is killed by Mr. Yang, his daughter.

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