CliqueClack TV

Gloria sends an email on Modern Family – Things That Didn’t Suck This Week

Gloria sends an accidental email to Claire in my favorite scene from this week's 'Modern Family.'

I’ve been terribly neglectful regarding this column, so I’m trying something new: instead of waiting until the end of the week and forgetting about half the things I loved, I’m just going to do short posts whenever something tickles my fancy.

Now, it could be the family-sized bottle of wine I shared with my sister, but Gloria cracked me up on Modern Family last night. Her email kerfluffle was probably the funniest she’s ever been on the show. “It sended!” This whole storyline worked for me, as I mentioned in my review.  I especially like that the ongoing battle between Claire and Gloria was used as the premise, but we didn’t actually see another episode with the two of them going head to head.

However, it wasn’t the storyline that captured my imagination last night: it was really the opening scene from the episode. I’ve watched the following clip a good four or five times now, and her sad, “Please come back” at the end cracks me up every single time. It’s pretty much my favorite thing ever.

Photo Credit: ABC

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