CliqueClack TV

How is Michael Chiklis aging backwards?

Michael Chiklis looks younger now than he did twenty years ago. I offer proof and a theory as to how this is happening.

With apologies to Episodes and of course, The Picture of Dorian Gray: Somewhere there is a painting of Michael Chiklis and it looks like shit.

Michael Chiklis is aging backwards. This is a phenomenon that I’ve noticed for a while, but dammit — it’s really bugging me now. I started watching The Shield when I got the DVDs from Netflix around season 3. The guy who played Vic Mackey looked familiar to me, so a little light research showed that it was Michael Chiklis — the same Michael Chiklis who was on The Commish.

The Commish premiered when I was 10, so I was aware of it, but didn’t actually watch it. Based on my memory though, that guy was, well, kind of old. To wit:

So how is it, that nearly twenty years later, Michael Chiklis hasn’t aged? Seriously. This is a photo of him as Vic Mackey:

Sure, he dropped some weight and embraced the baldness, but it’s still bizarre how he not only doesn’t look nearly 20 years older, but he actually looks younger. It’s hard to imagine how this phenomenon is occurring. Right now, “deal with the devil,” “unicorn blood” and the aforementioned painting are all strong contenders.

Although, having watched all seven seasons of The Shield is leading me to a different line of reasoning. Perhaps Michael Chiklis is so good at being terrifying that his cells have been scared into submission. He’s frightened his body into not aging.

When he was a lame small town police commissioner who couldn’t find a pen and loved pepperoni, he looked like this:

But when he became the skull-busting, take-no-prisoners Vic Mackey, he looked like this:

It’s good that No Ordinary Family is taking a more action-packed direction, otherwise I have a feeling that we’d be seeing a much-older looking Michael Chiklis really soon.

Photo Credit: ABC/FX

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8 Responses to “How is Michael Chiklis aging backwards?”

February 10, 2011 at 2:21 PM

So true. Well done.

February 10, 2011 at 2:35 PM

Wow. You are right. I watched the Commish when it was on. And, he definitely is looking good these days. I still haven’t watched The Shield … I know I know. I will get to it. But, I enjoy him on NOF.

February 10, 2011 at 2:36 PM

you shouldn’t be noticing things like this. bromance, much?
with all dude respect, of course.

February 10, 2011 at 2:41 PM

Wait– are you talking to me or Bob? Because I’m a lady. (And also very concerned that I need to change my profile picture).

February 10, 2011 at 3:04 PM


You look like a woman to me! lol

February 10, 2011 at 4:07 PM

No worries, Kona. Either he’s talking to Bob or his optometrist needs a swift kick in a soft spot. You most definitely look like a lady to me and you have no need to change your profile picture.

And yes, Chiklis is royally pissing me off. He’s only 3 years younger than me, but he looks *at least* 10-15 years my junior.

February 10, 2011 at 5:02 PM

. . . . .


This is one of my friends on FB.

Not quite sure who it is, but I’m pretty certain s/he was directing the “bromance” comment at me.

And Tom? That’s pretty funny …

February 10, 2011 at 4:05 PM

Kona …you are so right with this. I remember the Commish. My Mom used to watch it so consequently i wantched it a bit ( not a tv in every room back in those days). I thought he was a sweetie..but then when I watched The Shield..whoa! I looked up the guy to see why he looked familiar and I couldn’t believe it. My thought he so HOT looking now!!! Baldness does wonders!

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