CliqueClack TV

Sanctuary’s date night from Hell

Will pulls a ‘Pulp Fiction’ during his first date. Considering Magnus and Will will never get on, I think I’m warming up to his new girlfriend.

- Season 3, Episode 13 - "One Night"

So, what do people think about Abby, Will’s new love interest? This week featured the two getting shanghaied into Tina Fey and Steve Carroll’s Date Night on the way to their first date. When they first introduced Abby, Pascale Hutton didn’t impress me. While she conveyed Abby’s floopiness, I thought she was a bad actress. This time around, Hutton seemed more connected with Abby and did a much better job. Rather than seeing her as just an actress playing a ditsy, Mary Sunshine character, I viewed her as the actual character. Although I will always long for a Will-Magnus May-December relationship, I saw Abby as a more viable long term love interest for Will. So, I have a couple questions for you guys.

What do you think when Will said, “I deserve to be here,” during their captivity? It seemed telling and implied that he realized working in the Sanctuary’s dark and twisted networks meant shortening your life by a couple decades. In a way, he’s right (because he has died multiple times), but it still seemed fatalistic. I wonder if Henry or Kate similarly share his perspective. It also seemed odd that in blaming himself he overlooked Abby’s similarly dangerous job.  Sure, she’s an analyst who’s all sweetness and light. But, she still works for the FBI and she deliberately placed herself in danger investigating the case where they re-connected. Although I’m glad Will didn’t morph into Mighty Morphin Power Magnus, considering the writers beefed up his fighting skills for the past two seasons, I expected to see him do a little bit more fighting with Sioux (especially when he thought Abby freed herself).

What did you think about Amanda Tapping’s directorial debut and the episode in general? Although it lacked the usual energy without the main crew I viewed it as well-written. I liked the bag over camera effect (simulating kidnapping), the open marketplace, and the continued use of multiple frames. I also loved Tinsel Korey (Twilight) as the badass leader, Sioux. While she’s less accessible than Ashley/Kate, I actually thought “she’s the badass kickbutt enforcer Ashley/Kate were meant to be.”

Did anyone else enjoy the final Will-Magnus moment? Just when I finally despaired of ever seeing them spend longer than 15 seconds together, we get another dose of Tapping and Dunne’s natural chemistry.

A few more thoughts:

  • Magnus getting it on: I’ve finally realized that Magnus has relationships while Will has sex. Although her relationships with Tesla and Druitt burn hotter than a supernova, I still think she should scratch the itch.
  • Will hates John Cusack movies? He’s a walking John Cusack character. You know. He’s the cute, funny, uber-smart, overtly-talkative guy who remains down on his luck with women despite his adorableness.
  • Mr. Zimmerman, imitating the voice of the hot boss you have an eerily intimate relationship with on your first date is not a smart move. I don’t think Sanctuary would ever write an episode like this, as it’s moved beyond basic clichés, but do you think they’d ever air an episode where Abby temporarily thinks he’s too co-dependently close to his boss (and\or his job)?
  • Regarding Alfredo’s, has anyone ever experienced food that good?


  • “He’s a matchstick with hair gel.”  – Kate on Will
  • “It sounded like you were emasculating out loud.” – Will to Abby


Photo Credit: Syfy

One Response to “Sanctuary’s date night from Hell”

June 22, 2011 at 10:54 AM

“One Night” isn’t Amanda Tapping’s directorial debut. Her work on Stargate SG-1’s “Resurrection” notwithstanding, she also directed Sanctuary’s season 2 episode “Veritas”. That said, I wish she’d been given a better script to work with. It seemed the whole episode was Will’s “you need to tell me everything/you’re keeping something from me” and shethug Tinsel Korey’s “fix him or I’ll kill you (but she doesn’t make any move to kill anyone)” the same plot shtick over and over for 45 minutes. Though, actually, the poor script gave me more time to appreciate the cool camera angles and such, which Amanda Tapping is great at, so it kind of worked out well :)

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