Wow. I don’t know what you saw, but from my perspective things were a mess on The Voice. It’s as if The Powers That Be are taking lessons from The Bachelorette.
Did everything seem fractured to you? Did you get the feeling you were sitting down to a meal that wasn’t thought through properly? You know … the main dish undercooked? The guests blurt inappropriate comments? Missing silverware and napkins and condiments? Because this is the way it felt to me in this first segment of the live rounds.
I was impressed with exactly two of the contestants: Beverly McClellan who belted out Melissa Etheridge’s “I’m The Only One” (Beverly? She just might be The Voice) and Xenia who lilted her way through “Price Tag” engagingly. It’s evident Xenia’s young age isn’t capable of yielding any stage presence yet as she cannot emote effectively, but her voice is certainly a treat and her performance made me smile. Both ladies’ videos are below for your dining and dancing pleasure:
What I wasn’t impressed with was the banter and foibles of the evening, including the tone-deaf ears of the coaches. When a coach feels the need to use “Tonight I saw your meat come out” to express what a contestant’s performance was like (granted, that’s taken out of context … but still), then later inappropriately and blatantly calls out another asking him to take his pants off, well … what have things digressed to here? Yes, I’m talking about Coach Christina. Additionally, she accused Blake’s team of being “fake” early on in the program. Do I need to get into a tit for tat about all the falsehoods that could be noted as “fake” about her? No, I do not. I’ll leave it at that.
Hokay … so, where do we go from here? This was the opening session of the live rounds after all. And there was lots of (supposed) hoopla. I’ll touch on a few …
- Nope. Dia Frampton (and her sparkly eyes) is not The Voice (Dia elicited the “meat” comment from Christina I mentioned up above).
- One of the strangest dresses I’ve ever seen was the one Xenia wore. It didn’t take away from her performance, but it was distracting enough to make me take a double and triple look and wonder how the pattern meshed with her bow tie. Speaking of outfits, it appeared by what she was wearing that Raquel Castro got lost from the parade she was marching in when she came out for the group performance with Christina and Company for “Lady Marmalade.”
- Seemed to me Christina blathered about everything under the sun. Seriously. [And people? It’s not Christina with an “X” in her name. Despite her idiotic comments, I still have enough respect to write her name properly.]
- Lily Elise: Regardless of what’s gone before, why is she still here? Based on her performance, she shouldn’t be.
- Anyone notice the coaches and their lack of constructive criticism this episode? Because how can you disagree with complete lack of objective analysis? Obviously all the contestants were perfect, because none of the judges had any suggestions for improvements.
- I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this … but I absolutely abhor Carson Daly, the fact he “spruced up” this episode notwithstanding. He almost looked respectable. But here’s the deal with me and Carson: since his Total Request Live days, he’s “improved” … but he’s engaging only in the most miniscule sense (don’t worry though. I have my magnifying glass out and I’m doing my best to discover where that improvement is). But that improvement isn’t in the personality department. Let’s put it this way: I have a collection of Sock Monkeys, several of which I know for a fact have more personality than he does. If this is the best he can do as a host then I give up. Another thing: can’t stand the way he closes out a contestant’s turn before going to a commercial: “If you love Patrick, then save him.” The performer sounds like a loser right out of the gate, doesn’t it? [Side Note: Don’t know about your local station airing The Voice, but at one point mine switched to a Disneyland “Star Tours” spot right as Carson went to commercial. I thought the irony of such a thing was hilarious. Some programming whiz at NBC set that up on purpose. I was about on the floor guffawing. If you didn’t see the irony, I won’t be able to explain it to you.]
- Did you catch the censoring of the “This Love” lyrics during Team Blake’s performance? You didn’t? Then it really doesn’t make a bit of difference does it?
- Cee Lo: He’s scary without glasses. Period.
- Heterosexually speaking, glistening sweat on the head of a bald man who has performed usually tells me that person is into the song and giving it his all. Rather cool and it works. But on a bald woman, say … Frenchie Davis? Off putting. [P.S. Another News Flash: Frenchie is not The Voice.]
- Question: Does anyone have an opinion on Christina’s painted-on hot pants she showed off to (some kind of) effect? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller … ???
Oh … there’s lots more. But I’ll leave some of the fun things — like Freddie Mercury spinning in his grave after the coaches’ Queen performance or Adam and Blake’s bromance blather, etc. — to the comments section.
Deal? Okay. It’s a deal.
Oh. Did I mention I loathe Carson Daly? Not certain I did that.

Photo Credit: GraphJam.com
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Don’t care for Carson either – he’s just a talking head.
LOVE LOVE LOVE Beverly!!!!!
I happen to like sparkly things, so I disagree with your accessment of Raquels attire!!!
The Blake group song – OMG, it was SO out of tune it hurt my ears!!!
Over all, I think I wished that AGT went another hour with Seattle auditions!!!
I am totally shocked you like Xenia!!! My husband and I just sat there and where like “why is she on this show? She looks and sounds so awkward.” The judges sometimes looked like they didn’t like the performance but than at the end praised it like it was the greatest performance ever seen.
Personally though I thought Beverly is extremely talented, I don’t see the majority of voters (teens) voting for these older contestants.
I agree with you about the awkward banter.
. . . . .
Xenia has an intriguing, interesting voice.
But … she doesn’t have any stage presence … she’s as frightened as a squirrel in the middle of the road … and she’s just not old enough to know any better.
Seasoning will “season” her. But I don’t believe she’ll last long on The Voice …
I would have been here earlier, but I was busy becoming a grandmother! Woohoo!
The Voice minus Christina would equal a much better show. Problem is, Beverly is one of her contestants.
[No comment about Christina’s mishmoshed “Adam soiled himself.” I just don’t think Christina or Adam are ready for family prime time.]
. . . . .
Congratulations, Nyela … !!!
Right now, The Voice is Beverly. The thing this program has going for it right now is it isn’t populated with bubble-gummers, so (possibly) anything could happen.
Stay tuned …
PS – Love the pie chart!
You are so wrong about Lily Elise it isn’t even funny. She’s amazingly talented. If you listen to her iTunes downloads, they are 10x better than any other performer of the night. Her voice is amazing!
I like Beverly the best so far too. But I do agree with Michael about Xenia I love her voice. But I like Dia too. I think we will see a good show next week. I am very excited to see Jeff again and the other guy I can’t remember his name (heavier, dark hair, beard). I like both of them too. I like the girl that is on Adam’s team (Stevie Nicks type voice). I guess the banter didn’t bother me nearly as much as Lady GaGa’s performance on the final of Idol. I think a lot of the comments and performances this year on Idol were not made for TV. I don’t think this show is shooting for the kiddie that’s why it doesn’t some on at 7!!
Wow, is it difficult to be this wrong all of the time?
Xenia is so lost on stage it isn’t funny. There has been NO improvement thus far … How long do you think it will take? I’ll give you that she’s got an interesting voice … So interesting I fast forward or leave the room when her “interesting” voice is on.
And you’re dogging Dia? Really? That was easily the most unique performance of the evening, and sounded damn good. She is an example of someone who is becoming more comfortable with herself on stage. Go back and watch the Team Blake performance again, and tell me that Xenia’s shyness has been improving compared to Dia.
I like Elise. She’s not going to win this competition, mainly, I think, because she keeps trying to hard. But I’d put her in the top half of the overall group.
Nor did I think the Queen montage was THAT bad (OK, the last number was THAT bad, but the second one wasn’t).
Christina was annoying as all get out (And she’s the one that is doing the whole X stuff). But Blake and Adam? They weren’t so bad, I liked their banter, but obviously not as much as others.
. . . . .
Answer to Question #1: I fight the good fight and spurn the reasoning off in your defense every time someone asks me why I have you as a friend, Ivey.
Regarding Xenia: I didn’t say there was any improvement. There isn’t where stage presence is concerned with her. I did say I was impressed with her execution of the song. That’s it. She has a terrific voice.
Did I “dog” Dia? I don’t think so. I get that many, many people like her, like what she stands for and can do what she does. But … she’s not doing it for me. And there are several others on the program I think are better than her. She’s not my cup of tea at all.
And … “The most unique performance of the evening” … ??? I refute that. Go back and watch Beverly once again. She was practically dead … freakin’ … on. From the kilt to the Russian military jacket right on down to the execution, I’ll pair up Beverly as the most unique performance of the evening over Dia, hands down.
That’s not dogging her – that’s truth speakin’ …
Lily just isn’t doing it for me.
Love how you caught yourself as you stumbled regarding the Queen montage.
Guess the only thing we both agree on without any conflict whatsoever is Blondie, eh?
I jest, my friend, I jest.
To each his own on Xenia. I can’t stand her voice, and her stage presence … well … enough said.
Watch Beverly again? Loved the outfit, and to be honest, she is growing on me. But “unique?,” please. Do me a favor. Play the original version of that song, and then listen to hers … Then, play the original Kanye version, and then Dia’s.
No, I really did like the middle part of the Queen montage. Even Adam in the beginning wasn’t bad. But, man … Did Christina blow it.
Speaking of … Comparing her Team performance against Blake’s. Who was it about? Talk about an ego.
. . . . .
I know you are, Ivey … I know you are.
My fondness of Xenia parallels my love of Squirrel Nut Zippers, Katharine Whalen and that type of singer. Xenia reminds me of Katherine loads …
But seriously on Beverly. Great cover. But nothing unique about it. Haven’t heard such a unique take on a song as Dia’s since Iron & Wine did the Postal Service’s Such Great Heights, or, frankly, Glee’s take on Poker Face in S1.
I am with Ivey in that Dia was to me the most unique performer last night.
. . . . .
To each his own, Maureen, because that’s what it’s all about.
*clap, clap*
. . . . .
To be completely honest, Ivey, I’ven’t seen Kanye’s take on the tune, so I’ll have to go hunt it down.
Stay tuned …
Watch my review of last night’s first live show! https://youtu.be/CyIqu2MhA7M
PERFECT analogy of the show overall (2nd PP). I can’t remember the last time I felt this uncomfortable. I just didn’t want to be there and couldn’t seem to turn it off. I really hate this show. As I was watching it I just kept saying, “this is AWFUL. Truly AWFUL!!!”
Beverly scares the crap out of me. I don’t even know where to begin on that one. The manic hopping, back slapping of fellow contestants and the rabid smile just make my skin crawl. Best singer in the crew. Hands down. But I’m telling you, I’m terrified.
I will continue to watch it only to make sense of these reviews. Which are hysterical, my man. Ergo…you are still being held responsible for my continued viewing. And discomfort. CURSED
. . . . .
Michael <—– *currently has Billy Joel’s “Pressure” running through his mind*
Jared looks like a pirate. Am I the only one who was expecting a parrot to land on his shoulder at some point during that performance?
Dia and Xenia both did well. Dia’s performance was certainly (…fog…)dramatic(…fog…). I can see how one might love or hate Xenia’s voice – I like it, but I don’t think it’s that unique. Her sound is definitely marketable though.
I know you’ve declared Beverly to be The Voice (so far), but I think her “scariness” could hurt her chances. As Blake – and commenter Lois – have said, she IS scary. She’s also a damn good singer. I think wearing the kilt was a great move – I mean, it’s impossible not to like someone wearing a kilt.
BTW Michael, it’s amusing to read your take and then Brittany’s, ’cause you guys react so differently to this show. Music is polarizing, so this shouldn’t surprise me. And yet I’m surprised.
. . . . .
When she watches The Voice and sees Adam Levine during any point in the broadcast, Brittany’s eyes glaze over and she becomes a wet noodle.
It’s a wonder she gets anything done at all, Ruby.
Oh, Michael.
I love me some Adam Levine, I’m not going to lie, but you make me sound like a squealing teenage fangirl…!
I didn’t think of it that way until you said it, Ruby, but yes, Jared did look kinda like a pirate. There have been some weird, weird wardrobe choices on this show.
And I’d like to find whoever thought the fog machine was cool and hit them. They used it for Patrick’s performance too and all I could think was (Adam Levine voice:) “Really? Really?”