CliqueClack TV

Weeds – Nancy’s always down for a deal

Andy made an interesting observation when he called Nancy's journey circular, only to quickly correct himself and describe it as spiral. Nancy may be back playing simple weed dealer, but now she’s doing it from a halfway house with a family that’s torn apart.

- Season 7, Episode 7 - "Vehement v. Vigorous"

With Silas back from round one with Heylia, phase one of Nancy getting her weed business back off the ground is finally in place. But nothing can ever be quite that simple, and last night some developments for individual members of the grander Botwin clan were better than others.

Leave it to Nancy to turn her jovial counselor into a fire breather. I didn’t even know that Gary Anthony Williams could go there … even runaway wife Kitty didn’t drive him there on Malcolm in the Middle. That was a lucky last minute save, but I hope she does right by him, because if not for him she’d have been shipped right back to prison after a day. I loved how ‘roided-up Doug confused him for one of U-Turn’s guys (man it’s been a long time since that name’s come up).

Zoya (Olga Sosnovska) returning? Weird, considering the fact that she seemed to have years left on her sentence. But it was one of those expected surprises … if Nancy was going to get involved with Demetri (Pablo Schreiber), we knew her psycho lover (and his psycho sister) was going to reappear.

Nancy’s never going to change, so she’s always going to have her ear to the ground for a deal, but two in one episode? She was obviously angling her boss (Aidan Quinn) for something even before those two SEC guys approached her, but how about how quick she was to hop back on the Federal teat? Nancy can try going back to simpler times, but life experiences will always trump everything else. Never again will she be a simple pot dealer who’s never had run-ins with the law (Nor will she ever again be a one-time widow. How insane was it when she told Quinn that she had three dead husbands?)

I give Silas credit for the power play he made — definitely Heylia’s influence — but why’d he have to seem so off-kilter the entire episode? He was like a crazy person feverishly making plans, and then the whole boxing thing? Why would anyone involved in modeling risk damaging their face, let alone an agent who’d risk her clients’ ability to earn her money? The whole Saturday Afternoon Throwdown was inexplicable, but I love how “Momma’s Boy” got Silas to lose control.

Andy seems sad. He’s just sleepwalking from one place to the next, never able to assert himself in any way. Well, I thought his community meeting was great! I wonder if the resigned look on his face as he watched Silas arm his messengers was the path he’s on, or if Andy’s padlocking the back room might have some greater significance — you do what you want back there, but out here I’m running a bike shop. Perhaps?

When it seemed that Shane was approaching the detective who spoke to his class (Michael Harney) for his own serial killer reasons, it was intriguing. When it appeared he was doing so for Mommy’s love, it lost its cache. But now he’s doing it to play junior gumshoe and flash a badge? Really? His story’s lost its wheels … I much preferred when he was babysitting Stevie full time, stealing strollers and making friends with a mommies group. No idea what’s going on with him now, but I’m not enjoying it so much.

Oh, and nice win Rocket!

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Photo Credit: Showtime

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