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Desperate Housewives – “I’d rather see you in a straightjacket than in a coffin”

Enjoyable, engaging and armed with a heartwarming moment between two housewives, ABC’s guilty pleasure returns from a winter hiatus with an episode that doesn’t particularly advance the plot, but offers one heck of a cliff-hanger!

- Season 8, Episode 10 - "What's to Discuss, Old Friend?"

An age old aphorism states that good things come to those that wait. Perchance that is factual because after a month long hiatus, Desperate Housewives returned with quite an entertaining episode. The second half of the final season has officially begun, and even though the chapter wasn’t jam-packed like the previous installment, it was still filled with some memorable moments … one of which involved a certain redheaded housewife alone in a motel room.

With Katherine long gone, I’m clearly referencing Wisteria Lane’s favorite alcoholic. Okay, so I think it’s pretty safe to say that we all knew Bree wasn’t going to kill herself. I mean, come on, she’s one of the main four leads and we’re not even halfway through the season. However, did any of us guess that Renee Perry would be the one to save the hammered redhead? I sure as hell didn’t. After hilariously kicking the motel room door down, Renee discovered that Bree was about to commit suicide. To that end, the newest housewife decided to keep an eye on her by moving in which in turn led to some fantastic scenes between Marcia Cross and Vanessa Williams.

I’ve enjoyed Renee tremendously this season. It seems the writers are really trying to give her more to do. However, my one complaint has been that she hasn’t had the opportunity to share any substantial scenes with Gaby, Susan and Bree. It was refreshing to see her take a break from playing Lynette’s feisty sidekick, and the scene in the church with Renee recounting her mother’s suicide was utterly brilliant. Can someone please tell me why Vanessa Williams doesn’t have an Emmy?

Also, while you’re at it, can anyone tell me why Lynette’s storyline has become so mundane? Wasn’t the separation supposed to make Lynette’s plot relevant again? This week on the lane, she and Tom continued to … oh, why do I even bother? Sheesh. This storyline is as flat as week-old Mountain Dew. Trust me. I would know. Lynette told Tom to go to Paris to be with Jane … and that was about it. Seriously. Moving on.

Susan’s plot was a bit thin this week. Essentially she thought that a trip to New York would cure her troubles and ease her of her guilt. However, after attending loopy Chuck’s funeral — That’s right! The loony detective is dead! — and speaking to his aunt, Susan somehow reached the conclusion that she should check on Alejandro’s family. How she reached that conclusion is anyone’s guess, but at this point in time, I’m willing to just go with it. Still, my spider sense is telling me that this is bad. I mean, first she paints incriminating works of art, and now she wants to visit the dead man’s family? Oy vey.

The final housewife on my list is Gaby … and that’s not because I’m saving the best for last. Quite the contrary, she’s become my least favorite desperate housewife this season. Gabrielle has really been getting on my nerves since letting Bree assume the role of leader in this whole murder cover-up. Honestly, I think Bree should slap her one good time. I’m just saying. Yet, I digress. This week found Gabrielle freaking out because she believed Carlos was behind Chuck’s accident. After learning that he wasn’t, Gabrielle warned Carlos that if he ever made a drunken confession to a police officer again, she’d kill him. Meh. Where’s the love, folks?

Anyway, the episode ended with Bree receiving another mysterious note. This one was in regards to Chuck’s murder. Its message was simple and concise: “You’re welcome.”

Yikes! So, who sent it? My money is on Ben, guys. He was missing from this episode, and we don’t know where he disappeared to when Renee went looking for him in the previous installment. Aside from that, there are some other questions to ponder. For starters, will Renee learn about the ladies burying Alejandro? If Bob did, then surely she can be let in on the fun, right? Will Lynette and Tom get back together? Do you even care? And will Susan ever get a brain? Inquiring minds want to know! Feel free to sound off in the comments below!

Photo Credit: ABC/RON TOM

11 Responses to “Desperate Housewives – “I’d rather see you in a straightjacket than in a coffin””

January 9, 2012 at 2:51 PM

Bree seems to attract psyco men, so I’m leaning toward one of them sending the note. What ever happened to the creepy pharmacist? Did he get killed off, or could he be behind the notes? What about Orsen?

January 9, 2012 at 3:56 PM

Bree does attract the crazies, doesn’t she? LOL The pharmacist’s name was George, and he died way back in Season 2. Orson left at the very start of Season 7, but he did come back for an episode towards the middle. He’ll be back this season too, but I doubt he’s behind the notes to Bree. Here’s a thought… what if it’s Katherine Mayfair? Hmm…

January 9, 2012 at 10:16 PM

Based on the last note, someone is trying to protect Bree and my money is on Orson.

January 9, 2012 at 11:36 PM

I’m glad to see them giving Renee more to do, and I agree with you about the chuch scene. I also think Ben is the driver since he has an investment at stake. But that would be too obvious, no?

January 10, 2012 at 12:50 AM

You know what? Perhaps it would be a bit obvious, but there’s no denying that Ben is up to something, Chuck. Even if he isn’t behind those notes, there is something definitely up with him. He’s too shady. It’s a little freaky. I anticipate some great scenes coming up between Ben and Renee. I have a feeling she’ll start to get suspicious of him. Then again, for all we know, Ben could be a good guy with no evil plan whatsoever…but I doubt it. Who else could it possibly be?

January 10, 2012 at 2:02 AM

Ben may have just been a plot device to help hide the body, and he has to be obviously shady to make us think he’s the culprit. I absolutely love Tara’s theory below! I hope Ben is a good guy who ends up happy with Renee at the end.

January 10, 2012 at 1:06 AM

Like I said in my fill in post for Chuck? I think it’s Mrs. McClusky. She keeps making statements about living on a fixed income. She’s had her nose everywhere the entire series. Nothing gets past her.
I wonder if she’ll blackmail them all.
I also just checked back and realized I called out Mary Alice faking her own death years ago.

January 10, 2012 at 1:48 AM

Oh, I do love the idea that this is all Mrs. McClusky’s handiwork. That would make for a sweet finale!

January 10, 2012 at 9:44 AM

Isn’t Ben too obvious of a choice?
Or maybe he’s not. But who else is on the list? Who else could’ve killed Chuck? Paul? Someone from their past? From past seasons maybe?
But what I really want to know, is why? Why save them?

January 10, 2012 at 1:29 PM

You have a lot of interesting questions. Unfortunately, I don’t have the answers. I’m just as stumped as you are. LOL Why save them? Good question! That’s why I think it’s Ben! Chuck was threatening Ben’s project which would give Ben a motive, right? I know Ben is an obvious choice, but you never know. I think the writers are doing a good job of having us guessing. What if it’s Sam, Rex’s secret son from season six? Just a thought.

January 16, 2012 at 5:43 AM

I think Juanita is sending the notes!! She knows Bree killed her grandmother, she was in the house when Alejandrou was killed.. I think it’s her.

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