CliqueClack TV

Desperate Housewives – Oh, no he didn’t!

After an episode that leaned towards being a bit too fluffy, ABC's scandalous dramedy returned with an installment that kicked several new plots into action. To think that I had my doubts. Never underestimate these writers. Is that a bell I just heard? I think I've been schooled!

- Season 8, Episode 14 - "Get Out Of My Life"

Desperate Housewives

A mid-season slump may be customary for some television shows, but it pleases me to know that the writers of ABC’s Desperate Housewives seem resolute in going out with a bang. After last week’s fluffy installment, things kicked back into high gear with an episode that delivered a few shockers while managing to tug on my heart strings. So, what’s going on with the women of Wisteria Lane?

Let’s break it down, shall we?

After coming to her aide last week, Orson has managed to worm his way back into Bree’s life. Now at first I was pleased by this development. I was a big fan of Bree and Orson as a couple back in seasons three and four — season five, not so much. Naturally, I’ve been holding out hope for the two to get back together. Imagine my shock and dismay when I learned that Orson was behind the creepy notes that Bree’s been receiving. Sheesh. So much for a peaceful reconciliation! Furthermore, Orson seems to be up to something. I don’t work at Sea World, but something’s definitely fishy. The other housewives didn’t call him and he’s way too concerned about getting Bree to Maine. What’s up with that? Sister girl better pack one of her signature baskets of muffins … and by muffins I mean guns.

Speaking of hazardous firearms, the ever so sassy Renee Perry may want to invest in one herself. I knew Ben was in over his head the second he made that deal with the shady loan shark. Now, after ending up in the hospital due to stress, my homegirl Renee has taken it upon herself to rectify his mess. However, it’s blatantly obvious that she may be in over her own head judging by the previews for next week. So, is she the one that’s going to die? I highly doubt that. I’m thinking it’s Mike which is sad considering Susan’s got enough on her plate.

After learning that Porter Scavo was the father of Julie’s baby (Crap! I was really hoping it was Andrew!), Susan sets out to fix things … and by fix things I mean completely ignoring Julie’s decison of giving the child up for adoption. Oh, boy. This is the part of the episode where I began looking for my bottle of gin. You know, I like Susan. I really do. However, I’m siding with Julie on this one. It was her decision and I feel Susan should respect that. Now what’s interesting is that Porter wants to keep the child. Oy vey. The kid would have better luck at raising a dog — a hot dog that is. Okay, that was lame, but you get my point. I completely understand why Lynette is against this. The woman just had a baby and doesn’t want (or need) any more.

Quite frankly, I’m starting to have second thoughts about having children myself due to Gabrielle’s atrocious offspring. Gaby’s plot was filler. I was okay with that since the other plots were interesting at least. However, we did get one fascinating tidbit from her storyline — Mrs. McCluskey’s cancer has returned. Was I the only one that was sad by seeing Mrs. McCluskey alone with the doctor when she found out the news? Kathryn Joosten rocked that scene.

On a sidenote, as much as I like Gaby’s kids, they’d have already met my belt, shoe, or extention cord if I were their parent. Disobedience to that degree warrants a firm hand. I’m just sayin’.

And that about does it for this week’s episode. To be honest, I really rather enjoyed it. Furthermore, I’m really enjoying this season. The mystery has been excellent and it’s been one heck of a ride so far. The next episode of Desperate Housewives airs March 4, and we’ve been given some big questions to ponder until then. For starters, what’s going to happen to Renee? She better not die. I know that much. What are Orson’s intentions? Will Mrs. McCluskey succumb to her cancer? And who’s dying in the next episode? Reports have indicated that it’s a major character. My money is on Mike or Carlos, but I’d love to read your theories! Feel free to sound off below!

Photo Credit: ABC

40 Responses to “Desperate Housewives – Oh, no he didn’t!”

February 20, 2012 at 11:34 AM

Orson was always somewhat creepy so that makes sense to me that he’s the one sending the notes. I think Mike might be the one that dies, he will go out a hero saving Ben and Renee.
The scene where Gabby had Juanita on the cell phone with Carlos and Gabby comes back and grabs the phone and shoves Juanita so hard that she is out of the frame made me laugh out loud. There’s someone that has not evolved much at all..she’s the same selfish self-absorbed Gabby.
It was heartbreaking that she kept Roy and Karen apart when Karen really needed him.

February 20, 2012 at 12:23 PM

To be honest, Toni, I didn’t expect Orson to be the culprit. I was hoping he and Bree could get back together, but now I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the one who died in the next episode. Yes, I laughed out loud as well when Gaby shoved Juanita out of the frame. Eva Longoria is hilarious. Still, Gaby is my least favorite housewife. Her selfish antics are getting old, and I didn’t like her keeping Roy and Karen apart. However, I’m sure when she learns about Karen’s condition, she’ll have a heart and lend a hand to help. So far, it’s been a great season!

February 20, 2012 at 2:12 PM

Gaby will have a heart in the end..she always does. She’s a selfish b**ch and then she shows her heart.
As far as the person that dies, hasn’t it been said by the show’s producers that it will be a major player? That’s why I was thinking Ben wasn’t around long enough and Orson has been missing for a long time. Mike, while not in every show has been a part of the show for a long time now.

February 20, 2012 at 3:14 PM

Yes, I think it was said that it was a major player or something along the lines of it being someone who we have known for a very long time. Orson does fit that description. You know how the Desperate Housewives writers are. They put out these vague prologues to raise our suspicions and then kill off someone who isn’t even essential to the plot. Right now, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Orson that gets shot, Toni. LOL

February 20, 2012 at 9:30 PM

Hmmm..Bree is a serious gun owner and a great shot!!!

February 20, 2012 at 12:35 PM

they wouldn’t kill Bree… would they?!
I think if someone’s about to die, it’s gonna be Orson or Ben.
Why do you think Mike’s the one who’s gonna die?

February 20, 2012 at 12:48 PM

Well, I think Renee is in danger, Kiana. She paid off the shady loan shark in an effort to protect Ben from harm, but now it seems the loan shark has taken an interest in her millions. Since Mike let her know about Ben’s troubles, I think he’ll be back to check in on Renee when the loan shark begins harassing her in the next episode. Did you see the previews for next week? They showed a shot of Renee trying to close the door in the loan shark’s face, but he prevented her from doing so. Also, they showed a quick shot of Mike entering Renee’s house with a look of suspicion and then a shot of him punching the man. He may get shot trying to protect Renee. Reports have indicated that the character dying in the next episode is from a bullet wound. We’ll see…

February 20, 2012 at 1:39 PM

This weeks’ episode was a lot better than the previous one. Let’s talk……If Julie doesn’t want the baby then Porter has a say since he is the father. I think that Susan and Lynette will do everything they can to assist in raising the baby girl. That’s what grandparents do. I believe the Orson is not to be trusted and that he is going to try to harm/kill Bree. He instead will be the one who is killed. I am praying for Renee because the loan shark is greedy and is coming back for more money since he apparently thinks that she is wealthy. Finally, Gaby was wrong for keeping Ms. McCluskey and Sam apart for her own selfish reasons. She needs to start parenting her kids and get the respect that she deserves.

February 20, 2012 at 3:11 PM

You’re right. Porter does have a say in the matter…it’s just a pity that he can’t take care of himself. I don’t see Lynette helping him, but I do see Susan lending a hand. Orson is undoubtedly up to something, yes. I’m intrigued by this new development. You’re right about Gaby. She was wrong for keeping Mrs. McCluskey and ROY — lol — apart. I’m sure she’ll see the error of her ways in the next episode though. And yes, I am praying for Renee too! :-)

February 21, 2012 at 3:49 PM

As far as this episode goes, I will say nothing more (at least for the moment) than “I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with lachy429″. :-)

February 21, 2012 at 4:04 PM

Lavinia, I can always trust you to comment! It’s nice to know you read the message boards of DH. Lachy’s a friend of mine, and he’s quite opinionated. I have to ask, what would you have done differently this season? You seem to be very displeased. I think season eight has been good so far.

February 22, 2012 at 8:01 AM

Sweetie, yes, I’m displeased (especially because I cannot just avoid to compare the current season with the previous ones, the ones before the 5-year jump). Personally, I think you’re being a little too merciful when you’re glossing over the orson thing: I think lachy and serena and agar and whoever agreed with them are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! I mean: it is the final season after all and the mystery has been practically revealed to us in the 14th episode (just like last year, might I add): now, is it really too much to ask of them to AT LEAST try and really surprise us with an unexpected culprit? come on… it was blatantly obvious it was orson, since we had this mysterious guy sending the notes ONLY TO BREE and stalking ONLY BREE: I mean, it really was soooo easy (not just for a die-hard fan, but even for a casual viewer) to guess that. I mean: andrew and bree made up in season 7, karl and rex and george are dead.. who THE HELL could’ve been other than orson?
and don’t even get me started on how contrived it was the way find he found out about the cover-up: do they really expect us to believe there was a car in front of bree’s house the whole time and none of the ladies noticed that? seriously? cuz I don’t recall them showing us that black car parked down the street EVER and I think it is VERY CONVENIENT of them to invent just now (in the 14th episode) that there was one there all along!!! sort of a lazy and coward’s ways out, to justify how orson was involved in all of this. ahahah I mean: on WL, where everyone knows about everyone else’s business (and your neighbour can even tell you how many times you went to pee last night) there was a car parked there EVERY SNGLE DAY to stalk a woman and NO ONE HAPPENED TO NOTICE THAT? oh yeah, that’s right… -_-‘ and how about him following them in the woods at night? how on earth didn’t they happen to notice his car (which wasn’t even covered by the bushes, as it is shown in the montage)? a guy follows you into the woods at 2 a m in the morning (and presumably the car’s lights were on, since you know, the car was moving) and YOU DON’T EVEN NOTICE THAT??!! it’s not like it’s a highway, where lots of cars drive by!! it’s the FRICKIN’WOODS and it’s night: if a car follows you in there, you must certainly assume they wanna either rape you or kill you or rob you or spy you.. either way, they’re aiming at you!!
JUST preposterous (here in Italy, A LOT of fans were very pissed off by this and happened to find it veeeery contrived, especially being it the final mystery)…
jaylen, I have a lot of more things to add, but I’ll do it later. meanwhile, is it rouble for you to pass my comment around your friends? I’d like to read their thoughts on that. and what about chuck? is he still around? I’d love to pick his brain, too. thank you :-)

February 22, 2012 at 10:34 AM

Lavinia, thanks for responding. I love your feedback. I didn’t know you were from Italy! Cool! Hey, I’m going to ask you the age-old question… If you’re so displeased with the show, then why do you continue to watch? I don’t think you’ve found one positive thing to say about this season. Be it that the case, then why do you force yourself to sit through a program that you believe has declined in quality?

On the message boards of DH, I’m known as MATTHEW APPLEWHITE. Lachy and Agar are two of my favorite DH friends. We’ve been buddies since the end of season five. You bring up a lot of good points, but sadly, I’m going to disagree with you. While I do understand and comprehend the points that you’ve made about Orson, I’m okay with him being the culprit. Quite frankly, I thought Sam could be a possibility. I wasn’t bummed when Orson was revealed. In fact, I’m eager to see where it leads.

I didn’t have a problem with discovering all of this in episode 14. Why should this mystery continue until the end of the season? It’s the last season. I believe the final few episodes should focus on the core four housewives, and celebrate the series as a whole.Yes, the writers have taken a lot of liberties with the series, and yes, there are a few plot holes, but if the quality has declined since the start of season five, why would it improve now? Like I told Agar and Lachy, I feel the writers are trying this season. I think the good outweighs the bad. Trust me. I have my own complaints — Gaby’s storyline comes to mind. She doesn’t have anything meaty. She’s just kind of…there. LOL

I’m not saying that plot holes are forgivable, but in television, it happens. Let’s not pretend as though plot holes started in season eight. Lavinia, that stuff has been happening since season four. It should come as no surprise. Therefore, I don’t see a need to complain after all of these years. Perchance your argument is that these plot holes have gotten worse. Hmmm…if that’s the case then perhaps I see your point.

Maybe I am being merciful, or maybe I just don’t let the small things bother me like I used to. I was a lot more critical of season five. I thought it was boring, and I still do. I think season eight has been the best of the four post-five year jump seasons. I’ve been thoroughly entertained. DH began in 2004. It’s now 2012. I just don’t understand why some of us continue to compare current episodes to the ones at the start. DH will never be able to recapture its season one magic. However, that’s not to say it’s a terrible program. Even on a bad day, DH is still just as entertaining as half of the shows on television. Granted, ratings may have dropped, but they certainly aren’t abysmal.

To answer your question, no, it isn’t any trouble to pass your comments around my friends. In fact, I’d be happy to. However, my friends read these recaps in addition to the comments. If you’d like their opinions, I’ll certainly tell them. Also, Chuck is still around. He’s just been busy with other projects. He did respond to your comment on the Renee Perry editorial, but you never commented back.

With that being said, I do have another question for you… Is there anything that you have enjoyed this season? :-)

February 22, 2012 at 2:06 PM

Hey guys! Jaylen (or Matthew_Applewhite) :) I have enjoyed reading all of these comments, there are some strong opinions here, which is great. Hi to Lavinia in Italy. Thank you for mentioning me :) And I’m glad you agree with me. Maybe I was somewhat harsh with my comments, especially considering they were on ABC’s message board, the episode had just aired and I was angry and disappointed, and I’m surprised ABC didn’t ban me for discrediting their brand. I appreciate that they didn’t.

I just wanted to say that I don’t think the eighth season has been a complete waste of time. I thought the Renee/Bree scenes after Bree’s suicide attempt were outstanding. I loved how Bree acknowledged what this woman had done for her, in saving her life, and how they shared a special moment over the news that Renee’s mother had killed herself. Renee was amazing in those scenes, or should I say Vanessa Williams was.

As for the mystery, I don’t know, I am disappointed that Orson has been revealed as our killer, it just seemed too likely, even if he wasn’t somebody’s number 1 suspects, it can’t have come as too great a shock for anyone with even a small amount of Desperate Housewives knowledge. Even a casual viewer. And I felt like they owed us some more shocks, some more twists, for the final mystery of the show. But I can live with that. And I think the next episode is going to be exciting to see the writers follow-up. But you know, as Kyle MacLachlan is credited as a Special Guest Star this season, I can’t imagine him sticking around past the next episode. I assume he will go to Maine without Bree, once she discovered his betrayal. And I think he wants her back, I doubt he has much of a revenge scheme going on…but I could be wrong…I’d like to be wrong.

I have more to say, but I have to go for now.

February 22, 2012 at 3:24 PM

Lachy, is that really you? LOL It’s so surreal having you move from the DH boards and into the comments of my CliqueClack recap. The anonymity of being Matthew_Applewhite is now gone. It’s cool though! Let’s hope Agar joins us on the other side too. Let’s chat, buddy!

Do you really think Orson will be gone after the next episode? If so, that would suck. I actually saw a press release for the March 11th episode, and I don’t recall Kyle MacLachlan being listed. Sheesh. So, does that mean the mystery is officially over? I doubt it. I think we may switch gears. I actually don’t think the investigation concerning Alejandro is quite over either. I guess we’ll see.

I’m glad you and I both agree on Renee, buddy! I hope she gets a scene with Susan this season before the series ends. Vanessa Williams has interacted with each housewife this season except Teri Hatcher. And is Dana Delaney really coming back? They are currently shooting episode 18 with Shawn Pyfrom who portrays Andrew. So, that leaves six episodes for Dana to return. Let’s make it happen, writers!

February 22, 2012 at 4:25 PM

It most certainly IS me! Lachy429 from the message boards! I thought I’d be a sport and come and chat with you here, this is where you put the effort in to review the episodes, and I like having a new place to come and talk about the episodes! Yes, your secret identity has now been revealed, but that’s okay, I’ve always wondered about my Desperate Housewives board friends, we only reveal certain aspects of our lives on the message boards, and it’s always interesting to learn a little bit more.

Yes, I do think Orson will be gone after the next episode. He wasn’t listed as a Special Guest Star for the episode following the March 4 episode. And so, I think the writers got Kyle MacLachlan back for three episodes, and planned to end the mystery storyline by the end of March 4. And maybe that’s not such a bad thing. After the main mystery of season 8 is finalized, we have to deal with the aftermath of a major character’s death (I’m really thinking it’s Mike!), and I’m still holding out hope that Brenda Strong will reprise her on-screen role as the living dead Mary Alice Young. And how about learning more about the Young family, like we were promised when the season started filming.

Dana Delany will return to the show. It has been confirmed, I know they’re leaving it late, but maybe she’ll finish filming the second season of Body Of Proof before guest starring on Desperate Housewives. Maybe they’re keeping her return for the series finale, perhaps Katherine will return to live on Wisteria Lane, and that will give the fans a sense of everything fitting together, returning friends, happy endings. I had hoped Dana Delany would return and be revealed as Chuck’s killer, alas, it wasn’t to be.

I don’t think anybody should be punished for the murder of Alejandro. I thought the beauty of the storyline was that they never had to speak of it again, a man that nobody knew was still alive, had been killed. But nobody knew he wasn’t already dead. No one of course, except for his family, but last season, we didn’t know he HAD a family, and the writers could easily have written it so that he never did. I mean, Alejandro was a bad man, and perhaps didn’t deserve to live. Depending on your stance on the value of human life, even taking into account the terrible crimes these people commit. So, I don’t think it would be a bad thing for the season’s central mystery storyline to end after the next episode. Maybe there will be some elements that reverberate on Wisteria Lane over the final episodes…Maybe.

As for Vanessa Williams, buddy, I am just a huge fan. As far as her music goes, not so much, I can’t say that I like her sort of music, but I acknowledge her talent, she has a beautiful singing voice without a doubt. But she is a fine actress. And I think she was a wonderful addition to the show for the final couple of years. I want to see a lot more Renee/Bree scenes before the show ends, I think it’s important to show their friendship develop over the final episodes. And I agree, Teri Hatcher and Vanessa Williams need some screen time this year, I really enjoyed their friendship last season. Right up until the last few episodes of season 7, they were pretty pally, and I want more of that.

Looking forward to seeing Andrew back before the series ends. Did you read about his storyline LOL! It looks really good, and surprising, I won’t say anything more until you tell me you know about it. Maybe you don’t want any major spoilers. Shawn Pyfrom is a real talent, and I think it’s great that his return means that he has appeared in all 8 seasons in some capacity. As has Joy Lauren and Andrea Bowen. I think that’s great, that these children visit their parents even once they’ve grown up. It’s reflective of real life. Of course, Andrew actually lives on Wisteria Lane (assuming he STILL does), we just don’t see him very often LOL!

And to qualify my stance on the current season of the show. I am disappointed with the declining quality, I cannot say that I’m not. And quitting watching the show is simply not an option, it has brought me so much happiness over the journey, and I love the characters too much to do that. I think the main reason for the drop in standard is that the writers have lost their sharp satirical wit. Season 1 (and seasons 2, 3 and 4 for that matter) was a satirical look at a soap opera, and it was funny because they didn’t try to tell jokes. The ‘jokes’ were natural and real. And that’s why the show was so good. Now, the jokes are just that – jokes. There is very little satire, and what little satire that’s left, feels forced and fake. But I CAN enjoy the episodes for what they are. And make absolutely no mistake pal, I love this show, it means more to me than any other show I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching.

It’s not as brilliant as Six Feet Under was, I think Six Feet Under maintained an incredible standard over their 5 seasons. And went out when they were still on top. But Desperate Housewives has done more for my life than Six Feet Under has. So, I will always be grateful for that.

And you will never be the Edie in our little trio pal :) At least if you are, we won’t freeze you out like Susan, Lynette, Bree and Gabrielle did. Never LOL! Can’t wait to chat some more pal! This is a lot of fun.

February 22, 2012 at 5:27 PM

Lachy, you should follow me on Twitter or friend me on Facebook. I’m just sayin’. LOL Anyway, yes, Renee and Susan did become pals, didn’t they? I liked seeing Renee visit her at her apartment to warn her about the creep who wanted to give Susan a kidney. I also enjoyed seeing Renee and Susan try to worm their way into the expensive restaurant. Good comedy! Hopefully they can have another scene soon.

Also, I do believe production on Body of Proof has ended for the season which means that Dana is free! Excellent! I’ll admit that I do miss Katherine, although I did feel that her time had expired on Wisteria Lane. You make a good point about the earlier seasons, buddy. The tone was different. It seems the show morphed into more of a comedy. Since we both agree on that I won’t continue to beat a dead horse.

Yes, I do know what Andrew’s storyline will be! LOL Lachy, I always had a feeling of what it would be. Don’t ask me how I know, but I could just tell where the writers were headed with his character. For anyone reading this, please stop now if you don’t want to be spoiled. SPOILER ALERT!!! Andrew’s hooking up with a woman! LOL Oh, dear. I’m intrigued by this new development. It’s certainly surprising.I wonder who the lucky girl is! Any thoughts, Lachlan?

Also, how kind of you not to freeze me out of our trio. LOL I don’t have Edie’s qualities. No, if I likened my personality to one of the housewives, I’d be a mix of Susan, Bree and Renee honestly.LOL How’s that for a combination?!! :-)

February 22, 2012 at 6:50 PM

I am not on Twitter, but I have been giving it some thought recently, you just gave me a good reason to join up! I am on facebook and would be happy to friend you. I think it would be a shame if our friendship ended when Desperate Housewives ends if I’m honest.

I am really intrigued with this story development with Andrew. It may not be as straight forward as it seems right now though. Maybe the girl he’s marrying needs to get into the States, and this will allow her to stay. Maybe there are things we don’t know yet. But I’m really excited to see. I doubt the girl Andrew is marrying is anybody we know at this stage. I think the surprise lies in the fact that he’s marrying a woman at all, and not necessarily in her identity. I can’t think of any past characters who it could be at this stage. You know, Andrew could be bisexual, was he ever identified as gay? Maybe he was bi all along. And maybe he genuinely has fallen in love with this girl. I’m excited to see how it unfolds anyway.

That’s quite a great combination of girls! I’m probably most like Bree really. I have some OCD issues, not to the extent that Bree does of course, and I am pretty sure her OCD issues are more serious than that, I think she probably suffers from the rarer OCPD (Personality), which dictates her life more than OCD. At least, the way she was falling apart in the first season, with her happy family life facade as the backdrop was very OCPD.

Oh, LOL! I was talking about me, I got off track somewhat. Yeah, I’m most like Bree, maybe a little like Susan. But right from the beginning, I loved Bree and really loved her scenes with Rex and her family. It was what defined much of season 1 for me. And I’d like to think I was strong like Angie too, but I could never do what she did to Patrick HA! Don’t have that kind of guts.

February 22, 2012 at 7:22 PM

Yes, it would be a terrible shame for our friendship to end just because DH is over. We’ll have to keep in touch, buddy. Anyway, yes I agree with you in regards to Andrew. It’s not the woman he’s marrying who’s the big deal. It’s the fact that he’s marrying a woman at all. This brings a smile to my face. That’s going to be an amusing plot. I wish Danielle and Andrew could share a scene again. That would be great.

You share characteristics with Angie? She was a cool broad…and tough. I think brassy is the word that I’d use to describe her character. You reckon we’ll see her in a flashback before the end of the series?

February 22, 2012 at 11:03 PM

Yeah, I think we’ll see Angie again before the series ends. I think it’s come to the point in the series where the producers are going to be knocking on the doors of several past greats. Alfre Woodard perhaps. I’d love to see her get in touch with her old friend, Bree, maybe she’s in trouble and needs a big favour? I loved Betty, and I would love to see her again, even if it’s just to let us know how she and Caleb are doing. And I think Drea de Matteo would be at the top of the callback list. We know Dana’s coming back. And hopefully we see some other past greats…dare we hope for Nicollette Sheridan to appear again? Maybe Richard Burgi? I’d love to see more Martha Huber flashbacks before the show ends too. And I am hoping we see more Mark Moses scenes from prison, or maybe out of prison… I think the producers and writers are going to try to please a lot of people with many returning greats in the 9 hours that remain.

Yeah, I’d like to think I share some characteristics with Angie. I certainly don’t have her balls, metaphorically speaking LOL. And her character really was season six’s saving grace. I did think the first half of season six was very strong, I felt it had returned to some excellent form after the latter part of season five (a season that, for the most part, I actually thought was excellent, I know you didn’t). But there came a point where the storytelling capitulated, and cannoned us into the current state of the series, and I don’t think the series really recovered. But we all know how that conversation goes, so let’s enjoy the show for what it is, still a lot of fun entertainment. My point was though, again, with the losing of the focus :) While season six fell into a bunch of tired cliches and familiar plot devices and cheap laughs, Drea de Matteo was the character that we all kind of fell in love with, and I think it was her that grounded us back, at least as much as one actress could. I would dearly love to see her again, and her husband Nick for that matter, maybe they get back in touch with their friend Gaby. I’d love to see that.

February 23, 2012 at 12:53 PM

Lachlan, I agree. Angie was the highlight of season six. In fact, I think that you and I agreed on that back in 2009 when it premiered. Angie was a welcome breath of fresh air. I’d be glad to see her back. I’d also be happy to see Betty Applewhite return. That would be awesome! Let’s hold out hope, buddy!

February 22, 2012 at 2:21 PM

well, yes, you do bring up some good points. to answer your last question, well, I think you should probably know something about me: when I post something, it is normally a complaint or a question (about something I haven’t understood about a certain episode). Normally I never post something like “Marcia’s performance was amazing” or “Eva was stunning the other night” or “I’m so excited about nex episode, are you?” cuz I kinda take those “positive” things for granted. so, if I say harsh things about the show, please know that does not mean I hate EVERYTHING about it (it’s just that I don’t feel the urge to comment on the good things unless explicitly asked about them). :-)
yes, I loved the premiere and episode 8×07 and the acting of all the girls (that has never declined from the get-go IMO) and, surprisingly, I loved last episode (I bet you didn’t see that coming XD). it was soooo much better than 8×13, because there were so many more characters in it, hence the writers weren’t able to drag any storyline, like I think they did in the 13th one. you know, about 8×13, I happened to dislike it, because IMO Susan’s plot was given too much screen time and I think it didn’t need it: in fact, there were too many scenes between her and her daughter, but they basically were repeating the same (predictable) things over and over again (susan was saying “until you’ve held it in your arms, you have no idea” and julie “mom, I know it’s tough but it’ my decision and you have to respect that”). kinda boring (not very oringal, you know) and dragged for too long.
last episode was much better (all the scenes lasted an appropriate amount of time) and susan’s and lynette’s plot was very funny (some lines were hilarious, like when susan told porter “if you need anything, just tell me” and he told her “ok, so can you tell my mom?” XD or the puppy line). I loved the fact they brought lynette and porter into the storyline, giving us different perspectives on it.
so, all and all, it was a very entertaining episode (see? I said good things)… BUT the orson thing was predictable and far-fetched and THAT really bugged me beacuse of everything I explained before. it bothered me so much that I almost forgot about the things I liked about teh episode and FOR THE FIRS TIME EVER I lost interest in watching the show (and that brings me to your original question about why I keep watching DH if I’m that displeased). I felt sooo cheated (just like lachy did) and disappointed. more things I’ll type in after dinner. :-)

February 22, 2012 at 4:40 PM

Wow! Well said Lavinia! But you know, I quite liked episode 8.13, I liked that they gave the Susan and Julie relationship time to breathe on screen. But I also agree that their dialogue was rather “predictable” Those sort of scenes, we’ve seen them all before on television for years. The mother trying to convince the daughter to keep the baby saying all the same things ‘you don’t know what it’s like until you’ve held your baby in your arms’. Yeah, we’ve heard it, and I would have liked a different perspective shown, and maybe the writers are responsible for that. They had a duty to give us something new. Having said that, I did appreciate the episode. Especially the screentime Julie received on her return episode. :)

February 23, 2012 at 6:58 AM

To answer your other question, jaylen… what would I have done differently? well, for starters, I would have never gone that route they went with the orson thing (becuase it was predictable and contrived and I’m not repeating it again), but I would have had the culprits be a couple of lovers that were hiding in the woods to have sex that night. that way, when the girls and carlos arrived there, they could’ve gotten scared (because they thought someone was chasing after them), so they would’ve started the car but they wouldn’t have left the woods and would have spied on our beloved (? XD) housewives out of curiosity. and btw, how come all 4 of them did it, but it is ONLY BREE that is suffering the consequences??? the writers have turned this into a “private love business” between her and orson (while susan, lynette and gaby seem to have completeley forgotten they buried a body and now they’re going on with their lives, and their filler plots XD, as nothing ever happened to begin with!). I hate that!
oooh and btw, the CABIN THING??!! are you kidding me??!! ahaha AGAIN??!! didn’t they do that storyline with dave and katherine/mike and with paul and beth? oh God -.-‘
and one more thing: can some tell me what the pioint of ben is on WL? I thought he was gonna be a villain (and the speech he gave mike in 8×02 about using him for his project was kinda foreshadowing to that extent). but what was that MALIGNANT project he was gonna use mike for? building houses for poor homeless people? ahahah wow, that’s evil!!! XD

February 23, 2012 at 12:45 PM

Good stuff, Lavinia! I have to agree with you on Ben. I think we all thought he was up to no good. Perhaps he was there to confuse us the whole time. Other than serving as Renee’s love interest, Ben hasn’t done too much. I was hoping he’d be a villain. Then again, you never know. We have nine episodes left. Perhaps he really is up to something. One could only hope.

February 23, 2012 at 12:24 PM

hi there, i’d just like to say that i really appreciate you taking the time to write such a detailed, positive review about desperate housewives (my favourite show). and whilst i do share your views that this series has made for captivating viewing, i must admit that i unfortunately do not think that it has been quite as good as other ones. in my opinion, the show first started to go downhill when nicollette sheridan’s character, edie britt, was killed off. she bought such interesting comedy to a show that showed signs of getting a bit tired, and i feel the quality of the show never actually managed to improve since she died. anyway, back to season eight, unfortunately i think that the season has not lived up to my expectations or been as interesting or cleverly put together as other seasons. i almost get the sense that the producers have run out of ideas slightly and are just dragging the show out, and it has got to the point where although i was distraught when i heard the show was ending, i now feel that it was the right decision to make by the show’s executives, because i want the show to be remembered as the amazing piece of drama that could move you to tears and make you laugh out loud at the same time. my final point is that i am SO disappointed with orson’s return, because he was one of my favourite character’s a couple of years ago and thought he and bree made the perfect couple, but for him to come back and start turning bree against the other girls and acting creepily possessive of her (what with the notes and the car), i just see it as all ending in tears, and i am desperate for my favourite housewives to get the happy ending they deserve, but i just feel that when bree finds out about orson’s wrongdoings (people always find out), she will be have to be without her true love, which upsets me greatly. just so you all know, my favourite housewife is bree, followed by lynette, then gabby and finally susan, just thought you’d all like to know haha, i would really appreciate a reply, thank you!

February 23, 2012 at 12:43 PM

Thanks for commenting, Stephen! I always reply to everyone who takes the time to comment on my recaps. You want to know something? I am sad that the writers made Orson the note sender too. Don’t get me wrong, I’m intrigued by his return. I want to know what he’s up to. However, I would have preferred Orson and Bree fall back in love. It would have been a great ending for Bree. So, does this mean that she will end up without a lover? It certainly seems that way doesn’t it? Orson and Bree are two of a kind. It’s sad that he’s gone crazy.

Edie was my favorite housewife, Stephen. When the writers killed her off, I was bummed. I agree that the quality declined significantly when Nicolette Sheridan was axed. Then again, I didn’t like season five period. It was just…odd and boring. Nevertheless, the good thing that came from Edie’s dismissal was the addition of Angie Bolen and my new favorite housewife, Renee Perry.

When Marc Cherry renewed the series for two additional seasons, I was a little upset. I would have preferred he stick to his seven season deal since the quality had changed. However, I’m still enjoying season eight. It’s been entertaining so far. Also, btw, Susan used to be least favorite hosuewife too…but now that honor goes to Gaby. She’s way too selfish for my tastes.

February 23, 2012 at 3:56 PM

Hey buddy! Seems we both agree on everything from returning characters to Renee Perry LOL! And we’ve really dissected the latest episode of the show as much as we can at this point. At least, I can’t think of any more discussion points right now. But I would like to continue talking about the show, I’ve got a few things I wanted your thoughts on.

Now we’re in season 8, and we have seven episodes before the two-hour series finale. So, if effect, 9 episodes remain. So, the writers are running out of time to bring us some unique episodes. I’m talking about episodes like the 100th episode (season 5), that focused entirely on one character, Eli, something the show repeated for Edie (again season 5), and Robin and Eddie in season 6. These episode were very unique for television, I’m not too sure any other TV show has ever really done episodes that focus entirely on one character. I also loved the effort put in to the specially crafted disaster episodes, namely the season 3 episode ‘Bang’, and season 4’s tornado episode ‘Something’s Coming’.

British soap opera, EastEnders, occasionally have special episodes that feature just two actors for the entire length of the episode, which run for 30 minutes. These episodes usually come at a major climactic moment in the point of the storyline, and allows for the writers to really develop an amazing connection between these two characters. HBOs half-hour drama In Treatment, that ran for three seasons from 2008-2010, featured Gabriel Byrne as therapist Dr. Paul Weston, and each episode focused on a different patient of Paul’s. Most of the 106 episodes played out with just Paul and his patient. And I always was amazed that you could hold the audiences attention over a thirty minute period with just two actors. But, these special episodes of EastEnders were always the best episodes of the show, there was something so excellent about it, captivating. The same with In Treatment.

In is not practical for Desperate Housewives to ever do a ‘two-hander’, simply, Teri Hatcher, Felicity Huffman, Marcia Cross and Eva Longoria have to be involved in all episodes of the show. But I always wanted an episode with JUST the four core characters. A ‘four-hander’ if you like. The episode I always thought should air during the final season, and the characters could sit around Lynette’s or Gaby’s table and play poker, and talk about their lives, it could be an episode of reflection. But not a flashback episode, as that would bring the character count above 4. And I also think the hypothetical episode would be so intricate and meticulous and really showcase the friendship of these four friends. It would essentially be a celebration of these friends, and the show itself. I thought a four-hander with Teri, Felicity, Marcia and Eva was just an inevitability. Unfortunately, we never got it. What do you think, buddy? Of course, if that episode ever did materialize, Vanessa Williams would have to sit one out. :)

February 23, 2012 at 5:49 PM

Hey, Lachlan! Yes, we’ve exhausted all aspects of conversation for this particular episode. LOL But that doesn’t mean we can’t still chat. I’ve seen a few episodes of In Treatment, and I enjoyed them thoroughly. I do want to tell you though that there is a flashback episode coming up this season, so you may get your wish…or some form of it. We’ll see Rex again and Mama Solis! How cool is that?

While I like your idea about the four ladies sitting around the table, I must admit that I don’t see the writers doing that. Then again, it would make a nice final episode, wouldn’t it? I’ve often wondered how this series will end. It’s been reported that Marc Cherry will be making a cameo appearance in the final episode. That should be interesting.

Now, how about an episode centered around…Renee?! LOL

February 23, 2012 at 11:20 PM

Hey, pal! I was just doing some online reading before I came here and I read about the upcoming flashback episode! Mama Solis is not one of the characters I would ever have expected to appear again! I am very excited about this episode, and it’ll be nice to see Rex again. Looking forward to hearing more about this episode.

When season 7 started, I have to say that I expected more episodes that focused on one character, as there had been two episodes like that in both season 5 and season 6. And I thought the writers had began to follow those episode structures, so I assumed there’d be more to come. And I am disappointed we never got another one after ‘Epiphany’ – the Eddie episode. I loved all 4 of these episodes, the season 5 episodes were particularly beautiful. Eli was such a lovable guy, and the writing was outstanding – both Marc Cherry and Bob Daily at the top of their form. And saying goodbye to Edie was particularly difficult, but the episode was so beautifully crafted and acted, I cried from beginning to end. And while the two single character focus episodes of the sixth season were not the emotional, sentimental episodes the season 5 ones were, they were still fascinating and entertaining.

So, very early on in season 7, I was trying to decide which characters would be excellent candidates for an episode that was all about them. I thought Beth Young should have gotten her own episode. Emily Bergl is a fine actress, and I wanted her to have an opportunity to showcase her raw talents. The idea that I had for an all-Beth episode was to show her having conversations with each of the housewives, and to each of the ladies, Beth would let slip a small piece of who she was. And by the end of the episode, the girls would be able to piece all the clues together and work out that she was Felicia’s daughter. Not only that she was the daughter of someone they knew, but the girls would learn about Beth on a more intimate level. And the episode would essentially have been a catalyst for Beth to be accepted on Wisteria Lane.

Of course, Felicia would have been an excellent character to do an episode on. Here is a character that we’ve known for many years, and who has been absent from our screens for such a long time, finally she returns, and the audience had many questions. I thought it would have been a great idea to show us what happened to Felicia Tilman over the time she was gone.

And then, there’s Renee Perry :) We love Renee, and I think an episode about the newest fifth housewife would have been brilliant, but the writers kind of shot themselves in the foot in the season 7 premiere when they decided that the other girls had never met Renee. If Renee had a past with Susan, Gaby and Bree, then it would have been a brilliant idea to do a Renee Perry flashback episode and show us how they all knew each other. But given that she only knew Lynette, a Renee flashback episode would have been hard to pull off.

The 4-hander idea I think hold a lot of merrit. What better way to celebrate Desperate Housewives than to be invited in on an intimate game of poker, and listen to the girls talk about their friendship and the impact they’ve had on each other’s lives? We have such a brilliant cast that they could easily carry a 42 minute episode with only the four main actors. The writers will not do this, they’re already filming episode 18 or 19 of 23 now. But you know, it would have been a lovely way to say goodbye. Maybe not the very last episode, I think the fans would like to see returning characters in the very last episode, as well as a big on-screen presence from Mary Alice. But given that we’re getting a double episode for the May finale, it would have been nice if the first hour was just the gals, and the final hour was everyone.

February 24, 2012 at 10:17 AM

hey guys! i love your ideas and opinions on what may or may not be going on in the upcoming episodes, and i think that your idea for the girls to have an intimate game of poker that we are invited to listen in on, but i just do hope that we are able to see this happen soon because i think orson may still be deceiving bree and estranging her from her friends for a while to come. for the final episode, i personally would like a sort of “what if?” episode, if you understand, like they did in the episode after the tornado hit the lane and bree was wondering what if she had married karl mayer, and lynette was wondering what would happen if her kid was disabled, and so on. only for this “what if?” episode, i would love to see what would have happened if deidre jackson had never had a child before the first season, so mary alice would not have been blackmailed and subsequently shot herself, and how this would have effected life on the lane all these years after her suicide. would edie britt and rex van de kamp still be alive? would we ever have met renee perry, betty applewhite, angie bolen and all the other fantastic characters over the years? would gabby ever have returned to her home town and caused her stepfather to track her down? i think that would be a great ending to the show that has been a massive part of my life for seven and a half years now, what do you guys think?

February 24, 2012 at 10:35 AM

oh and i forgot to say that i unfortunately don’t share your opinions on season 5, as i personally believe that it was the best of all the seasons to date, and that the five year time jump really spiced things up a little, and yes i do think that it was dragged out a little with the dave williams / dash storyline, which seemed to end a little weakly when he just let MJ get out of the car (dave seemed like a real crazed psychopath, and no way would he suddenly have sympathy towards another person), but neal mcdonough did a really good job of portraying his character and the only other downside to this season was that we saw the demise of our beloved edie britt, but fortunately she was replaced with the equally fiesty and interesting angie bolen in season six, which i also thought was a very strong season.

February 24, 2012 at 4:35 PM

Hey Stephen mate. Thanks for liking the hypothetical poker episode of Desperate Housewives. I think your idea of what if Deirdre never had her baby is an excellent idea for an episode too. Though, I don’t think I’d like a what if episode as the series finale. But certainly, if it came before the very last episode, that’d be excellent. I think seeing Mary Alice play a significant role in her friends lives when the tornado hit the Lane, and when Lynette went through cancer, when Rex died, when Gaby and Lynette both lost babies, would be something very special for the fans.

Side note: The what if episode happened after the plane crash episode ‘Boom Crunch’, and not the tornado episode ‘Something’s Coming’ :)

I think season 5 was very underrated. I don’t think it was as good as seasons 1, 2 or 3 though. But it stood up well against season 4 I thought. I know there were fans who thought the fifth season was boring, Jaylen is one of them :) But I thought the writing was still sharp and satirical. Something the series failed to get back after a dip near the end of season 5 (despite a relatively good effort to regain it for a while at the start of season 6). I loved Neal McDonough’s work on Desperate Housewives. He is a fine actor, and played psychotic Dave Williams to a tee. I thought the finale was disappointing considering the build up for his character. He really needed to take someone out, that would have really shocked the audience. Much like the writers took out Jack Bauer’s wife in the season 1 finale of 24.

February 24, 2012 at 4:35 PM

I didn’t like season 5 very much (it was certainly WAAAAAY worse than the previous four) but, to me, the worst season of all stays the 7th. it was a complete SHITSTORM!!! I mean, there wasn’t even a mystery after the 10th episode, and I think the reason why it sucked big time is that they brought as an alledged “villain” paul young. I mean: you don’t like him, you don’t loathe him… you just don’t care!!! and his evil plan was resolved in 8×10 and, by 8×11 it was never even mentioned again and he just stood there with no purpose whatsoever (other than bickering with felicia) till the finale. you could see him and felicia fighting all the time and the other housewives getting their filler storylines that had nothing to do with those two (except susan during the very last ones). to me, the 7th season was a YAWN-FEST and I could’ve murdered those writers for making me sit through the most boring, uneventful and underwhelming season of DH ever…

February 24, 2012 at 5:38 PM

LOL Lavinia! I don’t know that season 7 was quite that bad LOL! I can certainly understand your frustrations though. But to me, season 7 was quite a great deal better than season 6 and season 8 :) But certainly not as good as the first 5 seasons.

February 24, 2012 at 9:40 PM

haha silly me, you’re right, karl died when orson lost the use of his legs didn’t he, i remember! hey lavinia! i have to agree with you, although i think you are being a tad harsh, i must admit that i felt the season was practically over after the riot and didn’t really know what was happening with the show after that. yes season seven was my second personal least favourite of all the seasons, after the first, controversially, and i feel the reason for the mixed reviews of season seven really all boil down to the fact that there were no real shockers, such as a much loved and established character dying, which really would have captured the attention of the ever decreasing amount of viewers. if marc cherry andthe show’s executives really want DH to go out with a bang, then i think we’re going to have to say an early goodbye to one of our favourite characters before saying our final farewells in may.

February 25, 2012 at 5:47 AM

mmm well, stephen, I’m harsh for good reason!!! I don’know (and don’t like) to be diplomatic: when there’s something good, I’ll praise it, but when there’s something bad, I won’t hesitate to criticize it.
I didn’t like season 6 either, but with a difference: at least I loved its firs 10 episode very much and it was its second half that was very underwhelming, with the lame mysteries’ resolutions (just like the sam thing: I was expecting a fight or something with orson and andrew… instead bree handed over to him her company without battling an eye and that was it! I was like o.O.. I mean, the most anticlimatic finale ever, along with season 5’s one!!).
but, as far as season 7 goes, there was practically NOT A THING I liked about it (except for a few scenes and dialouges), but let me elaborate:
– renee perry: I couldn’t warm up to her character at all! she had been sponsorized so much over the summer as this great troublemaker who would fill in edie’s shoes, but she did nothing from the start to the end. she was only given very poor material to work with, leftover “pseudocomic” scenes that didn’t tie up to the main plot and got along with all the girls after a very brief glimmer of fight. even the storyline about having slept with tom (that was supposed to rock lynette’s world) was forgotten within 2 episodes and the two of them went back to be “best friends” ahaha. PREPOSTEROUS job on the writers’ part.
– grace/juanita: the swapped child storyline was pointless, since it was totally dropped overnight (cuz the witers realized they were pushing themselves into a corner and couldn’t figure out a way out). I mean: all of a sudden, gaby doesn’t mention her anymore, she seems like she doesn’t even care about her own flesh and blood, and even juanita has apparently gotten over it. so what THE HELL was the point of this storyline in the first place?
– keith: supid and pointless character as well. he had ZERO chemistry with bree and they just had sex 20 times a day (am I watching DH or SATC?). other than that, there was nothing memorable coming out of their relationship (sex was the only thing bree liked about karl, too… but at least karl was funny XD). in every single episode they went on and on about them being so different and having nothing in common, so I was thinking “why don’t you split up already?” -.-‘ it was a plot that dragged for the redhead and needed to stop. but then again, the writers basically didn’t know what to do with bre elast season: in fact, as soon as this relationship was over, they immediately pawned off on her another boyfriend whom she slept with at their second appointment (so very out of character -.-‘)
– beth: I happened to find her very pointless, too. the spoilers during the summer were talking about her like a crazy and cranky woman with a twisted sense of humore, so I had high expectations for her. needless to say, I was strongly disappointed: her interactions with the housewives were… ehm, NONE (just like angie’s and betty’s and even renee’s so far) and she simply stood at the perifery of the action. all she did was walking up to paul and, with her quivering lips, saying stupid and preictable stuff like : “p-p-p-paaaaaul, we can be happy together”, “p-p-p-paaaaaul, you just need to take the negative things of your life and get rid of them”, “p-p-p-paaaaaaul, you tell me what you need and I will give it to you and we’ll live happily ever after”. I was like “GEE, woman, get a life!”.
no, seriously, other than donating susan her kidney, WHEN SHE WAS ALIVE, what was her purpose on this show? cuz I don’t seem to recall one u.u (too bad, because emily was a great actress, but, then again, marc cherry has NO CLUE how to work bew characters into the neighbourhood and connect them to those that already live tehre).

February 25, 2012 at 4:01 PM

If Desperate Housewives were a drug that I hadn’t had time to abuse Jaylen is my drug pusher, my peer who has pressured me to cave it. Against my wil and extremely busy schedule he won. The last time I’ve seen an episode of Desperate Housewives was December 2010. Boy have I missed out! Julie’s pregnant? It’s by Porter, WTF! Hold on, when did Porter and his brother even move out? I so forgot about Lynette’s new baby (Lord have mercy on his ovaries)! The saddest and most surprising thing was to find out that Lynette and Tom are separated. That breaks my heart. OK here’s my breakdown per character.

Lynette: Always have an always will be my favorite housewife. However I was too disappointed to see that she supported Julie’s decision to give the unborn baby up for adoption. Lynette (in my mad mom’s voice) what are you think? You’ve raised children of your own, that’s completely out of your character! That’s more of a Bree thing to do. You know, make the problem go away. I’m too disappointed. Was I the only one rolling on the floor when she came from behind and started hitting all random keys on Porter’s computer to prove her point? Or what about when the twins came home and she adamantly refused to let them in! Haha.

Julie: I, surprisingly like Julie. I don’t think (in my opinion) don’t the woman playing her is the best actress but I’ve seen you grow over the years and I’m so impressed she’s becoming an educated woman. I can not believe she slept with Porter! How the hell this that happen? I mean I know they were at the bar but damn! Secretly I like them together. I really want Julie to put that “I’m an independent woman hear my roar” foolishness to the side and embrace her new family. She had ton of support, she’ll be just fine. I can soo see Susan being an over protective but loving grandma!

Gaby: Pure evil. Are there people out there that really exist? She’s the epitome of selfish. She’s going to die a lonely death. How in the world can you keep two people who love each other part for your personal gain. Get a life! Also, she needs a backbone or lessons from Black mothers, the first lesson would be: whoop your child! There’s no way that would fly in my household!

Carlos: Can someone please update me. What the hell is going on with him? I missed his whole story line.

Tom: Please tell me he really doesn’t like his girlfriend and misses Lynette. Please tell me they are going to grow old together, my life isn’t complete if those who aren’t together. God made them perfectly for each other. Tom, come to your senses and move back to Wisteria Lane with your soul mate.

Bree: Damn Bree, you can’t be naive forever. Man, forget Orsen, He’s always up to something and you two are just playing each other. He doesn’t want you and clearly you’re over him. DON’T MOVE TO MAINE! The good to her moving to main (I always look for the positive) we can expect a dope cookbook with ton of lobster receipts! Move over Darten Company!

Susan: The housewife that I love and hate equally! MOF where’s MJ? Oh I would love to see how big he has gotten!

OK, tis is all. See you guys back here March 4th!

February 27, 2012 at 12:49 PM

I was on the whole soul mate train for a while with Tom & Lynette but… Lynette is the devil. She refuses to let him breathe the way he wants. She’s even trying to give her grandchild away. She can’t always have it her way. I secretly want Tom & Vanessa Williams to get married : )

March 1, 2012 at 8:02 AM






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