CliqueClack TV

Person of Interest – Reese’s birthday

In this week's 'Person of Interest,' we discovered what happened to Jessica and what happened to Reese post-CIA betrayal.

- Season 1, Episode 21 - "Many Happy Returns"

Overall, I loved this episode because it continued to build on the relationships, without overplaying it or turning the show into Spy 90210. In fact, everything came full circle this week, including Finch’s relationship with Reese. Watching Carter and Finch, Carter and Donatello, and Finch and Reese interact brought more humanity into the show than just watching Reese profesionally stalk people for an hour.

Reese and Jessica
Part of me wants to categorize Reese and Jessica as a fairy tale relationship compared to Reese and Carter. Although Reese clearly loved her and she clearly loved him, their relationship never became real. We never see them argue or fight. We only see them in the flashback to the perfect romantic getaway; not in the mundane realities of life. In that sense, she still saw him as her perfect guardian, and Reese still sees her as his perfect girlfriend. Although I don’t understand their relationship, they do have an idealized chemistry. While I want to ask who remembers their spring break hook up two years later, I know the answer: these two. They’re in isolating, abusive relationships and can’t stop looking back at the one good relationship in their most recent history. By contrast, Fusco and Carter are pretty healthy relationship-wise.

Jessica’s nurse profession makes sense. Like Carter and Reese, she watched out for people professionally. However, part of Jessica’s personality frightens me. Although we only see her through Reese’s perspective, we only see her as a woman seeking a savior. Peter’s “provider” personality initially attracted her, as well as did Reese’s protector personae. Her mother’s focus on a daughter needing a “provider” made her child fragile, forcing her to rely on others, as opposed to herself.  I suspect Jessica had an inner strength, but she never had a chance to explore it. That’s where Carter and Jessica differ. Carter does protect herself. In fact, Reese’s insistence that Carter trust and rely on him, scares me. It almost makes her into Jessica. But, Carter (and Fusco) need to continue to rely on themselves. How far can they trust Reese and will he always be there? So far, yes. But, what happens when he can’t?

Carter and Reese
Carter and Reese are similar to Reese and Jessica. She knows him for a short time, but she trusts him. Yet, Carter and Reese almost represent a marriage. They’ve seen each other at their worst and can’t stop fighting. But, after investing so much time in each other, they can’t walk away. Maybe Carter and Reese also parallel Jessica and Peter’s relationship. At this point, Reese is hurting Carter. She destroys files for him. She lets him steal humans she knows he’s going to kill. She places her career in jeopardy for a man who, recently, hasn’t returned any emotional investment. I wanted to call Carter the anti-Jessica, because Reese continuously stated in the opening “when you find that one person that connects you to the world, you become someone different.” However, instead of inspiring him to do the right thing, it looked like Reese planned on doing the wrong thing. Luckily, he didn’t.

I don’t believe Carter should’ve trusted Reese, and why didn’t he trust her to do her job? Carter’s greatest strength is her greatest weakness. Once she trusts, she trusts 157% and never stops trusting. Do I want to see Carter and Reese together? I’d love it, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. Carter and Reese have a different feeling from Reese and Jessica. And, Reese has too many issues to deal with: Cara, his feelings for Jessica, his CIA betrayal, etc. He can’t move on until those are resolved. I’d rather see Reese and Carter build their friendship first.

I wonder, what is it about Reese that inspires such intimate relationships in the women he meets? Not all women, but Carter and Jessica seem to stand out for him. If Carter returns to the side of the law, I won’t blame her. If Reese hadn’t dropped off this week’s villain, I would’ve wiped my hands. But, why couldn’t he tell Carter his plan?

Finch and Reese
Ohmigosh. I LOVED Finch and Reese this week. I loved the tiny smile Reese gave Finch upon receiving his present. I loved watching Reese wait for Finch in the morning, while wagging his fingers. I loved when Finch pretended he didn’t know what Reese did in his spare time (and Reese’s vocal surprise upon hearing that). I loved Finch’s present. I loved Reese’s red eyes after admitting the case of the week to Reese. I liked seeing Finch and Reese in the field together. The interaction humanized the show.

In the pilot, I wondered what triggered Finch’s attention to Reese. Now, it all makes sense.

Wow. This show gave so much textured backstory on Reese, I did triple backflips. I partially wondered what Reese did in his downtime, if anything. It’s nice to see he enjoys listening to sports, drinking coffee and playing chess. I loved seeing the emotional smile while interacting with his opponent (clearly chosen for his blindness). Finally, we see him show humanity with someone other than Reese. While the shipper in me hates it, I LOVED it. It’s nice to know that when he’s off the job, he allows facial emotions through.

I always wondered  what finally turned Reese stone-cold. This week I learned. This week I started to wonder if Reese could even save himself from his inner darkness. My main concern for Reese surrounded roots. Without a permanent place to live and without friends, he treats New York as a waystation. But, it isn’t. Someone won’t tunnel him out three weeks later. To survive, he needs to adjust from a CIA warzone mentality. While having a permanent spot next to his favorite spot endangers him, it grounds him and gives him a home. It makes him less reckless and more caring.

On a side note, Reese reminded me of the stalker who used all of US Marshall resources. Didn’t Reese use all of Finch’s capabilities to stalk Carter (and other victims)?

I don’t have much on Fusco this week. While he isn’t my favorite character,  I loved his back and forth with Finch. Seriously, Nolan, two cheers for the excellent “who’s on first”-level dialogue.

Finch and Carter
It’s nice to see Finch increasingly view Carter warmly (contrasted with his “Super” iciness). While I love that Finch planned on giving her the case (until he learned about Jessica), I must ask once again: do Finch and Reese ever use a bar as a bar?


  • As I said last week, these four need each other to survive. Carter is the worst liar ever. Fusco is the worst tail ever. And, Finch is the worst impromptu liar ever.
  • I still have issues with Fusco and Carter taking orders from a civilian with NO legal jurisdiction. Also, don’t Fusco and Carter have other cases? Can they really drop everything whenever the FBI/CIA/Finch come calling?
  • Damn, Reese looks good in a t-shirt and damn sexy breaking into someone’s house. I think I liked this week moreso, because he actually offered help to the victim and didn’t clone her phone/break into her house. Also, without assuming a cover to gain the victim’s trust, his sincerity by addressing her as “John Reese” came through.
  • This week gave me two seriouslys: Seriously?! Reese walked into a US Marshall office with armed marshalls and takes them all out? What?! Seriously?! Carter’s a better Medical Examiner than the Coroner? Actually, that made sense and spoke to her observational skills, as displayed last week, and her experience as a homicide cop dealing with domestic violence cases.
  • Did anyone notice Jessica’s mom and Carter rocked the similar hairstyle: side parted bangs and tight shoulder length ponytails?

I loved this week’s conversation in the comments. I hope we can maintain it until the season finale!

Photo Credit: CBS

62 Responses to “Person of Interest – Reese’s birthday”

May 4, 2012 at 7:38 AM

Note: He did break into the victim’s apartment, but he didn’t do it to search her house (hopefully), but to offer her help.

May 4, 2012 at 9:40 AM

When you say Reese was in an isolating, abusive relationship, are you talking about Clara, Snow, or someone else?

May 4, 2012 at 7:11 PM

Hey Adam – I meant Reese and the CIA :)

May 4, 2012 at 1:36 PM

This write-up is awesome, I agree with everything, and you made some really good, deep points. Thank you.

May 4, 2012 at 7:11 PM

Thanks, Kevin! I love it when people call me deep :)

May 4, 2012 at 1:54 PM

I enjoyed reading it An, summed it up well as usual. I am really in to this fantastic show, I can’t get enough of it, Amazing. Well I really liked how Harold was trying to ignore he was a bit upset seeing John being in their office sooner than him, and kind of messing with his stuff, it was John’s birthday after all and he wanted to be super nice, and actually he is, seeing the look on Carter’s face hearing she is the reason to track down Reese as Donatello mentioned was noticeable too, and how truly our Machine team is incapable of getting the job done without John was another obvious thing, I found it worth mentioning that Finch does everything in his power not to expose John to any possible emotional damages, and Yes Carter is trying to do whatever it takes not to let any agencies lay a hand on him, John risks it all by going to that Marshal Service, things usually get out of control but this time Finch got terrified when John obviously threatened him about hiring someone else, but as we all know Finch cares about John, and he does not want to lose another friend, we know now that John is Reese’s real name, Zoe would be happy to know that, and in the scene John was playing chess with Hun, he congratulate John in Chinese which may indicate that he knows John is acquainted with the language and it all means John already knew what that Chinese man said to Cara when he asked her, I personally think he has forgiven Cara, otherwise he would not like to be called Reese, the name Cara gave her. It was very nice to see what John does in his downtime, and the story of Jessica as a Nurse loving a Soldier (who as Jessica’s mother briefly mentioned was in coma for a while) was classy and beautiful, waiting to see John and Cara reunion, E:21 was another EXCELLENT episode, loved and enjoyed watching every minute of it.

May 4, 2012 at 7:27 PM

Hey Cara – I don’t know if Reese has forgiven Cara, but someone can give you a name which you enjoy separate of the person. And, maybe he uses the name as a small reminder of either Cara’s good or her evil. I wonder how John returned to the US from China. It doesn’t matter in the overarching story but did he use New York-Chinatown connections?

Agreed the story of the nurse and the soldier is a classic story. However, I haven’t warmed to the Jessica character. Maybe it’s because her memory threatens the Reese-Carter match up. But, I don’t really know her outside the beautiful ex-girlfriend personae. However, I understand how a military man would carry that memory with him in an all-male domain.

May 6, 2012 at 9:28 PM

Yeah, I agree w/u on the Jessica character. I don’t like her because the show is holding her up as this ideal woman.
She isn’t in the show yet she casts a shadow over the show. I feel like she plays an unfair role that way.
Also Reese’s life is in a holding pattern because of her. She represents the perfect memory…everything falls short to her. Nothing will ever compare to that kinda perfection.

If the show ends I believe I know just how they will play it. Finch mentioned that they were already dead. And Reese said he can see himself in an unmarked grave. I believe in my heart of hearts they will have Reese somehow walk off into the sunset with Jessica. Someone in another forum said they believe Jessica is really alive. Based on episode 21 I dont know how that could be but if the writers keep to this perfect memory I can see them writing some kinda mind bending episiode that brings these two together and end as some kinda fairy tale.

If I am right and that is their endgame I hope they don’t use Carter and toss her away as they pursue this “fairy tale” ending. I say that because I have unfortunately seen it before and it sucked. If that is their endgame then keep Carter and Reese a part…keep them as friends and nothing else. Close, caring friends but nothing else.

Fans liking this pairing have already begun creating Carter-Reese videos and posting them on You Tube.
As in soap operas and celebrity pairings some have even referred to them as “Caresse” a combination of their names i.e. Brangelina (Brad and Angelina) or Jovan (John McBain & Evangeline Williams – One Life to Live).
So clearly there are those that like the chemistry of these characters. I count myself in that group. But I would rather forego any on screen pairing down the road if in the end…the writers know in the end they will have Jessica come back and take Reese away.

May 7, 2012 at 7:46 AM

I am with pseudo about you Harper, you are on it.
Remember E;08 Foe, Great Alan Dale as Stasi agent Ulrich Kohl, Reese and Kohl had many things in common, Kohl was just like Reese from another generation but I believe with the same mentality, loyal patriotic men who have been betrayed be whom they trusted most, and they have changed over the time, their purpose become revenge, and as they both mentioned, the only thing that connects them to the world is their love interest who turned them to a better men, so I do not think john will get over Jessica any soon, and Yes I believe in possibility of seeing Jessica in the future, and about everybody loving “Caresse”, I do not know, I like their chemistry but they become lovers, I prefer caring Friends, and I really enjoy reading all the wonderful comments here about this MIND-BLOWING tv show.

May 4, 2012 at 2:23 PM

At first I agreed with your comment that the location of Reese’s apartment, next to the park he enjoys, puts him at risk. But after thinking it over, it makes sense. Finch knows more about Reese than we could have guessed. He knows the guilt he feels over Jessica’s death and he knows that Reese enjoys the blind man’s company. Though the sensible choice would have been to give Reese an apartment far from the park, now Reese can keep a watchful eye on the old man and make sure no harm comes to him. While Finch certainly wanted to see Reese in better living conduitions, he also knows Reese has a tendency to wallow in self-loathing and despair and wouldn’t accept a gift like that if it seemed like simple indulgence.

Also, I agree that the man’s blindness protects him and Reese; he can’t identify Reese from a photo or provide a description. That’s probably why Reese allowed himself the luxury of befriending him.

May 4, 2012 at 7:34 PM

True, Tom, but I think it’s interesting that Reese let the man hold and touch the key, it shows a great deal of trust. Oddly, despite his intelligence, I never took Reese for a chess player, especially after his aversion to staying still in “Super.”

May 4, 2012 at 5:28 PM

There is no way Donatello and Carter could be involved in a relationship. The stage is clearly being set for a Reese and Carter relationship and I wouldn’t be surprised if Finch plays matchmaker. I know he was not happy that Carter sold out Reese but the CIA convinced Carter that Reese had murdered his ex partner. Carter had no idea that a sniper was waiting to shoot Reese. She too wanted answers. Very surprised to see that the guy in the wheelchair was Finch. We really don’t know much about Finch’s past and why he’s consumed with Reese. Yes he feels guilty over Jessica’s death but still there is much more.

I liked the fact that Reese felt it important that Carter knew he was not a cold blooded killer. How Carter feels about him is very important. I now think that Carter plans on giving Reese the photograph at the right time which will pull the two much closer together. Carter asked the prison official a very interesting question after he calls and tells her that a marshall dropped off the wife beater. Where did Reese get the heroin to plant on the US Marshall? Also why did Carter ask if there were any other Americans in his prison? I just love the twist and turns in this movie.

Also, Finch lied to Reese that he doesn’t know where he spends his free time and based on Reese’s response Reese didn’t buy it. Great show right up there with 24.

May 4, 2012 at 7:48 PM

I totally hope Reese and Carter wind up together. But, I suspect it won’t happen anytime soon, if at all. I’m planning on writing a list of reasons why for next week. But, Nolan’s a chatty Cathy about POI. I haven’t read anything on his end about a Reese-Carter matchup outside Reese-Carter-Finch three-way friendship.

Note: I said Finch “pretended” not to know about Reese’s activities. Of course he knows. The internet king always knows.

May 4, 2012 at 7:57 PM

I agree with you Leslie. Reese wanted Carter to know he did not kill that wife-beater. He needs her respect; he said it somethings she can not do, so he has to do it. He wants to keep her hands as clean as possible. For the heavy lifting he always call on Fusco not Carter. I believe Reese will hurt Carter eventually and he has pulled her so far in that I can not possible see what he can do to get her to take a step back. I think we are getting prepared for Reese and Carter’s relationship. Its looking like the writers are doing a good job of selling the relationship. I do so like Reese and Carter interactions, but I think I like them as friends more now. I always say if you can get a man to do anything for you, then you really do not have to do the other stuff.

May 6, 2012 at 9:37 PM

Leslie… I think you mean Agent Donnelly right? Isn’t that the name of the FBI agent chasing Reese.
And as far as a possible closeness other than Carter and Reese… I think there’s more of a chance of Carter and Semanski than Carter and Donnelly. Semanski has appeared in a couple of episodes already and Carter seems to see him as a good and honest cop since she was working with him in Baby Blue. And she did use the lie to Fusco that Semanski asked her out to cover for why she was talking to him on the phone.

May 6, 2012 at 9:46 PM

The heroin I think came from the episode with Dr. Tillman. Remember Reese took custody of the Mexican drug dealer’s stash in that episode and told Fusco that “it was for a good cause.”

Why did Carter ask about other Americans?
Because she was trying to see if Reese killed Peter, Jessica’s husband or if he was also imprisoned there. And the POI audience now knows that the rapist in the Dr. Tillman episode is probably the other American there. That Reese didn’t kill him at the end of that episode….he took him to that rendition style prison.

May 4, 2012 at 6:54 PM

The layers in the storylines are so well written and the acting draws you in–Bravo.

May 4, 2012 at 7:50 PM

Agreed, Janna. Bravo, Jonathan Nolan. Bravo!

May 5, 2012 at 8:21 PM

I love this show and am enjoying all the posts. The actors were well chosen and each plays the role to perfection. I find it interesting that Reese in the beginning was very smooth, caring, and quite flirty just to win Carter’s trust. And now that he has her complete trust she is just another one of the “boys” like Fusco. Carter stands to be the big loser of this triangle. She is a police officer sworn to uphold the law. If she gets caught not only will she lose her badge but could face jail time; while Reese and Finch could just walk away. She definitely crossed the line when she allowed Reese to drive off with the US Marshall in the trunk of his car. I doubt though that Reese would abandon Carter if she gets into trouble. But great detective work on Carter’s behalf in the last episode. Interesting that Finch asked for her help to track down Reese. Not sure what role if any this blind Chinese man will have later on.

I don’t see a romance booming on the horizon for Reese and Carter but they do have great chemistry. I saw a recent interview with Reese and he said that “Reese needs Carter” not sure what that meant but could be to get information or just moral support. Will continue to enjoy the ride.

May 6, 2012 at 9:42 AM

You made Really great points about Reese and Carter Taber, Agreed.

May 6, 2012 at 4:18 PM

I think Reese needs Carter because after jessica or before he never had anyone only “war”, I mean. Carter isn’t only his moral compass but also his emotional connection with the human heart. He totally respects her and we can see that their relationship it’s growing without much because they are attracted to each other in an emotional deep way. I think sometimes the way they talk it’s so natural like they meet years ago. Now Carter understands better reese and for her this is a good thing because she needed to have reasons to protect him and not only this ongoing attraction to each other without meaning. Now Carter knows that reese loved someone, she have a face and for her it’s a relief because she had the need to believe that reese is a good man. Now she knows. And my opinion is that they are more than a team, I don’t think that reese would live again, a second time, if carter disappears. He truly dependent of her and she’s starting to depend too. The speech between them, when taylor was kidnapped proves that. The emotion between those two was overwhelming and I saw trust that it’s a reflex of an intense connection between them; I would say that I saw love on that speech. And this week, Finch show us that she is the one who can stop him or making him change his way of doing things. She is the most important person he has and obsessed like he is, Carter it’s done (in a good way). After this ep, she’s going to change her behavior around him because she confirms want she want to know in her heart. He is worth it! The interesting is that we can see them falling in love to one another but they don’t have a clue, don’t they… I don’t know??

May 6, 2012 at 6:12 PM

lua_75, you scare me. I mean you have really totally went all the way there. I mean I do not totally agree with Reese just using Carter; I can not see why people would buy he is just using her. He obviously cares for her and she cares for him and its different than with Finch and Carter and Finch and Reese. Finch knows this and knows Carter would protect Reese doing the FBI investigation. When Carter caught up with Reese, he actually stopped the car. I could not figure out why he would stop the car. Everyone talked about how Carter did not push more for the the marshall, but I am shocked Reese stopped. I mean he was not going to change his mind about the Marshall, so why stop. It seemed like Reese wanted to see Carter to show her he is not the bad guy; he wanted Carter to understand him. Other observers viewed Reese as being cold towards Carter. He was upset that he was being kept out of the loop,Carter did not call him to tell him she was investigating him and Finch did not include him in the quest for the latest POI. Reese received a text, presumably from Fusco advising him of the things going on behind his back. Just in case she doubted his noble status, he had the ward call her and let her know that he is worth it and deserve her trust. I think Reese would have never asked Carter to destroy his records, he would have left it up to her. I think Finch trusts Carter a lot. He knew she would find information about Jessica, Reese and Peter and destroy it…I was hoping she would not join the FBI team and not destroy his records. I guess it was high time for Carter to have Reese’s back.

May 6, 2012 at 5:09 PM

Whoa, very very nice analysis! I’d gotten some of the parallels, but not as many as you. I’m going to have to re-read this! To me this was a brilliant episode done with so much heart. The Jessica relationship is idealized for Reese. And I have to say – she said she’d wait for him *if he asked*. He kept leaving her. But I think she was always an anchor for him.
Carter/Reese is a brilliant relationship (yes, I ship them, but aside from that…). She tells him like it is; she shakes her finger at him and the big bad assassin looks surprised (from an earlier epi). She opts to trust him and lets him drive away. Her intuition works well aided by the knowledge that he has ultimately done the right thing so far. She’s smart enough to ask if other Americans are in prison in Mexico(?). She now knows volumes about Reese – I’m sure a lot more than he is comfortable with. So she has a better understanding of him and he has reinforced her trust.

Back to the ship… He clearly adores Carter. He was so distressed for her after Snow had him shot. Perhaps he looked at it from her point of view and wondered if the tear in her eye was because she was responsible for his near death or because she’d lost a piece of her identity in letting him go?
Anyway, this was an amazing episode; poignant and yet full of hope and understanding. Beautifully done.

May 6, 2012 at 5:20 PM

Oh, another thought about Carter protecting Reese. I don’t think anything she shredded couldn’t be assembled by someone else. She’s just put it all together and is keeping it to herself. Not sure what she plans to do with the photo. It’s a sensitive issue. Why did she keep it? Because it shows the real man under the walled off person she sees. I wouldn’t have been able to shred it either. He looks so relaxed.

Carter had his service file. She knows his real name….. :-)

May 6, 2012 at 5:57 PM

Ooh. That’s right. Good catch with the service file!

May 6, 2012 at 7:38 PM

@pseudo yep, I tried hard not to go there but I wasn’t able to keep myself :):)

@Nicholson I think on this episode the meaning of this sentence -“when you find that one person that connects you to the world, you become someone different.”- have another connotation, it’s a little different from the 1º episode because this time all Reese’s story have the parallel with Carter. So, this applies to Carter too…because she also can change him. Btw we never saw Jessica change Reese but we saw carter make her point and somehow change his way of act. And for that I think this have a lot to do with her. This episode goes around Reese and Carter relationship because of the last episode that will come. I bet she’s going to stress a lot.

I think Finch is trying to do his best not to mention he’s can’t control Reese so he needs someone who have the guts to do that or at least try and this reveals that Finch doesn’t know what to do when he’s not in control of something. He can’t management the lack of control, I think. And because he such a good person (I really think he is) he needs someone who have the ability to break Reese’s impulses, in other words, he needs Carter. But I also think that he likes Carter and trust her. They have a great chemistry too. Finch is awesome!

May 6, 2012 at 7:47 PM

CBS is re-airing POI episodes on Saturdays at 9 p.m. I am loving it! Also there are some great videos on You Tube of Reese and Carter: one is called “Angel with a shotgun”‘: I’d come for you” and a few others but these two are my favorite videos.

I just recalled something Reese said to Carter in an earlier episode “You’re not alone”. I think Carter intends to give the photo to Reese at some point. This will let Reese know that even though Jessica married Peter there was always a place in her heart for Reese. I think this will bring some closure for Reese and draw him even closer to Carter if only out of appreciation–or who knows it could backfire. We’ll have to wait and see.

May 6, 2012 at 9:57 PM

Yep, they are really good Carter-Reese fan videos on UTube.

My fave that I favorited are:

I’d Come For You
Fire and Rain
You Saved My Life
Music by Landon Pigg

May 8, 2012 at 7:00 AM

Hey Harper, Interesting comments, about Agent Donnelly maybe he doesn’t know much yet, the season finale will reveal it all, and Yes you are absolutely right about watching every episode closely and not to miss details.


May 6, 2012 at 9:17 PM

I’v enjoyed reading all the posts about POI (my newest favorite show). I love how complex this show is. I’ll limit my comments here to Reese and Carter (whom I shamelessly ship). I love how nearly every episode shows a different layer of their relationship. Sometimes it seems that Reese is using her, like he’s using Fusco. Other times, it seems like they’re actual partners. I see lots of similarities between Reese/Carter and Mulder/Scully from “The X-Files.” Each started as adversaries, more or less, and ended up being much more. I hope that Reese/Carter follow suit (minus the baby at the end!). I like that in this episode Reese made a concerted effort to show Carter that he doesn’t just indiscriminately kill people. And I like that Carter further saw his humanity in the photo of Reese and Jess. (Oh! The name “Jess” is very similar to “Joss,” isn’t it? That just occurred to me!) I once read an interview with David Duchovny, where he said that he sees Scully as being Mulder’s proof of humanity. (He was describing a friend who was rather “odd” and not very popular etc., but he had a great wife. So when the couple went out, the guy “used” his wife to show that he was actually okay.) I think (hope) that Reese sees Carter in the same way. If she, and Finch, see good in him (and Finch, at least in part, does), then part of him must be okay.

And since I’m thinking about the use of words (“Jess”/”Joss”), I think that Reese’s/Finch’s/Carter’s use of the phrase “our friend” to describe each other is interesting. Sometimes it seems unnecessary, since they also use each other’s first names. Other times it seems to be used sarcastically; at least, it can be interpreted curiously. Other times, though, it seems accurate. They are friends. Not conventional ones, to be sure. But friends. Lastly, the use of the term “asset” is interesting to me. Clearly it’s a CIA term, so it has an official, clandestine connotation. But, back to my David Duchovny perspective on Mulder/Scully, I think that Carter definitely is an “asset” to Reese. Not in the way that Fusco is derogatorily or dismissively called an asset. In addition to helping – being an asset for – him, he gives him humanity, a chance to feel something, to be something, again (whether those feelings will turn romantic remains to be seen). An asset, indeed.

May 9, 2012 at 8:50 PM

Nice parallelism with the names, skl. Carter is an emotional asset to Reese, but I wonder if the writers (and Reese) are deliberately using that covert connotation of the name.

Agreed. The reason Reese probably told Carter is because he wants her to continue to see good in him, so he can see good in himself. Cara and Snow spent a lot of time dehumanizing him, telling him he’s separate from humanity. In order to believe he’s still human, he needs a person more human or compassionate than most to still see that part of his personality.

May 6, 2012 at 10:22 PM

FYI, I realized this week that there’s a way to watch this show and make sense of what is happening.
One of the producers of the show also worked on the movie – MEMENTO. If you remember that movie it told the story by going backwards. That is…you got info in a previous scene that helped you figure out you just saw in a scene. That’s how you have to look at POI.

For example Reese asked about other Americans in that Mexican prison. The warden said one or two other than the wife beater that Reese just brought. Ok, that solves the mystery of whether Reese killed the rapist in epi 4. He’s probably one of the Americans. Carter was asking however because she was thinking Reese killed Peter but now knows he’s probably one of the other Americans.

May 8, 2012 at 7:08 AM

Agreed Harper, Great observation about the movie MEMENTO.

May 6, 2012 at 11:07 PM

Interesting comments about what is happening regarding the Carter Reese dynamic. I agree with so many of the comments here.

In episode 21 I think its interesting that at the beginning Carter reacts negatively to Finch suggesting that she obstruct an FBI investigation. Yet she compiles info on Reese including his real name (John H. ____) and shreds it. She did that before she got the call from the warden proving the Reese didnt kill Jennings or Peter. That means she destroyed the report when she thought John probably killed the US Marshall and Peter. That is telling. It shows just how far Carter has come from episode 1.

I believe Carter has been evolving slowly. She went from not liking Reese to seeing him help her and other people to him saving her life and the life of her son. After Flesh and Blood you can see Carter has changed and seems to be more emotionally invested in Reese. I saw that in how she told him to lean on her when he was hurt in the hospital. Remember Reese leaned on Finch when he was shot. I think what we are seeing is Carter be another version of Finch…that is someone that Reese can trust and rely on. But the difference is Carter may be able to stop Reese in instances where Finch cant.

I see a bump in the road coming as Carter’s trust in Reese will be challenged when she finds out about Fusco and he kept her in the dark when she said she thought Fusco was dirty. The doll camera and phone cloning. And maybe even that Reese has been following her for some time. I say this because how else did Reese know where her son went to school in Flesh and Blood.

May 6, 2012 at 11:50 PM

you are on it Harper; I thought I was the only one who noticed that. I remembered when he came to work late and Finch questioned him and Reese responded that he was taking yoga classes. That morning Reese took her son to school. I did not want to read too much into it, but since you went there…I am there with you. I think I wanted to see some Reese and Carter interaction so much, because I like him more when he’s with her. He seems so relax and human. I understand he’s a damaged man, but the way he smiled at her in the back seat of her car was so real and special. I like him more after this episode because it showed he’s compassionate.
FYI… Also, Reese was cold towards Jessica at the airport, when he thought he was helping her. His presumed coldness may be on purpose.

May 7, 2012 at 8:11 AM

In which episode did Reese take her son to school? (Or did you mean Carter, not Reese, took her son to school?)

May 7, 2012 at 8:54 AM

In E:19 Reese was late, when finched asked him he said he was taking yoga classes, presumably getting more information about Carter, knowing where his son’s school is.

May 7, 2012 at 1:28 PM

obviously I meant carter, I used the pronoun her…

May 7, 2012 at 8:43 AM

Totally Agreed.

May 7, 2012 at 12:50 PM

I agree that Agent Donnelly suspects Carter, they way he is with her is like he is watching her, after Snow and his partner Sam presumably out of picture, Thanks to Cara, FBI would be the major danger, and I admire what Carter did, shredding John’s file, and I can see the possibility of Cara showing up again, maybe in the season Finale that I am already very excited about it, I would like to see her show up again. We have seen tough, qualified and beautiful female agents in this show who are really likable and obviously great at their Jobs, I forgot to say that I really enjoyed seeing Dagmara Dominczyk as Sara, she played alongside Jim Caviezel in The Count of Monte Cristo, beautiful movie, and as JC Big fan I would like to add that he has been a great actor who become EXCELLENT, and this role fits him really well.

May 7, 2012 at 3:54 PM

Okay to play the whole thing out.

The show opens with Carter taking her son to school.

Then Reese arrived at HQ later than usual so Finch asked him if he slept in. Reese said he was in yoga class.

Later after Carter takes the Dons into hiding…Reese was tailing Elias’ people who were in turn tailing HR family members. Finch mentioned that only Fusco and Carter knew where the Dons were hiding. Reese then asked Finch if there was an Elias baddie at Marbury High School in Brooklyn. Finch checked and said yes. Reese said…”that’s where Carter’s son goes to school.”

Now I think Reese was watching Carter that morning because there’s no other way Reese would have known that info. If it was in Carter’s bio that Reese and FInch accessed in “Get Carter” then Finch would have also
known that info.

I’m telling you you gotta watch this show so close cuz of all the sly hints they leave.

May 7, 2012 at 4:06 PM

Re: Agent Donnelly..

I’m not sure what he knows… Didn’t he come to Carter’s police station to talk to her in an earlier epi and say to her that was stuff missing from her file on the man in the suit? He then talked to her but I didnt see that part. No clip.

I will say though I didnt get that he suspected her from episode 21. I do think that he will suspect or realize Carter’s involved in the season finale.

May 8, 2012 at 4:11 PM

I looked up the meaning of the word flirt which describes Reese’s initial behavior towards Detective Carter (to behave towards someone as if one finds them physically attractive, but without any serious intention of having a relationship). Great season ending to Castle. Wonder ifn anything like that in the making for POI. would be interesting.

May 9, 2012 at 7:11 PM

I agree with your definition of flirt, but there’s another meaning as well. People use flirting as a type of weapon. Obviously the CIA (or the CIA in POI’s world) teaches its employees to use flirting to disarm their prey. Even if they aren’t attracted to the person, it puts the flirter in a position of power and puts the flirtee off base.

I suspect flirting is now a part of Reese’s external personality which he hasn’t learned to turn it off. He might increase or decrease it, but it’s always there. There’s a reason Reese-Finch and Reese-Fusco slash also exists ;)

Also, don’t forget James C. could have chemistry with a paper bag. If anyone saw ‘Think Like a Man,’ it’s pretty clear T. Henson can burn up the screen as well. If you put two people with natural charisma on-screen together, even if they don’t mean to spark, fire will happen.

May 8, 2012 at 6:39 PM

U kno what I find interesting? Reese let Carter know what he did with Jennings but he didn’t tell Finch. So as far as Finch knows Reese killed him. Why would Reese only let Carter in on the fact that he stashes bad guys in this Mexican prison? Just wondering. I swear this show brings up more questions than it answers sometimes.

May 8, 2012 at 9:30 PM

There is a possibility that he told Finch before Carter got the call.

May 8, 2012 at 10:23 PM

Taber, it is a possibility…but the point I think Harper is making is that the writers went the extra step to reveal to us, the audience, that he was considering Carter’s feelings by having the warden call her and to let her know and not reveal to us him considering Finch’s feelings, which makes me wonder…why he could not tell her himself. She may have not believed him, so he went the extra step to gain her trust. Reese has not fooled me like he is using Carter, he looked like a wounded man that needed saving.

May 9, 2012 at 2:25 AM

No Taber that can’t be it because when Reese and Finch talked on the park bench at the end of the epiosode.
Finch said… “I was wondering when I was going to hear from you…” Then Reese said “I had to do some things out of town.” We the audience know it was taking Jennings to that prison. So Carter knows but Finch doesn’t. That’s curious. The only reason I bring this up is because these writers have a purpose for everything. They just dont do something for no reason. Well..only time will tell I suppose.

May 9, 2012 at 6:47 AM

Harper you always bring up very interesting points, as so many other great commentators here, but in this case I think Finch can always find John, he always has a way, but the thing is sometimes he can not reach him, or John does not respond him back, that is when Carter comes in.

May 9, 2012 at 7:06 AM


Thanks…I just watch and pick up on things and throw it out there for discussion. Like the rest of the commentators I’m just trying to put this mystery of a show together. Re: what Finch knows or doesn’t know we will see I guess.
I just have a feeling that what the writers were trying to show us in Reese and FInch’s convo is a new wrinkle in Reese’s relationship. Is Reese is doing the same with Finch as with Carter and Fusco. He’s telling some things to one but not the other? Maybe. Will wait to see if this turns into something or nothing.

May 9, 2012 at 6:30 AM

Agreed, and I think Finch knows everything, as he said to John in the pilot episode that I know exactly everything about you Mr.Reese, Remember…

May 9, 2012 at 6:49 AM

Above comment is Reply to Taber,

May 9, 2012 at 2:27 PM

Agreed with some of the post. Will provide my opinions later.

May 9, 2012 at 5:58 PM

Harper you are correct. Reese really craves Carter’s approval by informing her and not Finch. Why didn’t Reese tell Finch? What is he hiding from Finch? Or why does he feel he has to keep Finch in the dark about some things? I find it interesting that Reese even stopped when Carter pulled him over. I guess he didn’t want her following him all the way to a Mexican prison. Reese told Carter that she was free to look in his trunk if she wanted to. I find it interesting that as a cop she did not. Is it because she wants to trust Reese and did not want to believe that there was possibly a dead Marshall in Reese’s car. Very interesting. Can’t wait for tonight’s episode. Looks like another interesting twist. I hope Reese doesn’t get shot again–how many bullets can one man take. And when will Snow and Cara resurface!!!

May 9, 2012 at 8:28 PM

Thank Taber. Yeah, I believe these writers are very smart and when they do something and make a point of telling us its a red flag that it means something…is significant.

I didn’t even remember about the trunk…Wow. You know I agree with you. If Carter saw a dead body in there I think it would have changed something in her about Reese and her arrangments with Reese and Finch. Because there’s no getting aound something right in front of your face. And despite that she has kinda gone over the line she mentioned in Legacy. That would be too much for her I think. So maybe she let him go believing more in him than what her cop sense was telling her which was probably- that guy is dead back there and about to be fish food or buried in Oyster Bay.

She went on faith again when she shredded that file. Her faith in Reese was rewarded because he showed her that he didn’t kill Jennings and probably didn’t kill Peter – which is why she asked about other Americans.
She doesn’t know about the rapist from episode #4 but we do. And we know he’s probably one of the other Americans the warden admitted he had.

I wonder if he didnt tell Finch because Reese wants Finch, the man that hired him to do bad things when and if necessary, to think he could do something like that. Almost like he doesnt want to show Finch that there are lines he won’t cross. Or like in episode 20 he wants to protect FInch from certain information. Carter as a former soldier would get it but Finch is a civilian and might be squimish about sticking some guy in a Mexican prison, which are supposedly extremely harsh.

May 9, 2012 at 9:03 PM

I think Reese told Carter because like Skl noted he needs someone to believe in his humanity. He probably didn’t tell Finch because it’s a guy thing. Finch might worry about him losing control, but Finch also cares about getting the job done. Reese and Fusco probably wouldn’t care if they think someone’s dead, if it’s a baddie. Heck, it’ll add to Reese’s kickass image for them. But, Carter still has limits.

It’s interesting. Both Carter and Reese met in the middle this week unknowingly. Normally, Carter is squeamish regarding illegal issues. Normally, Reese remains tight-lipped. But, this week we saw Carter willingly commit illegal acts for Reese without prompting and we saw Reese actually confess. They’re gradually moving towards each other (either as friends, colleague or otherwise), even if they’re doing it unconsciously.

May 10, 2012 at 1:04 AM

Its basically two ways to watch the show…Its what the writer’s want us to think about the characters. Reese needs Carter for moral support. The guy has nor moral issue; he knows right from wrong and he is actually doing admiral things outside the law. I have never seen him kill anyone just for kicks so there is nor moral dilemma and thats what turned so many people off from Carter because she was trying to stop a man from doing the right things. I think the writers want us watch the show a certain way so they can mantain an element of surprise. I am not buying this whole reason Carter exist on this show is to give Reese moral support. Thats boring! The other way to watch the show is to question why the writers add a certain scene and not another one. The writers have a level of ambiguity going on and everyone is all or nothing. Reese is either using Carter or he is attracted to her. Maybe the truth lies in the middle.

May 10, 2012 at 3:10 AM

Yep, you’re right Pseudo…the answer is in the middle. He started out having to deal with Carter because she was chasing him so he had to keep an eye on her or risk getting caught. Then after he found out her background in Get Carter it was like he saw her in a different way. He wanted to help her while keeping her at a distance. But the reality is that in helping her it only drew her closer. He saved her life and that made her curious. She didnt just see him one-dimensionally anymore. Also, the fact that he saved her put her on Snow’s radar. So the CIA harassing her about the man in the suit tied her to him even more. Snow hanging around her only made Reese more protective because he knew what Snow was capable of. So Reese continued the surveillance even after Get Carter.

After Number Crunch and seeing Snow’s agenda Carter realized she was on the wrong side but needed to understand more about Reese’s side. She was the one that expressed interest in knowing what they did. Finch gave her a taste in Super. But then Reese recruited her at the diner in Legacy. Since this is the progression I don’t know that we can say Carter exists as moral support.

Reese sees Carter as this good person doing good things. He put it in Get Carter “someone the world cant do without.” He trusts her. She turned a corner when he saved her life then again when he saved her son.
She appreciates what he’s doing even if she doesn’t always agree with his methods. (Baby Blue and Wolf and Cub).
Things are happening below the surface with them.. As An said it…unconsciously.

I would say there is an attraction. Also in a way he is using her but she agreed to be used. She’s even gone beyond the line she put down because she believes in what they’re doing. Have you noticed that everytime Carter expresses doubt about something Reese gets her to go along by saying they can save a life? Maybe after being in a war and seeing so many killed and being involved with that Yusef business (flashback) that’s a priority for her her so in a way she’s using Reese too.

May 10, 2012 at 8:32 AM

So most aren’t buying the Reese needing Carter’s moral support. I still do—this is the guy who told her that her moral compass was pointed in the right direction. Remember Reese is still living with the guilt of Jessica’s death, a woman who wanted him be a better person or something like that he said. Carter could also be “redemption” for Reese. Reese knows his methods are outside the law and he needs Carter to know that it’s for the “greater” good. Reese felt like he let Jessica down; therefore he will not lose Carter too. Remember he cloned Carter’s phone so he pretty much knows her every move. Interesting to see how Carter responds when she finds out.

May 10, 2012 at 9:30 AM

Taber, I mentioned we the viewers feel one way and not the other way. Reese is either using Carter, because they do not want the relationship or because he hasnt pulled her by the hair and smothered her with kisses; he must not be interested. I think if a different kind of relationship is in the works, then neither of the two can know about it because they will check themselves. I know I would. Again, we are all truly using each other, its just the word “using” has a negative energy behind it. It likes taking something of value from someone and not returning anything of value. I still do not think Reese has a moral issue. I remember when he told Carter that her moral compass is pointed in the right direction…and he followed up with I’m tired of you chasing me, as if his first answer was not accepted. Again, the answer is in the middle, but its hard to accept the word using when I do not see a man who is struggling with doing the right thing. He does the right thing all the time. If he killed the wife beater and peter, then I would say he needs saving…but he saved peter who killed his lady-love before he even met Carter. I would have not questioned his morals for killing peter; I would have called it mentally unstable.

May 10, 2012 at 10:50 AM

“The world can not lose Carter.” Seriously, I mean is she being compared to Mother Theres, Ghandi, MLK, Neslon Mandela…I thought he went too far in saying the world can not lose Carter; I thought he really meant he can not lose Carter. Well I guess its all in the same, because he lives in the world. But can he really speak for the world, because its a lot of people in NEW YORK that can lose Carter. lol…I am done until the next episode.

May 10, 2012 at 1:20 PM

Hi guys,

Let’s not take ourselves too seriously. We are all having fun trying to anticipate the writers next move. And that is what they want from their viewers. It’s like a puzzle and they want to know if the audience can solve it. Let’s see who comes closest to unraveling this puzzle. Each character is being developed slowly. If in fact Reese/Carter will have a romantic relationship it will not happen too soon because the writers must keep us in suspense and keep it interesting. Don’t look for Reese/Carter to have a romantic relationship, if any, until the third season. But I could be wrong.

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