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the big bang theory


The Big Bang Theory – Dead men walking

Why ‘dead men walking’? Leonard, Sheldon and Howard all were dead men walking for different reasons in this episode. Only Raj, the mean little man, managed to escape unscathed.

by Jackie Schnoop

The Big Bang Theory – A solitary man, double agents and triple chess

Amy Farrah Fowler has a certain fashion sense. Now, perhaps they think the clothing screams “nerd,” but the sad thing is I see a lot of folks in New Jersey wearing those clothes.

by Jackie Schnoop

The Big Bang Theory – Gossip girls … and boys

We all know gossip isn’t nice. Yet we all do it. Could it be that gossip is indeed a living thing using humans to reproduce? Or, is it just that capuchin monkeys look way cooler when they smoke? Well, the first remains a mystery after tonight’s episode. But Amy Farrah Fowler believes the second is true.

by Jackie Schnoop

The Big Bang Theory – Bollywood aside, Raj isn’t gay

Well, the dancing scene was like ‘Glee’ gone bad and gone Bollywood at the same time. But, boy those smooches look real, don’t they? Raj smooching Bernadette. Sheldon enlisting Penny’s expertise. Who woulda thunk it?

by Jackie Schnoop

The Big Bang Theory – Penis envy isn’t just for women

When Bernadette and Howard were singing ‘I’ve Got You, Babe’ in the car, he actually reminded me a bit of Sonny – teensy guy, same haircut, nasally voice, just needs a mustache slapped on his face. Bernadette, however, reminded me nothing of Cher. Nuh-uh, nada.

by Jackie Schnoop

Why I’m tired of Penny on The Big Bang Theory

This is something that’s been brewing in my brain since November. I might get some flack for it, but I am tired of keeping quiet about it. I am making a stand … Penny frustrates the hell out of me!

by Katie Schenkel

Who do YOU want to win a Golden Globe?

The Hollywood Foreign Press has picked the Golden Globe nominees and will announce their winners on Sunday, but first, you have the chance to pick your favorites.

by Carla Day
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