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Five least offensive Adam Sandler movies

Everyone knows Adam Sandler makes offensive movies. But say, which are the least offensive?

This summer, Adam Sandler plays a guy who had a kid when he was only thirteen. Hilarity and awfulness ensue! Last winter, Adam Sandler played a guy with a terrible, ugly twin sister also played by Adam Sandler. Have you ever noticed that people now seem to hate Adam Sandler? But there was one day, many eons ago, when his brand of crude and intentional shock humor was considered fresh and interesting. Now it often seems tired and cliched, a bit … Sandleresque, if you will.

No one can dispute that his movies are filled with offensive material — even Sandler intended such things as humorous or shocking material. But although we can debate endlessly (and we have) about his most offensive movies or characters … what are …

The Five Least Offensive Adam Sandler Comedies

First of all, I’m excluding anything he wasn’t involved with at a creative or producer level — so no Funny People (that was Judd Apatow), 50 First Dates (he didn’t write or produce, perhaps that explains why it isn’t as offensive?), Anger Management, or Spanglish. However, I will include The Wedding Singer, because it was written by Tim Herlihy, Sandler’s longtime friend and collaborator.

5) Big Daddy

In general, the most offensive things about this movie are the gross-out humor and Rob Schneider (probably not a huge surprise). Rob played an incoherently ethnic caricature (is he Eastern European? Italian? Russian?) with a decent subplot of learning how to read. And Leslie Mann plays a despicably horrible woman, shrill in the worst ways imaginable of that archetype. But those ridiculous stereotypes of foreigners are just a bit worse than the insidious and dangerous offensive in:

4) Happy Gilmore

Although there are really relatively few truly offensive moments in this movie (one of Sandler’s successes), there is still the problematic character of Chubbs (Carl Weathers), falling into the classic cliche of “Wise Person of Color.” He literally dies to help Happy win in a golf tournament — although, yes, Happy’s motives are tied into saving his grandmother from losing her house. There has been been a lack of diversity in Sandler’s movies in general, aside from these supporting characters. But it’s not the worst thing, comparatively — many of his movies are worse.

3) The Wedding Singer

There’s this common feeling that it’s only okay to make fun of a certain minority group if you are a part of it. Well, Adam Sandler has just about wrung the well of Jewish humor dry by now. Truthfully, The Wedding Singer is relatively low on the list of crude stereotypes — the only ones you see are of old people and Jews. And 80’s sluts, but the attacks on women here are friendly, not angry.

And the top two least offensive movies are…

Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures, Universal Pictures, New Line Cinema,

Categories: Features, General

8 Responses to “Five least offensive Adam Sandler movies”

June 20, 2012 at 10:31 AM

. . . . .

If you think for one minute this post, in some reverse psychological mindplay, is going to get me to run out and rent any or all of the five films you’ve mentioned you’re sadly mistaken, Jeremy. I’m on to you.

You’ve done nothing but confirm what I’ve known all along: There is nothing redeeming about Adam Sandler films.

May I suggest your take on Will Farrell fare next?

P.S.: Nice word balloons.

June 20, 2012 at 3:11 PM

Will Ferrell? Easy peasy. I bet you would like Elf, being a Zooey Deschanel fan! And Megamind is great fun and not at all offensive.

June 20, 2012 at 2:41 PM

To add to your list – Bedtime Stories, Mr. Deeds, and The Longest Yard were not offensive (unless I’m selectively forgetting the bad parts, which is possible). I don’t know if they meet the criteria for your list, but I enjoyed those movies for the most part. The Longest Yard had a diverse cast too.

June 20, 2012 at 6:21 PM

This list has a outside chance of being movies where Sandler has been given a writing credit, or possibly Happy Madison produced films. To be honest, we are better off forgetting this man exits and let him go off into the hor-ision already. SEE, oh GOD I caught the Sandler. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH quickly someone get me some BREAKFAST FROM McDONALDS after 10:30… OH GOD NO! Cough… Cough… Wicked… Cough…

June 21, 2012 at 1:59 PM

. . . . .

I suddenly have a great appreciation for Mike B

June 21, 2012 at 4:17 PM

Which list, mine or Jeremy’s or both? The movies I mentioned were all produced by Sandler/Happy Madison. Not saying they are great movies, only that they aren’t offensive compared to his other films. But I totally understand why people hate Sandler. I feel that way about certain actors (Vince Vaughn, for one)!

June 21, 2012 at 12:27 PM

Least Bad Adam Sandler Movies

5. Spanglish
4. Billy Madison
3. The Wedding Singer
2. Happy Gilmore
1. Punch Drunk Love

Funny People could have knocked Spanglish off the list if the second half of that movie never happened, but it did. And now I have revealed that I actually liked Spanglish. The shame…

June 21, 2012 at 12:57 PM

Of your list, Spanglish might be my favorite. If you feel shame for having it number five, what does that say about me?

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