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I want an Aunt Raffi – Food on the Tube


Giada and RaffiI was watching the Food Network the other day (surprise, surprise) and happened upon an older episode of Giada De Laurentiis’s show Everyday Italian. It was one of the great episodes that featured her Aunt Raffi in the kitchen with her, creating havoc and generally getting in Giada’s way.

I love when Aunt Raffi shows up on the show. I know I’m not the only one, because she has appeared on the show on numerous occasions, with her larger-than-life personality in tow. Between having no idea how to bake and wanting to put garlic in everything, Raffi is a riot to watch.

It’s great watching the interaction between Giada and Raffi. You can tell that Giada tries to be as patient as she can, but Raffi certainly makes it hard. She doesn’t really take direction well, and is always making snide little comments about the “new things she’s learning about cooking” while in the kitchen with Giada. In the episode I was watching, they were making stuffed tomatoes and Raffi was amazed that Giada was seeding the tomatoes, noting that she had never squeezed the seeds out of a tomato in her entire life. Other highlights of the episode included Raffi trying to bully Giada into putting garlic in the stuffing for the tomatoes and Raffi not knowing how to pulse a food processor. Good fun!

I really wish that I could have a pest like Raffi in the kitchen with me when I’m cooking. It might not make for the most productive cooking session, but it would definitely be entertaining.

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