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My favorite food-related iPhone apps


EvernoteThere are literally thousands upon thousands of available iPhone/iPod Touch apps available in the Apple iTunes Store. If you’re a foodie or even just someone who eats (that’d be everyone except Gabrielle Anwar), you can find some decent apps in there to make eating, drinking, cooking and shopping easy and fun!

Here are a few of my favorite iPhone apps that I use regularly for food related … stuff:


Snooth Wine (Free) Snooth Wine
This is my most recent addition to my iPhone, and I’ve got to say I’m impressed so far. This app takes off from the Snooth website, which makes discovering new wines incredibly easy. Like a particular aspect of a wine and want something good within a certain price range? Just search for it within your zip code and, voila, there’s a list of them! Has ratings and all.

YelpYelp (Free) Yelp
This app gets an average rating over on the iTunes Store, but I really quite dig it. If you’re out wondering what people think of a particular restaurant (or pretty much any store, for that matter), bring up Yelp and check out the ratings and what people had to say. Bookmark places to check out later and even leave notes and ratings right from your iPhone. What’s so bad about that?

EpicuriousEpicurious Recipes & Shopping List (Free) Epicurious Recipes & Shopping List
I like apps that do more than one thing and do it well. The Epicurious app has an extensive database of recipes, along with their ratings and comments from the website’s readers. It’s easy to search for whatever you’re in the mood for making. On top of that, the app has a shopping list function where you can add a recipe’s ingredients to the list, then head off to the store and have one place to read off.

And, damn, that recipe in the image sounds pretty good!

Lost It!Lose It! (Free) Lose It!
I’ve already sung the praises of this app before, so of course I’m adding it to this list. The only thing I wish this app had is a way to sync it to a website so you can track and record your items there as well. Hopefully these guys will put out a premium version of the app that allows for that, because I’d be an instant customer.

CheckPleaseCheckPlease – Tip Calculator ($0.99, Lite: Free) CheckPlease - Tip Calculator
Alright, so I suck at math. Lucky for me, when I’m out with people and we’re buying lunch, dinner or rounds of drinks, I’ve got the handy-dandy CheckPlease Lite app (yeah, I’m also cheap). Enter the total check amount and the percentage tip you want to leave (see, I left a 20% tip! I’m not so cheap after all), then how many people you want to split the check between. You can also round the tip or give an exact amount. Makes the whole process really painless.

EquivalenceEquivalence ($0.99) Equivalence
Sure, there are plenty of conversion apps for the iPhone, but Equivalence takes the cake. It converts all sorts of measurements like temperature, mass, volume and currency. But where this app really kills is in how you can tilt your iPhone/iPod on its side and get an equivalence calculator. Want to know how many teaspoons you need if you add 2 cups and 3 tablespoons? This app lets you do that and more.

OpenTableOpenTable (Free) OpenTable
Reservations couldn’t be easier than using this app. Not only will it find nearby restaurants that have available reservation times for the one you’re looking for (and will show ones within two hours, as well), but it allows you to very quickly book the reservation within the app! It’s incredibly fast an convenient, though not all restaurants support the service (I haven’t found one yet that doesn’t). The more you use the service, the more Dining Rewards Points you get, which later add up to money off your next trip out!

EvernoteEvernote (Free) OpenTable
I know, I know — this isn’t really an outright food app, but I tell you that I use it for a multitude of food-related tasks, and I’ve come to rely Evernote a ton. In addition to the iPhone app, there are client applications for Windows and Mac OS X, as well as a web interface into your account. You sync your notes around through all interfaces, so anything you add or edit in once place is accessible in the others. The service is free for a whole lot of data per month, or you can subscribe to a pro account for even more.

As for what I use Evernote for in regards to food: shopping lists, recipes, beer and wine bottle pictures (the service does text recognition and I can search for anything off the label later!). I’m sure there are other things I’m thinking of.

Well, there you have it: my favorite food-related apps for the iPhone. And almost all of them are free! Got any I need to be checking out and shouldn’t be without? Let me hear ‘em!

UPDATE: A shout-out to my friend Glenn who put out the very handy Sushi Boat! iPhone app, which makes ordering sushi out a snap. Toss those annoying paper ordering sheets and go paperless when you’re out with friends.

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