CliqueClack TV

Dexter – The Skinner revealed; Miguel lies to Dexter … again

(Season 3, Episode 9 – “About Last Night”)

With only three more episodes left, this one felt a bit like filler to me. We found out for sure who the Skinner is, but how will that be significant to the rest of the season? Will Deb and/or Quinn have to answer for Anton’s C.I. status, or lack thereof?

I forgot until tonight that the Skinner only reared his ugly head because of what Dexter did, killing Freebo; an interesting chain reaction there. How long has King been in this country? Is it only until now that he’s started killing people in Florida?

Maria has definitely gotten the shit end of the stick in this show. Doakes: Dead. Ellen: Dead. Miguel: Will be dead. And remember when she used to hit on Dexter all the time in the first season? She sure knows how to pick ‘em.

Speaking of Maria, in the scene with her and Miguel toward the end of the episode, was that a face of remorse on Miguel?

Dexter can easily follow his code and take out Miguel. The question is, does Miguel see that coming? Is that why he didn’t give the real shirt to Dexter, because he doesn’t trust him? If Miguel’s going to die, it’s going to be one hell of a mess, that’s for sure.

Other than that, I’m not sure what more to say, really. Most of this episode seemed to deal with Deb, Quinn, Anton and the Skinner. Now that Anton’s saved, do we even care if King is captured? I’m sure the fact that he’s not in jail is so Dexter will get a shot at him later … or will it be Miguel? Maybe Dexter will kill King and frame Miguel for it? For Dexter, though, nothing good can come from having Miguel in a court of law.

Deb: “He looks harmless, doesn’t he?”
Dexter: “They usually do.”

Photo Credit: Showtime

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