CliqueClack TV

Dollhouse – Who is Alpha?


With just two episodes to go (or three, depending on your geography and Internet connection) it was time for the big reveal. Who is Alpha? It’s a role that was spoiled in a huge way weeks ago. I’m really not sure how those that did avoid hearing the rumors managed it, short of unplugging their copies of the Internet.

Still, even knowing weeks in advance who Alpha was supposed to be, I was questioning it right up until it was no longer deniable. The shenanigans with Miracle Laurie and the announcement that she wouldn’t be playing November worked in the show’s favor again here. Just enough that I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and for someone completely unconsidered to be the one. That didn’t happen, and that’s OK. Because, spoiler or not, what a fantastic episode.

Update: Bugger. Despite a small gain in viewers this week, the show hit a new low in the demo. Early reports are 3.1 million viewers and a 1.1 A18-49.

Now that the spoiler-free jump is out of the way, it’s our old friend from Firefly, Alan Tudyk!


For someone like me, who was borderline obsessed with that show, just the casting of Tudyk was enough to consider it a win. But it was so much more than clever casting. From the moment he peeked out of his medicinal ‘carrot’ plantation, he was stealing scenes. Actually, that probably doesn’t go far enough. There is stealing scenes, and then there is whatever the hell Alan Tudyk just did. It was a fantastic performance. Manic, funny, turning on a dime. His entire run was chock full of quotes, as well. My favorite of the bunch, his nervous explanation of his unconventional home decor.

“Carrots. Medicinal carrots. Personal use medicinal carrots that were here when I moved in. And I’m holding it for a friend.”

Those early scenes just get more interesting under the shining light of the big reveal. He was playing Ballard the whole time. Fear of the Dollhouse. “Now there’s a gun.” “The apples were monitored.” It was all a ruse. The entire crazy act was just a means to get Ballard in the Dollhouse to act as a distraction while he went about his business. As if he was planning this very caper from the moment he sent Ballard that first envelope. And I’m guessing the daring entry wasn’t nearly so tough as Kepler/Alpha made it out to be. I’m taking the ease with which he used the chair to imprint Echo as the biggest clue yet that it was Alpha that was sending Ballard messages, and that this wasn’t his first trip home.

Elsewhere, I’m still curious about the details of the attic. The fact that they imprinted Dominic on Victor kind of hints at it being more of a figurative term. The mind is copied and the body disposed of. There is no physical attic. But I’m still holding on to the possibility that there is an actual attic, with bodies floating in miracle science liquid, ready to be put back in commission should the need arise. It should also be noted that while Tudyk was the huge highlight of the episode, Enver Gjokaj did a fantastic job emulating the Dominic persona.

In the not quite there section … I really could have done without the entire Susan story. Yeah, it paralleled what was happening with Echo, but more than anything it came off as another kind of lame engagement. Made all the more so when contrasted with all the craziness back at HQ. Sierra’s part to play fell in that same trap. It felt more like “something for Dichen to do” than something that the Dollhouse actually needed. All that was really required was an ID. Surely someone at “The Center” has the stroke to get that info. And who doesn’t want a look at “The Center?”

Those are relatively small gripes, though, in the bigger picture. Alpha’s return made for the best episode yet, and set the stage for an even better finale. Now that we know who Alpha is, it’s time to start asking why he’s so obsessed with Echo, and what he has planned for her. Also, in case you missed it, check out Keith’s post on Dr. Saunders/Whiskey.

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

9 Responses to “Dollhouse – Who is Alpha?”

May 2, 2009 at 1:26 PM

I don’t get why the demo would be so low. Granted I like Flashpoint but I can’t imagine it is that big a ratings grabber.

I missed recent chatter on the show and when the apratment door was opened I yelled out Wash!

Topher explained the whole Susan gig – it was an altruistic assignment. I would rather see that kind of assignment as opposed to the mid-wife gig.

May 2, 2009 at 11:12 PM

Flashpoint is a first-rate show, was gripping and well done from its pilot, and is a good fit for the established NUMB3RS audience. It also premiered when other networks were in reruns, giving it a chance to establish a following.

Brett, I think you meant medicinal “carrot” plantation.

And wouldn’t it be nice for it to be spelled “The Centre?”

May 2, 2009 at 11:47 PM

“The Centre” would be nice. If for no other reason than it reminds me of one of those great shows that nobody bothered to watch, Off Centre.

May 3, 2009 at 9:49 AM

I meant it as a Pretender reference (“That crazy Zulu!”), but that’s good too.

May 2, 2009 at 2:24 PM

Some shows I poke around for spoilers, others I do not. This falls in the do not category so the Alpha reveal was a huge shock. Now I want to know who the hell Echo is imprinted with in the end. Didnt seem like the Caroline they have showed us before.

May 2, 2009 at 3:04 PM

Perhaps Alpha and the current Echo came to the Dollhouse in a package deal, and he has now restored her to Caroline’s body?

May 3, 2009 at 8:56 PM

I’m right there with you. I didn’t see the Alpha reveal coming at all! This show has gotten damned good

May 4, 2009 at 5:05 PM

At about 21 minutes in, when Tudyk says “er, maybe a little” (just after “you wouldn’t even have to use the grid”) both his words and body language felt to me exactly as if he were channeling Topher. I wonder who else’s memories he may have access to.

May 4, 2009 at 11:05 PM

Okay here goes with my theories. (crazy backwards as they are)

1. Whiskey is Boyd, Dr. S offered the “oh he wants a drink” excuse quickly and DeWitt backed it up. He’s the perfect handler and gets over the moral quandaries pretty quickly.
2. Caroline programmed Alpha to come and get her which would link up with the Briar Rose story of Briar Rose dreaming the Prince (or being the Prince) to save her.
3. We DID see the Kepler / Alpha transformation when he was killing all the security on the computer (as only Alpha had done)
4. Alpha was able to keep all his imprints (Topher must have been one therefore he is a doll)
5. The Dollhouse’s purpose is to put Dolls in every position of power and control the world forever (TPTB can live forever since they can just get put in new bodies)
6. or it’s all about porn.

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