CliqueClack TV

Kisses, stakeouts and revelations – Things That Didn’t Suck This Week

Sex and kissing. That's what three out of four of my clips revolve around, but it was a big week for both. Lost is a little weird, Ugly Betty shouldn't be canceled, The Office is on the way up, and Chuck is just awesome (or Awesome). These shows definitely did not suck this week.

Everybody was pretty romantic on TV this week. Granted, Sawyer was only getting romantic with his lady as part of the weirdest police operation ever, but Erin and Andy certainly meant it, as did Ugly Betty‘s Justin. Awesome and Morgan, on the other hand, finally know Chuck’s secret, so they’re probably going to start a bromance based on that.

Morgan and Awesome find out about each other on Chuck

I’m sure some people see it as jumping the shark, but I love the fact that a few people in Chuck’s life are finding out about his secret life this season. I’m not thrilled that Ellie isn’t one of them, but it’s nice not to have Chuck sneaking around everywhere anymore. I loved having Awesome doing missions, and I’m sure Morgan’s going to get into some fun adventures as well. Plus, now that they know about each other, they can start their “Chuck is a spy; how do we deal with it” support group.

Sawyer: Porn Cop on Lost

Call me a prude, but this is a little weird, right? I mean, it was a nice reveal, to show that Sawyer actually is a cop instead of a con man in his flash sideways, but I can’t really figure out if he’s the best cop ever, or the worst. I’m all for going “deep cover,” but having sex with a woman as part of said cover, and to do so while your room is under surveillance is just a little icky to me. Is this common police procedure?

Justin’s first kiss on Ugly Betty

For the past three years or so, Ugly Betty has had a gay pre-teen, and now teenager as a main character. There hasn’t been a lot of hullabaloo about this fact; it’s been treated with care and class. This season, Justin Suarez has been actively struggling with his sexual identity. Despite the fact that he’s part of a warm, welcoming and accepting family, he has had a difficult time admitting to himself that he’s gay. We’ve watched him deny it; we’ve watched him agonize over who he is, and this week, we saw him have his first kiss with another boy. I’d be lying if I didn’t get a little teary when I watched this scene. Ugly Betty has handled both this character and his storyline with such class, that it just makes me further lament the fact that this is its last season.

Andy and Erin kiss on The Office

Speaking of first kisses, I’m really glad I record all of NBC’s Thursday night shows, or else I would have missed the best part of this week’s episode of The Office. This show has really struggled creatively this season, but now that they’ve gotten past the wedding and the baby, I have a feeling that it’s going to turn around. Especially since they seem to be treating Erin and Andy as the new Jim and Pam, and those two are stupid-cute. She gave him her jacket, and they kissed on a pile of trash. It didn’t knock my socks off as much as Jim and Pam’s first kiss, but it was still pretty sweet.

Photo Credit: ABC

2 Responses to “Kisses, stakeouts and revelations – Things That Didn’t Suck This Week”

March 21, 2010 at 6:45 PM

He finally kissed another guy! Wow! I love that clip! :)

March 21, 2010 at 8:22 PM

That “Lost” episode was strange in more ways to me. When Charlotte searched for that T-Shirt she rummaged through that drawer as if she were trying to con Sawyer. I mean nobody looks for a shirt that way. The episode simply lacked in the writing department just like “The Office” did this year.

Erin and Andy’s first kiss could’ve been so much more than an epilogue to an episode. I almost didn’t catch it as well and it diminished the impact of that. The whole episode was about stupidity (nothing wrong about that) and then they put a cherry on top of that… it just fealt off to me and a little bit sad.

There was no Survivor this week and that’s what really DID suck this week. At least for me.

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