CliqueClack TV

Entourage season 7 – Vinnie and the Chasers are back!

'Entourage' returns for its seventh season, as Vince enjoys his success, Turtle starts his own business, Drama tries to get back on TV, and Eric deals with being engaged.

One of my favorite shows returns this Sunday night, and I couldn’t be more excited. That’s right … the boys of Entourage are back!

I know a lot of people were disappointed with season six, or possibly seasons prior, but I thought that season six (and one through five) was fantastic. In fact, I’m re-watching as HBO replays the season this week, and I’m loving it all over again.

The new season promises to be jam-packed with celebrities, and I imagine it will only help that Ari is rumored to be expanding into sports management. It sounds like Modern Family won’t be Kobe Bryant’s only cameo this year.

And yes, it looks like, rumors to the contrary aside, Jeremy Piven is safely back on set. Meanwhile, is Lloyd really ready to begin a career as an agent?

I love watching Vince at play, but it was also really interesting when we were afforded the opportunity to see him work, both on “Medellin” and “Smokejumpers.” This season looks to have him in production yet again, and I only hope that we get some behind-the-scenes peaks. I doubt it’ll be his Enzo Ferrari movie, but season seven promises to be about Vince the super-“A” list movie star.

In the season six finale Eric made a huge mistake by proposing to Sloan (Emmanuelle Chriqui). Unlike some I enjoy her character, but obviously anything major that could potentially threaten the foursome is out as far as I’m concerned. I didn’t like Eric’s decision to move to a big agency, and I hope it doesn’t mean that we’ll never see Charlie (Bow Wow) again — the juxtaposition of Vince’s career and Charlie’s was great, and watching Eric try and help the guy break into the business was really fun.

I think Drama can only take so many career ups and downs. He’d already been through his fair share and then some when the show premiered, so to have him bungle the “Five Towns” gig, and then the Melrose one, was ridiculous. Plus he can find himself on the wrong side of that fine line between banter and mean way too often with his friends. Johnny the cocky, working actor is fine. Johnny the bitter is too overdone. We’ll see what his holding deal brings him.

I hadn’t come down one way or another on Turtle’s relationship with Jamie-Lynn Sigler, but I don’t think I was too broken up about her leaving. I really would like to see Turtle successfully start his own business, the same way that I want to see Drama with a gig and Eric with a flourishing talent management agency. And I think we will see some of that for Turtle this season. I hope it’s not all gratuitous nudity, what with his business plan for female-driven limos, but I am looking forward to seeing Turtle the boss.

The difficulty on the show is allowing Turtle, Eric, and Drama to grow large enough to be separate entities, while still keeping them tethered to Vince. I think the writers have done a great job with Eric … we’ll see if they can do as well with Turtle.

And any chance we’ll get to see more of Matt Damon this season?

Are you psyched for a new season of Entourage? Catch the premiere this Sunday night, June 27, at 10:30 pm on HBO.

Photo Credit: HBO

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