CliqueClack TV

Bones – Lots of Jersey, not a lot of smarts

It's 'Bones' meets 'The Jersey Shore.' And yes, it's exactly as weird as it sounds.

- Season 6, Episode 3 - "The Maggots in the Meathead"

There were some strange goings-on in Bones this week. And I’m not just talking about Vincent Nigel-Murray’s Colin Fisher’s mood change. Maybe it was just that whatever planets aligned to bring Bones and The Jersey Shore together stirred up some strange juju. It wasn’t bad weird, just decidedly… weird.

I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’ve never caught onto the whole Jersey Shore thing. I will watch all sorts of trash television, but I draw the line at this. I personally blame my New Jersey extended family. My friends watch it as a sociological study, much like Brennan, but when you’ve actually met those sorts of people, they’re pretty much the opposite of charming. Let’s put it this way — I don’t support murder, but I think when I sympathize more with the murderer than with the victim, it’s a problem. When Booth had his whole monologue about how the victim was just a kid trying to enjoy the shore, I wasn’t cheering him on. Instead I was wondering where he’d gotten that from. When did we learn anything credible about the victim besides that he didn’t use steroids? Because excuse me for not believing the girl who claimed to have a deep and everlasting connection with him when he called her a “grenade” as far as character assessment goes.

But I think the strangest thing of all is Hannah. She’s supposed to be smart, right? Because I have seen zero evidence of that trait. Quite the contrary, she seems almost painfully stupid. In fact, there seemed to be a lot of stupid abounds this episode, so far as characters attempting to deal with their emotions. I can only conclude, then, that there is something in the air in New Jersey, and simply by taking a case related to the state, everyone has become less intelligent by extension. That’s the only logical conclusion. (I’m sorry, New Jersey. I mock because I … well, I don’t love. How about, I mock because I can.)

But seriously, Hannah. How she could, after being in Booth’s and Brennan’s presence for five minutes, feel that there’s nothing between them, or that they don’t have feelings for each other, is honestly baffling. Brennan gave her that whole long speech on how much Booth loves rotary phones and all she did was thank her for “being a good friend”? On what planet, Hannah, does any friend know that level of detail? On what planet does a man like Booth disclose that level of detail unless he has feelings for someone? And who after being in a relationship for such a short time (even shorter when you consider the actual physical amount of time spent together) thinks its a good idea to not only to move to the same city as them, but to then move in with them? Is she confident, arrogant, or simply stupid beyond any chance of redemption? And how much longer am I going to have to deal with Booth being painfully in denial and Brennan pining so palpably it makes me want to tug her out of my television, hug her, and make her a nice cup of chocolate milk? At least if you’re going to keep them in stasis, writers, could you not have it be in such a way that I want to punch one of them? (Or clock him with his fancy new phone?)

Whatever. As cranky as I sound, there was a lot of charm and good in this episode. Brennan was brilliant yet clueless, Angela was adorably pregnant, Cam was adorably happy about the fact, Colin Fisher was amusing, crime was solved, hoorah, hoorah. So in the words of my Jersey brethren, the rest? Fuhgeddaboutit.

Photo Credit: Fox

Categories: | Bones | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

11 Responses to “Bones – Lots of Jersey, not a lot of smarts”

October 8, 2010 at 10:03 AM

I agree about the stupid but for me it was Brennan. Every scene with Brennan and the Jersey group was just painful to watch. I started looking to see what else was on to watch and that rarely happens on Bones.

I also agree that the killer was much more sympathetic than ANY of the other suspects including the stalker who I almost felt sorry that she was so delusional.

October 8, 2010 at 12:46 PM

I completely agree! Brennan was the one that was acting so damn stupid. She used to be naive, but now the writers just make her a complete idiot to anything not dealing with bones! She gets dumber and dumber by the week to the point it is almost unwatchable.

October 8, 2010 at 10:42 AM

What are you seeing that makes you think Hannah doesn’t see the connection? What are her options if she does? Be aggressive towards Bones? That would cause more friction, because if she’s seeing it, she’s got to know that if she makes Booth choose between her and Bones, it won’t necessarily be a good thing for the girlfriend.

October 8, 2010 at 11:06 AM

that wasn’t Vincent Nigel-Murray that was Colin Fisher

as for Hannah … I don’t see her as stupid … or clueless … She loves Booth and she understands that Bones isn’t going to play any games (emotional or otherwise) as she is so literal.

Sweet’s diagnosis of a problem to come is more likely what will happen to their relationship.

October 8, 2010 at 11:55 AM

Ack, I ALWAYS mix those two up – I’ll fix that right away.

October 8, 2010 at 11:53 AM

Unless I’m missing an inside joke, you do know that wasn’t Vincent Nigel-Murray, right? It was Colin Fisher.

October 8, 2010 at 11:56 AM

As I said before, I always mix those two up! I’ll fix that right away. (It’s what I get for finishing the column at 2 AM instead of forgoing Project Runway.)

October 8, 2010 at 4:35 PM

This show has really taken a step backward this season. They’ve omitted any progression in Bones character over previous seasons, made her an idiot in general, the case of the week has become trite and the acting has become wooden. You get occasional brief flashes of what the show used to be but it’s really just coasting now.

October 8, 2010 at 4:40 PM

I don’t watch Jersey Shore, but I was actually quite amused by the whole anthropological study thing.

As for the Hannah stuff, ignore it, guys. She’ll be off the show in a few episodes like every other Paolo character out there, so who cares?

(Honestly, I don’t give a crap if B&B ever get together and make really strange babies, but I am a little over the “we’re sooooo in love and having sex constantly and running headlong into shacking up” thing, though. You talk the talk, but are you walking the walk…eh, not really.)

October 9, 2010 at 6:38 PM

Wow, a lot of Hannah hate in your review. Seriously. Why the animosity? Hannah is not picking up anything between B/B because there isn’t ANYTHING between B/B! I haven’t seen anything between B/B in these past three episodes. We’ve only seen Brennan’s OOC pining on the sides. Which really needs to go. Plus, Booth and Brennan have been best friends and partners for 5 years. Of course, Brennan would know that Booth wanted a phone and the little details. Friends do remember things like that. Hannah is confident and isn’t threatened by Brennan. Why should she be? I’m glad they aren’t writing Hannah as jealous or threatened. That would be fangirl fanfic territory.

And, who’s them? If you mean B/B, there is no them. She moved to be with Booth and Booth ASKED her to move in with him. He didn’t have to, but he did.

October 11, 2010 at 7:31 AM

Dear Hart Hanson.

We get it. Booth and Hannah are having sex. We really get it. And don’t need to see it ever again.

K Thx Bai

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