CliqueClack TV

Parks and Recreation – The next big idea

The 'Parks and Rec' staff goes camping, and we all learn an important lesson: Camping is so much better with fondue.

- Season 3, Episode 8 - "Camping"

“That was … the second most awkward way a man has ever grabbed my breast.” – Leslie

This week’s episode of Parks and Recreation started with a bang, as Leslie got groped by a nearly-dead guy. I really thought that was going to be a way for Leslie to get a promotion after her big Harvest Festival success, but instead it was how they got Chris back.

I was thrilled to see Rob Lowe, since I’ve definitely missed him the past few episodes. I loved how he basically managed to dump Ann all over again without getting back together with her, but it makes me worry about his longevity. He said he’ll be back for a couple of months, but in Parks and Rec time, that could be the rest of the season, or until the next episode. I need more Chris and Ben in my life; I can’t handle either of them leaving.

Speaking of Ben, was I the only one who thought that Ron pushed Leslie into his room toward the end of the episode? Ron’s a perceptive dude, and that definitely feels like the plan he would have come up with to get Leslie to relax. But alas, both Leslie and Ben only had the 50 or so cats in the Bed & Breakfast to keep them company.

As much as I would have loved Leslie and Ben to get together in this episode, I’m kind of glad they didn’t. I love the teensy-weensy baby steps their relationship takes each week. It seems like a natural progression instead of a TV device.

Although I wish we could have seen more camping, this episode was chocked full of comedy. Some of my favorite parts were Jerry’s conversation with Ron about his daughter being sexually active, and Tom’s Thunderdome (the frozen yogurt machine is what really sold it for me).

Of course, there were plenty of sweet moments too: Ben giving Leslie a pep talk and Andy’s camping set-up for April being my favorites. As a side note, I have to say that I love what they’ve done with Andy’s character. He started off one-note and boring, but they’ve let him grow (albeit in an emotionally-stunted way), and now he’s way more interesting. I’m rooting for Andy and April in a way that I never rooted for Andy and Ann.

As we go on, I feel like we’re going to need another project like the Harvest Festival to drive the episodes. What do you think it will be? The planetarium or the Antiques Roadshow? Whatever it is, it certainly won’t involve building a park on the lot next to Ann’s house.

Photo Credit: NBC

2 Responses to “Parks and Recreation – The next big idea”

March 25, 2011 at 1:21 PM

I love your Parks and Rec reviews. “Speaking of Ben, was I the only one who thought that Ron pushed Leslie into his room toward the end of the episode?” Yes, this! Actually I kept waiting for someone to make a “Wow, Leslie really needs to get laid” joke, and then someone to look pointedly at Ben, and Ben to be all “What?” But I also like the slow way they’re building the relationship.

March 25, 2011 at 2:29 PM

I love Chris, but he’s the type of character you can only take in small doses. If he’s eventually written off or does a couple cameos a year, I’m fine with that; but, I hope Ben stays.

I have to admit, ‘go somewhere and talk about ourselves’ is typically guy code for ‘let’s get back together’ so I’m wondering what his break up speech sounded like. While I love the insecurity Chris inspires in Ann as a character, as a gal, I can’t help wincing at Ann’s eagerness to make over here personality in his image.

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