CliqueClack TV

We need writers for CliqueClack Flicks!

Yep, you heard it right -- we're looking for some dedicated movie clackers to come on board for the newest tentacle of the CliqueClack beast: CliqueClack Flicks!

On the CliqueClack TV super-secret, decoder-ring-encrypted team email list, things got out of hand when someone dared to dirty our TV-themed minds with the talk of movies. Movies! On a TV site! Well, we’d have none of that, so CliqueClack Flicks was born. There we will be writing the same sort of big-voicey, little-censory things you’ve come to expect from the CliqueClack brand, this time focusing on movies in the theater, on DVD or pretty much any other medium. We’ll be honest, fun and passionate.

Interested? Send us an original post that you’d see working for CliqueClack Flicks to If we dig it, we’ll let you know and likely serve it up Guest Clacker-style. We’ll see how it goes from there, but it usually entails another couple of samples to show you’re consistent, then … welcome aboard!

Wondering what to write about? Simple: movies. Write a review of something in theaters now or was in theaters 20 years ago. Got some anger you need to let loose about the film industry or some idiot director? Let’s hear it. Just make sure it’s not something you’ve done before, or we can’t post it.

Thanks for trying out. If nothing else, we hope you like the new site.

Photo Credit: Keith McDuffee, CliqueClack

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One Response to “We need writers for CliqueClack Flicks!”

April 26, 2011 at 2:13 PM

Keith, we didn’t talk about it on email… we discussed it in our Fortress of Blogitude. On the moon.

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