CliqueClack TV

The Wonder Woman Rant – Monthly Musings

Wonder Woman is too much of a fan-boy's wet dream. Until DC and other writers make her a believable woman, most projects will continue to fail. Do you agree? Sound off!

The reason the Wonder Woman television project didn’t work is because there’s something fundamentally wrong with how Wonder Woman is written as a comic character. When I compare Wonder Woman to Batman or Superman, her alter-ego isn’t as fleshed-out. She lacks a solid back-story and is too much of a frat boy’s wet dream. As a superhero, Wonder Woman works; but, as Diana Prince, she doesn’t. Anyone writing Wonder Woman has to start from scratch.  Is it any wonder David E. Kelly had difficulty?

Before I get started, let me lay my Wonder Woman history down for you. I am a longtime fan of comics and Wonder Woman. The first comic I ever read was my brother’s copy of The Cat featuring Greer Grant Nelson. My childhood incorporated Superfriends, Wonder Woman Underoos, a Wonder Woman Fisher Price Storybook: Wonder Woman in Cheetah on the Prowl (which I begged my mother for in the second grade), various Justice League comics and Lynda Carter.

Based on that experience (sarcasm-included), I’ve realized what needs to happen if anyone ever undertakes Wonder Woman as a TV or film project in the future.

If you must use male writers, make certain they can write believable female characters. Male writers are afraid to make female characters strong like male characters (excluding Joss Whedon, of course). Usually, they dilute them with a weepy or flirty personality to “humanize” them. I loved Wonder Woman as a kid. But, as an adult, I never bought her as a believable Amazon. For an alleged feminist, she spent most of her time hanging out with the all-male Justice League and didn’t do much humanitarian work outside their halls. DC retconning her as a peace-oriented Themyisciran ambassador worked, but she still felt muted.

However, after reading the original comics, THAT Wonder Woman with the bad perm, the chunky body, the thigh-length skirt/unflattering biker pants, and the loud-mouthed friend, Etta Candy, made sense. She was unrepenitent in her strength, spent most of her time with the Beeta Lambda sorority, and acted less like a male wet dream. While we credit William Moulton Marston as the creator, his wife, Elizabeth Halloway, a lawyer, editor, and psychologist, suggested making the character “Superwoman.” Plus, she (and his former student/lover/assistant, Olive Byrne) helped develop/inspire the character. Sure, Moulton included bondage themes, but maybe the original character seemed real to me because of her real world influences.

Wonder Woman  has the intelligence of Condoleezza Rice and the physique of Serena Williams.  We should see more of these real world characteristics in her character. We rarely see Superman or Batman break into tears, unless it’s something extreme like … the death of a protege. I don’t want to see Batman cry because the person he met five years ago is dating someone else. Sure, David E. Kelly probably wanted to soften Wonder Woman, but, if that’s what sets her off, she’s in the wrong line of work.

Make her personality more realistic.  Honestly, she’s too perfect. Although DC recently started playing  up her violent nature,  she doesn’t have any drawbacks for writers to pull from. While Superman’s too naive and Batman’s a total dick, Wonder Woman doesn’t have any personality quirks. That was part of the problem with David E. Kelly’s script. His Wonder Woman was too good and too adored by those around her.

Make her body more realistic. Look at half of the serious female athletes out there. Yea, Wonder Woman’s  the world’s strongest woman, but she doesn’t look it. Of course, that’s my biggest complaint with comics. If the hottest women in the world (i.e. Halle Berry as Storm) can’t look like  their comic counterparts, but guys like Michael Keaton can play Batman, then there’s something wrong with the model. My biggest problem with Adrienne Palicki was she didn’t look like a 6′ amazon who could kick ass. Instead, she looked like a model whose ass my two-year-old niece could kick.

Photo Credit: DC Comics

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14 Responses to “The Wonder Woman Rant – Monthly Musings”

September 13, 2011 at 8:58 PM

“Make her body more realistic”

See, this is where your argument breaks down (every time we have it, which is seemingly monthly at this point :P)

Comics aren’t supposed to be realistic (Well, at least these aren’t). Why can Keaton play Batman? Because a freaking body suit comes with the cowl. Heroes with superpowers can do what they do not because of muscle, but because of superpowers.

And while there isn’t enough strong female characters on TV right now, implying that Joss is the only one that can write them is insulting to a couple of people (Chicago Code, In Plain Sight, and several others are lining up outside the door to have a word with you). I get that it is a problem that needs to be fixed, but let’s not ignore those who are not a part of the problem now.

And I ask you, what self respecting male superhero would rock underwear on the outside of tights to a battle? Oh, wait, that’s right IT’S COMIC BOOKS!

Love you (mean it!)

September 13, 2011 at 9:03 PM

. . . . .

Oh … and An … ???

I swear: Ivey and I were NOT sitting in the same room writing our comments and submitting them at the same time … contrary to what the time counters on both our comments would leave you to believe.

Now … uh-hrrmmmm … I need to get back to that pillow fight … with someone … other than Ivey …

September 13, 2011 at 9:46 PM

* Sigh * Saying my argument breaks down, doesn’t make it so. Note: The point is – with male superhero costumes, even schlubby male actors can play heroes with bulging biceps. But, the way female costumes are geared, women can’t get away with that. But, wait, I shouldn’t have to say this _again_ considering I’ve typed it above and in other places. Typical male, reading without comprehending ;) …

Also, regarding In Plain Sight, it’s clear you haven’t read any of my recent posts on the matter :)

September 13, 2011 at 9:59 PM

But Spiderman didn’t need bulging muscles to be Spiderman. And the Flash doesn’t have gargantuan calves or whatever.

I guess then, I don’t understand your point about schulby guys. I mean, because Brandon Routh and Henry Cavill are walking talking bowls of lard.

I note that you ignored my other points :P

September 13, 2011 at 10:32 PM

Once again, that’s my point. The male superhero body types vary, but they’re all vaguely realistic and can be played by real men or approximated via suits by real men.

But, all superheroines are Barbie meets Dolly Parton cut-outs where even the most attractive actress can’t approximate the body type or look vaguely attractive/comfortable in the outfits (compare the X-men heroines to their filmic counterparts, re-review the ‘make her body more realistic’ and the ‘costume’ section ;).

Dude, I answered all of your points. However, applause is always appreciated ;)

September 13, 2011 at 10:00 PM

Oh, and An?

I applaud as well :)

September 13, 2011 at 8:58 PM

. . . . .

*claps heartily*

I took time out of my busy schedule [Ruby gave me homework about BR (bounce rate) and WMO (wardrobe malfunction occurrences) I’ve been concentrating on — see the second link in Make the costume realistic above], but I had to take time to see if anything new was on the horizon … especially where you’re concerned, An.

And by the by: If you need a good word for The Powers That Be regarding a WW writing gig, I’m in your corner and willing to help where I can. You’d rock that gig 9 ways to Sunday.

(We’ll deal with “realistic” talk and the “straps” issue at a later date.)

September 13, 2011 at 9:54 PM

* Nods head * Thanks for the compliment, sir.

Nothing new on the horizon. Now that I’ve finally got Wonder Woman off my chest … so to speak, I’ll try to glance over some extra material that your other half forwarded on.

P.S. Regarding the Waldorf to your Statler, sometimes I suspect you guys were separated at birth :)

September 14, 2011 at 12:21 PM

I would like to point out that the aforementioned homework is past due.

(Mr. Strickland voice) You’ve got a real attitude problem, McFly Noble! You’re a slacker! You remind me of your father when he went here. He was a slacker, too.

September 14, 2011 at 12:43 PM

BTW, I revisited Michael’s article with photos of the strapped and strapless WWs at ComicCon. All of these outfits are based on the old-school WW costume, and none of these women look the slightest bit intimidating or kickass.

The traditional costume is lame and makes any real-life WW look like a circus performer or showgirl. May as well stick a plume of big colorful feathers on her ass.

WW needs a costume redesign that makes her look like a warrior. Something intimidating but also functional and indicative of her Amazonian heritage.

September 14, 2011 at 9:16 PM

. . . . .


I think you’re just jealous. You’re not going to convince me a costume change is in order. You know my arguments. The costumed women? I agree … they couldn’t kick ass let alone fine one they could kick. But! Remember: Most of them are simply fangirls. And come on … the little girl in that one picture is the epitome of cute!

And … regarding my homework: I’m not a slacker. I’m just being real, real, real diligent.

Get off me.

Love, Michael

September 15, 2011 at 10:43 AM

The little girl is the most kickass of the lot. :)

I have no idea what you think I’m jealous of… the fact that you went to ComicCon? (Yes) But anyhoo, I’m not attempting to change your opinion. Just pointing out the reasoning behind my own opinion, which is that the old-school costume does not work in live action because it does nothing to make the woman wearing it look believably strong or intimidating or serious. This is my opinion as someone who was never a WW fan as a kid because the character looked cheesy to me, but who would give a WW live-action movie or TV show a chance if it shed the cheese-factor.

September 15, 2011 at 11:10 AM

. . . . .

RE: “I think you’re just jealous.”

My “super power sarcasm” was definitely off yesterday, Ruby. Ivey point this out to me several times Wednesday … with help from Bobba-Looga.

But … the “Love, Michael” sentiment was heartfelt and didn’t require any super power … for the record.

September 13, 2011 at 9:48 PM

I think the “males can’t write for females” is completely true, just look at the 17 seasons of Stargate. That is a huge problem that they need to get around. Any writer can come up with any decent backstory, but she needs to be written as a human and not some 2D posterboard.

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