CliqueClack TV

So where was the iconic film music on The X Factor?

It came across loud and clear from host Steve Jones at the start of the program, but there wasn't anything "iconic" about the contestants' film choices.

- Season 1, Episode 13 - "The Top 11 Compete"

“It’s been a blast” said Steve Jones at the end of the competition part of this week on The X Factor.


I scratched my head about where “the blast” may have been, but more importantly: Where were all the “iconic film numbers” we were supposed to enjoy and reminisce about through the two hours? Truth be told, I got fed up with trying to correlate the songs and the films; it was an exercise in futility

Stacy Francis, Marcus Canty, Drew, Leroy Bell and the can’t-tell-one-from-the-other Lakoda Rayne all left me wondering: 1) what song was being sung or, 2) what film the “iconic tune” was coming from. Of course, I’m embellishing with that statement, but nothing from these particular contestants — nothing I tell you — was notable. I didn’t even remember Stacy’s tune right away. (It was Whitney Houston’s “Queen Of The Night.” But here’s the thing: If it isn’t immediately recognizable, how can it possibly be “iconic” … ???) Marcus was frantic and looked like he was trying to scratch his ass before I finally figured out he was attempting to doff his jacket. Drew did an uneven, extremely disjointed Coldplay’s “Fix You” and Leroy just seemed tired with his U2 choice. Lakoda Rayne? Completely white bread throwaway.

It wasn’t until Astro’s impressive and rearranged take on Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” where things finally turned around. He’s a cocky little firecracker, but he’s got the chops to back up that attitude. (Calling out Frasier and Heavy D was just showboating, however.) Melanie Amaro put out a solid Michael Jackson take and I was even bippin’ and boppin’ a bit through the unevenness of Stereo Hogzz “Ain’t No Other Man” (because I like that song) regardless of the fact they’re not long for the competition.

But where things really got me to take interest was with Josh Krajcik’s effort, a performance that wasn’t the star of the evening but which definitely superseded the craptastickness of his back up singers. Despite their best efforts, Josh managed to take (a finally iconic) “A Little Help From My Friends” and make it his own.

But that wasn’t the end of it. Things kept building from there.

No better pick for Chris Rene could have come than the rap-erized “Pastime Paradise” from Stevie Wonder’s Songs In The Key Of Life. Yes, there were definitely shaky spots in the performance. But he was able to offer something solid which won the hearts and applause of the audience in the process. He may have even stepped things up because of Astro’s dazzling feat before him. If not for being pushed, he might have simply left a so-so performance languishing on stage. Instead, he offered a tone filled with both swagger and humbleness, an interesting combination.

And then there’s Rachel Crow, who really knocked it out of the park. Wow! This emotive, exuding powerhouse of a girl exemplified a master rendition of  “I’d Rather Go Blind” which she herself chose for the evening’s finale. (Something made plainly clear post-performance during the back and forth between the judges.)

Yes … at the end of it all, there was some grandeur and spectacle, mostly by Astro and Rachel. (Don’t let the fact rap may not be your cup of tea — if you saw it, you have to admit Astro tore it up.) These two performers’ offerings are what made you watch a little more closely. Because it certainly wasn’t the show’s theme that pushed any buttons.

Bottom 2? Let’s toss Stereo Hogzz in there once more along with Drew. I really want to include the indiscernible Lakoda Rayne as well. (Hokay! I will!) It wouldn’t surprise me if any of these three get nixed, but I’ll go with the Hogzz heading off into the sunset as they should have last week.


Photo Credit: Fox

11 Responses to “So where was the iconic film music on The X Factor?”

November 10, 2011 at 11:30 AM

Rachel just doesn’t do it for me. I don’t know. Why does Simon keep putting her up on a huge round tall platform? Is it because she’s just a little kid and he’s trying to make us forget that? Cause I can’t forget that!
And! What crawled up L.A. Reid’s butt and died that he was so hard on Melanie? I watched her performance again after he ripped on her. She was solid and it was good!
Maybe he would have liked it better if she would have rapped/talked the words and through some “ho buoys” in there. Sigh.
Astro did a fine job, but I think it was more the song and not him personally. I mean once I was in a karaoke bar and this guy knew all the words to “Lose Yourself” and had the entire place in the palm of his hand. The tune drives and pounds and pushes. It’s rapid fire, and very impressive when performed with confidence. (And we all know Astro doesn’t lack confidence.) I still would like to punch that kid. He’s just annoying.

November 10, 2011 at 2:26 PM

I meant “threw”. I have not been able to spell worth crap all week.

November 10, 2011 at 12:17 PM

I agree in general with everything you said, Michael, except for your prediction for the bottom two. Drew is too popular and has shown too much potential to be in danger this early. I would boot off Stacey Francis.

November 10, 2011 at 9:24 PM

. . . . .

About an hour and a half ’til showtime in my neck of the woods on elimination night, Ruby.

Let’s see what happens.

November 11, 2011 at 9:41 AM

. . . .

Dear Ruby:

You were right. I was right.

Still, with the ouster of Stereo Hogzz, I believe I was “righter” …

November 11, 2011 at 10:47 AM

My dear Michael, I was only disagreeing with you about Drew, not the Hoggz. But if it makes you happy, I’ll say that you were half-righter (and half-wronger).

November 10, 2011 at 12:44 PM

I’m glad I don’t watch this show. I get so pissed when they throw around the word “iconic” and choose the equivalent of a B-side for the music. I know “Queen of the Night” is from The Bodyguard only because of my music store employment when that CD came out. Much more “iconic” from that movie are “I Have Nothing” and, of course, “I Will Always Love You” … but I don’t even consider that a “movie song” since it had a life prior to Whitney singing it. “Iconic” to me are songs from any of the Bond movies, “Moon River,” “9 to 5,” “Footloose,” songs that are instantly recognizable and associated with the movie they were featured in. People just don’t understand the true meaning of words like “iconic” anymore.

November 10, 2011 at 9:23 PM

. . . . .

Precisely, Chuck. “B-sides ‘R’ Us” is basically what we got. As stated, it steamed me so I threw in the towel trying to make sense of it.

But … who you gonna call? Ghost Busters … ?!?

November 10, 2011 at 9:27 PM

Iconic was definitely poorly served in these songs. But I’ve given up on rationality in “reality” TV. So far, I’m yawning my way through most of these shows. However, your bottom 2 (3) picks seem on target and the youth definitely showed up to perform last night. Wake me when we get to the final 4 and I’ll see who I like then.

Josh is still my sentimental favorite, so I’m glad he had something I could enjoy hearing him sing. Can anyone get that he is a solo artist who needs to do SOLO performances? It’s the sound of his voice, and not the Jordanaires we are listening for.

November 10, 2011 at 9:33 PM

. . . . .

Right there with you, Nyela

November 11, 2011 at 12:52 PM

Oh Wise One, Re: Rachel Crow. Let’s say she wins. What do they do with her? She’s got this amazing soulful voice and soulful spirit but she’s a, bopper Shirley Temple look alike. It doesn’t help her eclectic persona that she appears to have the confidence of an olympic athlete andhe wisdom of a 54 year old woman from Connecticut. How are they going to market this little gem? Well? Hu? (Did you miss me?l

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