CliqueClack TV

Parks and Recreation – Ben and Leslie’s relationship starts an international incident

Ben and Leslie create the most bitchin', lion-infested U.N. in the history of the world. Now that's how you make education fun.

- Season 4, Episode 7 - "The Treaty"

Thank God Ben and Leslie are sharing some screen time again. Leslie told him that it was bad enough that they couldn’t be romantically involved, but not even being friends was just too crappy for her to deal with. As a loyal viewer, I couldn’t agree more. Adam Scott and Amy Poehler have incredible chemistry, so to deny the audience even a platonic relationship was just cruel.

Everything about the model U.N. was pure gold: from Andy trading all of Finland’s boring things for lions, to Aprils control of the moon, and Ben and Leslie’s amazing diplomatic smackdown, I loved every second of it. My high school didn’t do model U.N.s, so I don’t know very much about them, but I’d like to hope that they all end with someone dropping the mic.

Ron was also great in this episode, since he’s always at his best when he’s being a loveable curmudgeon. I was surprised that Tom hadn’t come back to Parks & Rec already, but it’s nice that they devoted so much time to bringing him back into the fold. Although I’m a little sad that they didn’t try those applicants out in the job Office-style.

Does anyone else think that Chris and Anne are going to be back together by the end of the season? They’ve certainly been spending a lot of time together, even if a lot of it is Anne realizing why their relationship failed. She still has a soft spot for him though. How could you not? He’s Chris Traeger!

Some of my favorite lines from this episode:

“I’m gonna roll up my sleeves and make geo-political problem solving my bitch.” – Ben

“And teach kids that not only is government good, but that there should be a world-wide super government? I’d rather sand down my toenails. – Every three weeks I have to sand down my toenails. They’re too strong for clippers.” – Ron

Friendship is better because friends help you move; they drive you to the airport. Boyfriends just love you and marry you.” – Leslie

Ron: “Another very strong candidate.”

Tom: “Are you insane? He was a million-year-old racist.”

Ron: “He said he liked ethnic girls, Tom.”

“A fact is not an anecdote, Gary!” – Tom

Ron: “Tom Haverfords don’t grow on trees.”

Tom: “If they did, I’d sell ‘em: Tommy trees.”

“Yeah! We got the freakin’ moon. What are you gonna do without tides, Peru?” – Leslie

Jogging is the worst, Chris. I mean, I know it keeps you healthy, but God. At what cost?” – Anne


Photo Credit: NBC

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