CliqueClack TV

Teen Wolf – The kenema is an abomination … but is it Lydia?

There's officially a new monster, the kenema, on 'Teen Wolf,' and if we're to go by Grandpa Argent's high-tech equivalent of Gile's entire library and John Winchester's journal, there's a whole lot more to come.

- Season 2, Episode 4 - "Abomination"

“You think I’m teaching you how to fight? I’m teaching you how to survive!” – Derek to his minions, foreshadowing the multiple conflicts brewing

That’s what I’m talking about — Teen Wolf‘s “Abomination” lives up to the promise of the two-part season premiere (unlike last week’s lackluster episode), giving us a deeper mythos and more mysteries to ponder. They’re even starting to get the humor right … well, almost.

There are a lot of theories floating around as to the kenema’s identity (a totally made-up creature, for all I can find on Google), and if you’re to believe the previews for next week’s episode, everyone thinks it’s Lydia, and some have even taken that a step further. I’m with commenter Kate, though — I think Lydia’s a red herring. It’s just too obvious, and that monster thing just isn’t dainty enough. I know that seems like a silly reason, but there’s nothing feminine about it. Some are thinking it might be the vet, Alan, but I’m not on board with that theory either. There’s definitely more to him, but he’s not a reptilian (who can’t swim) killer.

Let’s go back to Jackson for a moment … he really wants to be a wolf, but I think he didn’t change because he’s got something else going on. My guess is that he’s the kenema (it even kind of looks like him), and someone else knows. Whether it’s his adoptive parents (who might know about his questionable heritage), or that fishy photographer kid, someone knows and is covering for him by creating that 2-hour loop. At first, I didn’t think it could be Jackson because it seemed as though the kenema was attacking Derek and Stiles during the lacrosse game, which would have given Jackson the most air-tight alibi in the history of supernatural-based television shows, but then the timeline skewed itself a bit. If Scott was at dinner with the Argents when all this was going on, then the game was over and Jackson was available for the killing.

I think I may write this in every review, in hopes that the writers continue to gve me my wish — I cannot get enough of Derek and Stiles together. The dynamics are always wonderful, with Stiles being just a bit afraid of him and Derek totally playing on that. In “Abomination,” though, the dynamics shifted a bit and that made for some compelling TV. Yeah, I just called MTV’s Teen Wolf compelling — you heard it here first! It is moments like these, with Derek being vulnerable to Stiles, and Stiles showing enough bravery to drop Derek to the bottom of the pool, knowing he’ll drown if he doesn’t get back to him in time, that elevate this series from the typical MTV schlop. And you just know that Derek is beginning to develop some respect for Stiles, and that’s going to be fun to watch evolve. I think it was also important that Derek asked Stiles to call Scott — we know Erica was out of commission, but he didn’t want Isaac or Boyd. Scott’s the man, and they will fight on the same team again one day.

Am I supposed to comment on Stiles and Lydia having a moment? I liked it, but it was insignificant as of now. It’s just another addend in the equation whose sum will be Lydia finally kissing Stiles, somewhere after mid-season.

I’ve been milding complaining about the goofy humor in this show, with Stiles’ antics being too over-the-top, and celebrating the  amusing, more subtle interactions as being more of what I want to see. The perfect example from this episode is when Stiles was relaying a message from Alison to Scott, telling him how much she loved him … in the first person. It was hysterical; then, when Stiles was running back and forth between Scott and Alison, panting with exaggeration while communicating more messages, it wasn’t. Funny. At. All. I don’t want to say it erased the moment of awesomeness before that, but writers, please don’t do that again.

While we’re on the topic, please stop having Daddy Argent threaten Scott. I’ve mentioned before how silly it sounds, and now there’s a much better threatener in town … you can just call him Grandpa. He’s the Argent to contend with — as if we didn’t know that after watching him kill the omega — as he brings Scott’s mother into the threatening game. He’s also a very good actor who clearly has Alison’s parents fooled into thinking he’s a doddering old man at times.

What do you think? Any theories about the kenema? Did this episode work as well for you as it did for me?

UPDATE: We’ve recieved confirmation from MTV that the actual spelling is “kanima,” not “kenema,” as the Closed-Captioning had it spelled.

Photo Credit: MTV

13 Responses to “Teen Wolf – The kenema is an abomination … but is it Lydia?”

June 19, 2012 at 6:33 PM

Jackson! It has to be!

June 19, 2012 at 8:54 PM

Oh, I thought the scene with Stiles running between Allison and Scott was hilarious! I really like the goofy moments as they do help bring some levity between all the seriousness – and they make the scary moments that much more intense because it switches between goofy and “someone must die now” so quickly. It’s not to everyone’s taste, but I think it’s great :)

I’m not sure what’s up with Jackson, but he seems a bit too obvious to be the Kenema, too. Whatever screwed up his transformation most likely – IMO anyway – came from when Derek dug his claws into the back of Jackson’s neck. Remember the doctor told him he had an infection from wolfsbane, which was part of what helped it click for him that Scott was a werewolf in the first place.

I think that infection was what made him at least somewhat immune to the wolf-bite – but he may have gotten something from it (the super strength and whatever else may grow out of that) OR it could be that the infection he got from Derek’s nails has just slowed the transition down so that rather than happening almost immediately, it ends up happening over an extended period of time – like a couple of months or so.

June 20, 2012 at 1:40 AM

That is actually a really good explanation about why Jackson didn’t change. Its either he is cured or the effects are happening slower. I never thought of this. I of course thought of the cure. But to think that he was cured probably because of Wolf bane. Very good assessment.

June 19, 2012 at 8:57 PM

My theory right now is that the kenema is a merged being between Jackson and Lydia. Somehow they get together and make this … thing.

Obviously they are both somehow part of it, so it’s either something completely new they made together, or they ARE BOTH the kenema.

I only really thought this based on the opening credit sequence, which shows Jackson and Lydia together. I get they were once together, but not anymore. So why are they together in the credits? Hm…

June 20, 2012 at 1:14 AM

I was thinking the same thing about Jackson and Lydia being together in the beginning sequence…but I’m not quite sure how together they would make the beast. They very well could be tethered together in some way though.

June 20, 2012 at 1:38 AM

I am going to have to disagree. That sounds like a really weird thing and wouldn’t make sense to the lore. Its a shape-shifting person. A being combined of two others that is either them together or just a new creature made from them two. Its too complicated and doesn’t seem logical in this universe.

June 20, 2012 at 12:32 AM

I love Stiles’ goofy moments. I loved the running back and forth scene. In most shows it would be totally OTT, but somehow in Teen Wolf it’s ok. I mean, it’s a show, about teenagers turning into werewolves. I like that it occasionally turns up the cheesy laugh meter because the last thing you want is for a show like this to take itself too seriously.

The revelation that the video of Jackson was doctored, blows all my theories regarding him out of the water. It is now possible he could be this kenema thing. Of course, he could also be a werewolf I suppose, but seems like he’d remember that.

But yeah, I’m still convinced that Lydia has nothing to do with it. She has PTSD, and may even be slowly losing her mind, but she’s no monster. Although Stiles’ remark about the kenema knowing him is interesting. That would seem to point to Lydia, but then again, Stiles knows lots of people.

I’m with you on the Derek and Stiles scenes. I loved that they had Stiles be the one doing the rescuing. I’m hoping we get back to more awesome badass Derek soon though, instead of the creepy, possibly evil Derek that we’ve been getting. I mean obviously a character like that is going to have a dark side, but at times I feel like he’s going totally dark side.

June 20, 2012 at 1:11 AM

As far as the kenema goes, I completely agree with you that Lydia is a red herring. I was telling my friend earlier, whom also watches the show, that Lydia as a suspect is too obvious when there are clearly underlying suspicious behaviours in several other characters that could result in this reptilian disease. My top suspect is Alan only because he has no background in the mythical world that is given and that makes him the most ominous character…he knows so much about scotts mythical life, yet he never let onto any abnormal knowlege until that very moment. Suspicious. :) . Also, when he was describing the lethal qualities of the kenema, he seemed almost eerily sadistic and proud. Jackson is also a large contender, considering theres a two hour gap of his life unaccounted for…on the same night that Scott ran into the kenema at Isaacs house.

As far as Stiles goes…Fantastic. Hilarious. Adorable. Realistic. Nothing else needs to be said. I love him.

Something is definitely going on with Lydia, but I dont think shes actually the kenema. I think she carries some same qualities such as the reflection thing(where she freaked out after seeing her reflection in both the ice at the ice rink and obviously in her own mirror before she shattered it.) I dont know where theyll go with her, but I do think that its too obvious for the kenema to really be her. If it is her, then thats poor writing on Teen Wolfs part…they havent failed so far, so I doubt that all of the sudden their plot would become predictable.

June 20, 2012 at 2:50 PM

I reallyyy liked the stiles and derek friendship thing that they have too. when it first started developing i didn’t notice it much other than i like derek for putting up with stiles. but after the last episode i went back and watched the scene with them together because they do care what happens to each other. derek turned around and told stiles to run. and stiles didn’t abandon derek. ahhh it’s good to have real friends.

June 20, 2012 at 6:55 PM

I was just thinking about the scene that Lydia has punched the mirror. And kenemas can’t stand their own reflection in mirrors… so….

June 20, 2012 at 7:07 PM

Crap — you’re right! Very nice catch! So is that a red herring, or a clue? ;-)

June 20, 2012 at 7:19 PM

I guess it’s just a red herring… I’m more convinced with the Jackson’s theory.

July 5, 2012 at 12:09 PM

1. What up with the Vet. is he a ex-hunter?
2. Was he a wolf maybe a Omega?
3. Lydia was the last bite of the Alpha so she carries his spirit? But she is also immune to it for some reason and it killing her.
4. Grand-pa is just like the aunt, and the father is loyal to the code; watch out for mom too?
5. The writing is very good, the predictable things are the red herrings.
6. If they don’t kill Danny i think he will ask for the bite from Scott? Scott needs more on his team.
7. The dad has to have a respect for scott. Its the only thing that will keep Allison from falling to the dark or non-code side.
8. Scott needs more experienced help?
8. MTV please don’t kill the show….. Please let Scott use his powers to learn more B/C the whole your going to fail angle is getting old real fast.

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