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What do you drink at breakfast? – Fresh Baked Polls


coffee-beansBreakfast may be the meal of champions, but there sure are a lot of beverages you could choose to go along with that meal. Mine have even morphed throughout the years. I’ve gone from OJ in the carton to freshly made juice (usually carrot, apple and kale) to mango berry smoothies (hooray for the Vitamix!) and just about everything in-between.

Currently, my breakfast beverage of choice is 100% cranberry juice diluted in water, affectionately dubbed cran-water. It is supposed to jump-start your fat-burning and act as a nice cleanser to start your day. I happen to like the taste, so it’s a win-win. Sometimes, I’ll have a cup of green or herbal tea at breakfast too.

What do you drink at breakfast time? Take our poll and choose as many as are applicable, and elaborate in the comments.

Photo Credit: Refracted Moments / Flickr

2 Responses to “What do you drink at breakfast? – Fresh Baked Polls”

February 12, 2009 at 4:27 PM

It wasn’t a choice, so I picked “other”, but after my coffee I always have a glass of milk. I start, and end, each day with a nice, cold glass of fat-free, fresh cow squeezins.

Milk…it’s not just for babies any more!

March 8, 2009 at 4:15 PM

I start my day with a cold bottle of seltzer – preferably naturally flavored raspberry lime seltzer (Zero everything).

I’m a “mouth breather” when I sleep and I wake up with my mouth/tongue dried out, begging for moisture. Water is o.k., but seltzer is more satisfying :-)

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