Every morning, I sprinkle some ground flax seed on my Ezekiel English muffin, just because. Because it tastes all yummy and nutty, and because it’s full of healthy fats and fiber. Just an aside, the ground flaxseed goes on whatever the kid is eating too — that’s right, he calls them “sprinkles” and knows nothing of those hydrogenated fat-filled things that go on top of ice cream. It’s a cruel, cruel world.
It’s been a while since I’ve baked with flax, because we’ve fallen into a groove with our oatmeal muffins. This recipe for flax muffins crossed my path recently, though, and inspired me to give them a try once more. I used this recipe as a base (and I was thrilled it had oatmeal in it because we’ve been loving that so much in our muffins) and customized them to fit our family’s tastes perfectly — you’ve got to have fruit in your muffins. Or chocolate.
Peachy Flax Molasses Muffins
Mix all dry ingredients together in a large bowl, all the wet in another, adding more milk if it’s too thick to stir and spoon (I didn’t need to add more). Divide batter amongst 12 muffin cups in a greased muffin pan and bake at 400 degrees for approximately 16 minutes.
In the interest of full disclosure, the chunks on the picture are mango chunks, not peaches. Freezer burn changed my plans last-minute, but they were delicious! I still think peaches with the molasses would be perfect, though.
Oh, and they taste great with almond butter slathered all over them.