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Pizza Clack


Zucchini pizza dough – Pizza Clack

Ah, the Holy Grail … a pizza dough with less calories and more nutrition. Could it be possible, and still taste good? And more importantly, can it fool your kids? I haven’t tried this recipe for Zucchini Pizza Dough, but I’m going with a big yes to the questions above. OK, I admit, it seems […]

Pizza Clack – Butternut squash, sage and prosciutto

One of our favorite things to cook together as a family is pizza. Sure, the bread machine makes the dough, but I stretch it out on the pan (or Keith rolls it out and grills it when weather permits), Owen pinches and snitches chunks of raw dough while he spreads the sauce on, and we […]

Pizza crust or toppings? – Pizza Clack

There’s something about a slice of gourmet pizza. I’m not talking about the cardboard “beach pizza” that Keith craves on an intermittent basis, but a pizza with a rich, bubbly crust and a delectable combination of toppings that make you feel like you’re eating much more than yummy stuff on dough. We’ve gone through lots […]

Pesto, sausage and goat cheese pizza – Pizza Clack

There’s almost nothing you can do to make a slice of pizza unappealing for me. Even if it is a wheat crust slathered with cheap mozzarella cheese, it still appeals. I wouldn’t eat it, but boy, I’d smell it and drool. Man, I passed by a Subway today and nearly made a pizza pit stop…. […]

Roasted garlic and peppers pizza – Pizza Clack

A pizza topping combination that’s just unique enough to excite you.  One that’s just traditional enough to make you feel all warm and fuzzy. Definitely one that’ll make you salivate. Have you tried roasted garlic and peppers pizza? Anything roasted is a big hit at our house — even broccoli! So imagine the smoky, tangy […]

Favorite bread machine pizza dough – Pizza Clack

You can’t make pizza without dough — that’s a given. And the kind of dough you want to use is probably based somewhat on your tastes but mostly on your availability — do you have time to make the pizza crust of your dreams every time you want to make homemade pizza? It would be […]

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