An easy and unique quinoa and scallop recipe that’s beautiful and balanced. Sweet peas, salty capers and whole cumin seeds are the stars of this dish.
Yet another use for Twitter: dinner ideas. Wil Wheaton tweeted what he was having for dinner and it was immediately on my plate.
Something’s got me cooking up quinoa, one of my favorite side dishes, and this one is a tender balance of sweetness with some unique spices and herbs that really works for me.
Looking for another use for quinoa? How about as a rice substitute? In this edition of Hold the Meat, Kona makes vegetarian burritos with quinoa instead of rice.
Tabbouleh, wheat-free and wonderful, permeated my week, the season and my thoughts. It only stands to reason I would create a quinoa tabbouleh recipe as soon as I could get to my kitchen.
Summertime food isn’t just all about the main courses. Even Jimmy Buffett knew to add a “big kosher pickle” on the side of his ‘Cheeseburger in Paradise.’ Sometimes it’s the side dishes that make the meal complete.
Now that I’ve gotten a taste of warmer weather, I’m ready to enjoy my baby spinach in a springy quinoa dish.