CliqueClack TV

New characters I’m loving this season – Guest Clack

Your guest clacker today is Cate Cropp, a Jersey girl living in Portugal who just can’t give up American TV.

Introducing a new character into a show can be a tricky task.  Sometimes they integrate well into the cast and add an interesting new dynamic to a series.  Other times, they can fall flat and make us long for those old favorites who have left or been killed off.  Here are some of my favorite new characters of the season, as well as those that aren’t quite working for me.

My Favorites

Dr. Virginia Dixon, Grey’s Anatomy
Mary MacDonnell has only been on one episode of Grey’s as a top heart surgeon with Aspberger’s Syndrome, but I’m already hooked.  Dr. Dixon is quirky, but believable. In spite of providing some comic relief through her social awkwardness, she’s not a caricature or a gimmick.  I think if given the chance, her character can breathe some life into a show that lately hasn’t interested me all that much.

“Dave Williams”, Desperate Housewives
So far, we know that he’s criminally insane, out for revenge on one of the guys (Mike?), and his real name is not Dave Williams.  He’ll go to great lengths to carry out his master plan to the letter, including making everyone believe Mrs. McCluskey is losing her marbles.  So far she and her sister (Lily Tomlin; loving her too) have gotten a glimpse at his dark side. I loved Neal McDonough in Ravenous and he’s equally entertaining as Dave Williams, your friendly neighborhood psychopath.

Arthur Petrelli, Heroes
Heroes is still floundering this season, but I’m intrigued by the not-so-dead Arthur Petrelli, played by Robert Forster.  I’ve heard a lot of complaints about a hole in the plot regarding his faked death, but honestly I don’t remember that far back in the series so I’m gonna give Heroes a pass on this one.  He’s sapping powers left and right and building an army of people with abilities, but we’re still not quite sure what his endgame is.  World domination?  Probably something to that effect.  With family dysfunction at its best, I can’t wait to see what Nathan, Peter, and Gabriel/Sylar are going to do when faced with a father who is willing to kill them if they get in his way.

Miguel Prado, Dexter
ADA/serial killer wannabe Prado (Jimmy Smits) has been a complete game changer for Dexter.  On one hand, I love that Dex has a like-minded friend he can bond with and not feel so alone in the world.  On the other hand, Prado’s boyish enthusiasm and rash approach to renegade justice is most likely going to threaten Dexter in the long run.  Maybe Dex doesn’t realize it yet, but he’s created a monster and my guess is he’s going to have to destroy it in the end as well.

Castiel and Uriel, Supernatural
Without a doubt my favorite new characters of the fall season.  Misha Collins and Robert Wisdom as the angels Castiel and Uriel have taken Supernatural to a whole new level, pulling Dean out of hell and giving him a mission, straight from God, to stop the demon Lilith from setting Lucifer free on earth.  This is where I had hoped the show would go, without even realizing it until it had happened.  Season after season of Sam and Dean fighting evil and more evil, with only the occasional other hunter to help them; now they truly know there’s a purpose.  At the same time, the angels’ distrust of Sam and his ability is driving a wedge between the brothers.  Eventually, Dean may have to choose between the angels and his brother.

Not So Great

Don Self, Prison Break
Does Michael Rappaport ever do a character besides, well, Michael Rappaport?  Don Self, the Homeland Security agent pulling strings in order to get Scofield and gang to bring down the Company, hasn’t really piqued my interest.  He’s loud, arrogant, and self-serving, yet he still manages to bore me.

Daphne Millbrook, Heroes
I admit, she and Parkman made a cute and loving couple in their scenes in the future, and I almost felt bad she got killed.  She got her start using her super speed to rob people blind.  Up until now, she’s been wishy-washy on whether she’s good or bad.  Then, after Matt brings her into his head, she’s magically in love with him?  I just don’t buy it.  I thought the writers would have taken some time to develop their relationship, but in the interest of moving the plot forward, it’s being shoved down our throats.  I also can’t help but mention a very adept comment Kona Gallagher made during the live blog for “It’s Coming!”:  Brush your hair, Daphne!

Sadie, Grey’s Anatomy
I loved Melissa George on Alias, so I was curious to see this new character she’d be playing on Grey’s that everyone was talking about.  Imagine my disappointment to see her playing “that girl”.  You know the one; we all went to school with her.  The girl who is completely oblivious to the fact that the open-mouthed stares in her direction are more out of offense than admiration.  Yeah, that girl.  Her purpose on the show seems to be to cause yet more conflict between Meredith and Derek, pissing off Christina for good measure, and I for one am ready for a break from that.

These are only a few of many new characters introduced to us this season.  What do you think?  Who are your favorite new characters so far, and who do you wish would get hit by a car and sent back in time, Sam Tyler style?

Photo Credit: Showtime

9 Responses to “New characters I’m loving this season – Guest Clack”

November 21, 2008 at 6:08 PM

I can obviously only agree or disagree with the characters I am familiar with since I don’t plan on becoming a Troll, but I agree with your appreciation of Miguel Prado and Arthur Petrelli. I’m sure that has a lot to do with the actors since both Jimmy Smits and Robert Forster are strong performers who can bring something special to even the most cardboard of characters.

If I watched Prison Break, I would probably agree with you. I have never seen Rappaport play anything but Rappaport. I gave up on Prison Break during the first season, so I can be spared the possibility of finding out.

As for Daphne, I guess I’m more inclined to give her a pass. Yes, her hair is out of control. But, the actress has at least tried to turn in a decent performance and make a connection with the audience, which is more than I can say about Suresh. While Daphne is one of the many characters on Heroes to fall victim to the patented Jeph Loeb plot hammer, she has shown some glimmer of promise for redemption as a character, and I hope the people Kring brings in will nourish that glimmer.

November 21, 2008 at 7:45 PM

I really don’t know what you mean by not becoming a Troll?

Daphne could be a great character but her acting alone isn’t enough when she gets pitiful dialogue and her story seems to have been thrown to the wind. Maybe if we got to learn something about her past, the audience could identify with her more.

November 22, 2008 at 2:10 PM

Oh, that was just a smart-ass comment about the specific type of Internet Trolls who pop in to give their expert advice on topics they know nothing about. It is fairly common on some sites I frequent. I tend to qualify my responses with self-deprecating humor too often. It was nothing more than that.

That phenomenon is also why I made sure to specify that my Michael Rappaport comment was not regarding Prison Break, but on everything of his that I have seen.

And I agree that acting won’t save Daphne, just that I wasn’t quite ready to give up on her yet given the creative shake-up at Heroes.

Of course who knows if she’ll up and die in the next episode?

But since it is Heroes, we’d only have to wait until the next week at the latest for her to revive.

November 23, 2008 at 4:26 AM

Oh, well, in that case…thank you. :) I agree about heroes. I really thought Nikki was gone, but then, Heeeeeeeere’s Tracy! Anyway, the thing that I love about CliqueClack is that they realize everyone has an opinion and we’re all entitled to share it–it makes for a much more fun discussion.

The funny thing is, Michael Rappaport doesn’t USUALLY bother me being his good ol’ self. But in this context, he just doesn’t fit. Just can’t see the guy as a Homeland Security agent.

November 21, 2008 at 8:05 PM

I’m happy to get any Mary MacDonnell in tv right know, but c’mon!!! Aspberger’s Syndrome??? i google it (since i’m no doctor :) and aside of the social interaction problems that they have, it’s characterized by physical clumsinnes…
HELLO A CLUMSY CARDIO SURGEON!!! that’s a big strech, even for grey’s…
Either way, i love her so much that i hope that she is coming back… :)

I’m with you in the other ones (specially Castiel and Uriel).

In the “not so great” i agree too, don’t know about sadie yet (specially if that character annoys Yang), plus the other characters on the series are as silly as her.

November 22, 2008 at 11:28 PM

Nattyff, you found too broad a definition of Asperger’s. I’ve known many in my life, and it is far more social/psychological than physical. Much, much more.

November 23, 2008 at 4:21 AM

Well I was really hoping Dr. Dixon would stick around for a while but I guess she’s gone after a single appearance. Personally, I first read about Asperger’s in Augusten Burroughs’s memoirs, concerning his brother. He, for example, was only interested in cars and trains from a very young age and would take car engines apart and put them back together on their living room rug. He took that obsession into adulthood and became a very successful high-end sports car dealer. I didn’t remember anything about physical clumsiness but the social awkwardness and basically the complete inability to realize that something they say might be blunt or rude along with a highly specialized field of interest is what always defined Asperger’s to me. Dr. Dixon to me was perfect because she had that bluntness to her, having to say things as the way she saw them (“Then why are you talking to me?” to Yang because they weren’t working on anything together) but also realizing when she was being patronized and condescended to which made her so believable and heartfelt to me. I really hope they decide to give her an encore performance.

November 23, 2008 at 9:18 PM

Again, I think I might have put my foot in my mouth. I was in no way whatsoever trying to imply anything about your post. I think it is really cool that CliqueClack lets commentors contribute articles too.

I was talking about the type of message board and blog posters who crap on everyone else’s opinion and portray themselves as experts on anything and everything, yet never admit to being wrong when caught in their BS.

Hopefully, I did not offend, and this is another reason I don’t post more often. :-)

As for Rappaport, I think it might have a little to do with vicinity. Being from Jersey, I’m sure you were exposed to accents and personae like Rappaport’s more than I never was (although I don’t think his accent is as common where you are now).

My first exposure to Aspergers in anything more than name and brief description was the novel “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.” I later read a couple of Burroughs’s books and am looking forward to reading his brother’s book. I’ve since read some fascinating studies about Aspergers, and I’m interested in seeing how Grey’s approached it, which is the first time I’ve ever said that.

November 24, 2008 at 11:16 AM

No, no offense taken here so don’t worry. I was just saying, the opinions are what this site is all about, so there’s no need to be all walking on eggshells about what you think.

The Curious Incident(…) is a great book and I actually just got my hands on a copy of John Elder Robison’s book. I’m sure it’s as good as his brother’s stuff.

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